Hi, with the new proliferation of 1U modules/tiles would it now be possible to have a "Tiles" vs "Modules" category for 1U, whereby Tiles would be all the Pulp Logic compatible format ones with those tiny power connectors, and the "Modules" would be all the Intellijel format ones that use full-sized modular power connects.

I think this would be really helpful, as the 1U is starting to get super cluttered. Before it was sufficient to just sort by Mfr, since Intellijel was literally the only company making the larger 1U width. Now it's rapidly turning into a big mess.

Have to agree, although branching off a new category might be a bit much. What if the mods were able to instead add a "marker" of sorts to the tiles...something like a "P" for the original format, and "I" for Intellijel's?

But yeah...the tile situation is becoming the mess that I figured it would when Intellijel started bringing out these not-exactly-1U tiles. Didn't like that then, still don't like it. At least Analogue Systems FINALLY had the sense and decency to start making their not-exactly-Eurorack modules with proper Eurorack power connectors and oval mounting holes to avoid the wacky .5 hp discrepancy problem. Seems like Intellijel might take a cue from that move and make it easier for users to incorporate their tiles into something other than cases spaced for that specific format variation.

Is it possible to add a colour category to modules? Even if the options are just black, silver and other, it would be handy to filter modules by faceplate colour sometimes.

Is it possible to add a colour category to modules? Even if the options are just black, silver and other, it would be handy to filter modules by faceplate colour sometimes.
-- Tranquillitatis

Dude... YES! Having a color category would be awesome to sort by.

Is it possible to add a colour category to modules? Even if the options are just black, silver and other, it would be handy to filter modules by faceplate colour sometimes.
-- Tranquillitatis

And how exactly would you know/tag each module based on panel colour?

first thing i would probably do when trying to figure out the color of a panel would be to look at the panel. ;)

in all seriousness though, the only time i can see this being an issue is if two panel options are available for a single module and it only has one entry in the database. most of the modules with multiple panel options already have separate entries already though.

when you enter a module in, if there was a field where you can select [black][silver][other], and then make this an option when filtering results of a search... im not really seeing what the issue would be from an implementation perspective?

There are several issues/parameters that you haven't factored in:

a) How do you tag each module? Is it a tag? Is it a behind-the-scenes parameter?
b) Who will do the tagging? Modules are uploaded by users. The same users who up till now don't usually bother using the "panel selector" option which has been there for ages and instead prefer to have multiple instances of the same module with different panels. I'm not going to go through 7k modules to make the appropriate tagging. I doubt anybody else will.
c) Where do you place multiple instances of the same module when a DIY option is there and the official manufacturer does not want non-original panels in their group of modules?
d) If you want it as a parameter, in the same manner as Filter/Effect/VCA/etc then again b) is an issue, as well as the fact that you'll now have an extra parameter that needs to be factored in when sorting the modules.

All of this work just so you can search by panel colour, where searching for a module will bring you all the instances of the module so you can quickly select it. Not worth it IMHO. Panel colour is far from an important factor when searching.

My 2 cents.

PS: if I could I'd merge all instances of the same module under one instance, and have users swap panels using the panel selector. Not possible when manufacturers lock their modules with different panel colours (2hp I'm looking at you) as official. You search their modules and they seem to have double to available options. A shame, but that's what you get when people don't care for simplicity.

The algorithm in "show related racks" needs some love. All I get are racks that have lots of of one particular module.
I would suggest to not only compare the modules that are the same but also modules that are not.
So for every module present in both racks the score is increased by +1. And if either the origin rack or the potential similar rack has a module that is not present it's score get reduced by -1.

Hi, thank you for the hard work into such a great site!
I am now using the site to organize my pedal board and 500 series effects, and I do not see the datasheet summary option like for Eurorack.
Is the data sheet summary available for pedal board and 500 series effects?
This feature would help with power capacity planning for new racks. Right now I am making a spreadsheet version separately to capture this information.
Thank you again for all the work, I plan to support site for a long time.

Is the data sheet summary available for pedal board and 500 series effects?

no, it's not available.
For reasons I cannot remember we did not collect the power data for 500 series modules.
We have power data for pedals, but the data sheet has to work different because of the different possible voltages and the fact that the pedalboards don't have the concept of rows.
Both issues can be addressed, though.

Thank you again for all the work, I plan to support site for a long time.
-- paramnesia

Thanks for supporting!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Hm, am I the only one that gets irritated that the default search function has All Sizes included? I liked how 1U was hidden unless you turned on that radio button but now whenever I hit Reset I get to see all the 1U modules in there. Would it be possible that the Reset also retains/remembers the last Height selected? It does remember the radio button statutes.

Or am I just being weird?

I liked how 1U was hidden unless you turned on that radio button

1U manufacturers hated that function.

but now whenever I hit Reset I get to see all the 1U modules in there. Would it be possible that the Reset also retains/remembers the last Height selected?

It breaks the expected behaviour of what a reset does but in this case it seems like a good idea, so now it works like you suggested.

Or am I just being weird?

That is a complete unrelated question!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Thank you! It works perfectly for me, let's see what others say. I understand that it's useful to be able to have 1U/3U/all option as a drop-down, but it got a bit frustrating to have to change that part back to full size every time.

Many thanks!

I'm looking at getting some of these adapters for sticking 6HP worth of 3U modules into 1U rows:


There's a way to rotate a module 180 degrees, but not 90 degrees, which allows for showing these modules in the spot they're going to reside in. Is there any way in hell this could be possible to implement, putting a submitted module of these adapter into a rack, and then putting a module into that rack?

I'm looking at getting some of these adapters for sticking 6HP worth of 3U modules into 1U rows:


There's a way to rotate a module 180 degrees, but not 90 degrees, which allows for showing these modules in the spot they're going to reside in. Is there any way in hell this could be possible to implement, putting a submitted module of these adapter into a rack, and then putting a module into that rack?

Here's an idea I had that could greatly improve ModularGrid. There are a lot of ways to sort modules in MG, but two that I'd like to see are "Most functionality per hp" and "Most functionality per dollar". Could probably use a better name. What will those sorting options do? well, they will take the hp/cost of the module and divide it by the number of functions that the module has. It will help people who are planning a rack on a budget/with space constraints but want to have high functionality anyway. Just make sure to remove anything that will make you divide by 0 from this list, and maybe also remove blind panels from the sorting because if you are planning a rack on a budget, you don't want to be looking at an endless list of blind panels before getting to some actually useful modules.

I've been using ModularGrid for years and what a great site it is, especially for modules but also for pedals, even though I am really not in the market for pedals. Instead, I have used the Pedals section to browse standalone semi-modular or otherwise patchable hardware. And I have to say, it's a chore to have to visually weed out such devices from the pedals themselves.

My feature request: Separate the non-pedals from the Pedals section and create a dedicated section for standalone semi-modular or otherwise patchable hardware. The category name could be something like "Devices" or "Tabletop" or if those names are too broad, then "Semi-modular" but if that name is too restrictive, "Patchable Gear" even though that might seem too long.

Distinguishing pedals from semi-modular / patchable gear comes down to some pretty straight-forward criteria:
1. Pedals are designed to be placed on the ground and consequently feature a prominent foot switch. Even if a pedal can be used as a tabletop device, the presence of a foot switch sets a device apart from those that are designed to be used on a table and operated with fingers.
2. Semi-modular / Patchable devices are designed to be patched with cables. Signal input and output are insufficient; patching requires additional, independent inputs and outputs that modify the signal within the device after the signal has come in from an external source and before the signal goes out to an external destination. Virtual patching does not count; the device must be at least capable of being modulated by an external source through a patch cable. MIDI can be part of the device's connectivity with other devices, but the device must be patchable in the sense of control voltage, gate or trigger.

These criteria can easily be used to test specific cases.
- The Soma Laboratory Lyra-8 is listed among the pedals but is not a pedal. It has no foot switch on its surface, is meant to be played on a tabletop with fingers, and admits CV for voices, CV for delay and gate for the hold function.
- The Koma Elektronik Field Kits are listed among the pedals but are not pedals. They have no foot switches, are meant for tabletop use, and feature in and out jacks in Eurorack format for being modulated as well as modulating outside devices.
- Koma's RH-301 Rhythm Workstation, on the other hand, really is a pedal, even though it is patchable both to and from its 1/4" jacks, and even though it sports knobs, because it has foot switches that enable it to be played on the ground once it has been patched and knobs set.
-Moog DFAM: not a pedal, but a semi-modular patchable device.
-Moog Moogerfooger: a pedal, not a patchable tabletop device.
- Empress Effects Zoia: this one has attracted a lot of attention for its tabletop usability and internal patch capabilities, but it is still a pedal, not a semi-modular or otherwise patchable device as it cannot be patched from external gear, and just takes a signal and passes it back out once it has modified it in a self-contained way.
- Alesis IO Dock II: (Here's one that's bugged me) neither a pedal nor a patchable tabletop device, from what I can see. It only features signal throughput, but no way to otherwise interact with external devices (that I can tell).

I think adding a section for standalone semi-modular or otherwise patchable devices and separating out those that are currently included among the pedals would add a great benefit to the site and its users. We could not only populate the new section with devices like the Lyra-8 and the Koma Elektronik Field Kits, but also add devices like the Soma Laboratory Pulsar-23, the Sherman Filterbank, the Iotine Core Sound Processor and the Sequentix Cirklon sequencer (with its CVIO expander).

Any chance of being able to swap rows up or down? How about a hotkey for moving a module up or down a row?

Sometimes I find that a plan makes more sense if I swap modules up or down a row, such that the jacks/cables make more ergonomic sense (and the modules aren't easily rotate 180 degrees).

My feature request: Separate the non-pedals from the Pedals section and create a dedicated section for standalone semi-modular or otherwise patchable hardware.
-- sibilant

I hear you, situation is not ideal. But I am not sure that another patchable hardware universe will improve the situation.
I think many of those Strymon BigSky pedals are placed on tables beside synth gear so there will be a lot of duplicates in the pedal and patchable hardware universe. But maybe it will come, followed by the 19" universe ;)

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Any chance of being able to swap rows up or down?

We have this function for unicorn users! Find it under Edit -> Swap Rows

How about a hotkey for moving a module up or down a row?

You can hover over a module, press enter and move it with cursor keys.

-- DJMaytag

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

My feature request: Separate the non-pedals from the Pedals section and create a dedicated section for standalone semi-modular or otherwise patchable hardware.
-- sibilant

I hear you, situation is not ideal. But I am not sure that another patchable hardware universe will improve the situation.
I think many of those Strymon BigSky pedals are placed on tables beside synth gear so there will be a lot of duplicates in the pedal and patchable hardware universe. But maybe it will come, followed by the 19" universe ;)

-- modulargrid

In that case, my alternative feature suggestion for the Pedals section is to implement (1) a boolean checkbox for "no onboard footswitch / jack for remote footswitch only" -- if checked, exclude the true pedals from view, and show only the non-pedals; if not checked, show the non-pedals along with the true pedals.

Furthermore, in the Pedals section, I suggest as a feature (2) "CV modulation" be added to the drop-down menus of primary and secondary functions.

Except...there ARE some "rare birds" in pedal-land that are definitely pedals, but they don't have the footswitches. One is sitting just a foot away from me right now, in fact: the Korg X-911 "guitar synth". I've seen it used like that, with a guitar or other instrument played monophonically...and I've also seen (and used) it as a patchable processing device, with numerous patchpoints for synth functions AND additional footswitches.

My take on the pedals is that if it's supposed to fit on a pedalboard, and if it's used for processing like a pedal, then it's a pedal. But if it's obviously NOT supposed to be there, then it's not one. F'rinstance, the Alesis IODock...the idea there is that you can load up FX chains in the iPad that it's supposed to dock with, but I'm pretty such the last place you want an iPad sitting would be where your feet are poking around at other switches and pedals. "Recipe for disaster"-sort of scenario, y'know? Similarly, things like a DFAM or a Field Kit are also NOT supposed to sit where your feet are swinging around, unless you like broken knobs, scratched-up graphics, and dented panels. A good case for that would be Pittsburgh's Patch Box...very beefy pedal enclosure, but if you're putting crunchable modules IN it, well...

I agree, there's stuff in there that's not supposed to be. But it takes a bit of care to pull things out of MG that people have in use in their builds. Even so, the pedals category could use a tad of careful cleaning.

Except...there ARE some "rare birds" in pedal-land that are definitely pedals, but they don't have the footswitches. One is sitting just a foot away from me right now, in fact: the Korg X-911 "guitar synth". I've seen it used like that, with a guitar or other instrument played monophonically...and I've also seen (and used) it as a patchable processing device, with numerous patchpoints for synth functions AND additional footswitches.
-- Lugia

The Korg X-911 is an interesting case, and I think it's a good case of being viewable among the non-pedals when the checkbox to exclude pedals from the current view is checked.

I agree, there's stuff in there that's not supposed to be. But it takes a bit of care to pull things out of MG that people have in use in their builds. Even so, the pedals category could use a tad of careful cleaning.
-- Lugia

I'm not suggesting we take anything out, but rather to view the non-pedals display separately when looking through the Pedals section. Actually, I want to add more non-pedals, like standalone sequencers and samplers.

I agree !!

I Agree !

I wonder if that's a feature that is not working, or if I missed something, but I wonder how the search works for modules, I made the simple test:

Now, my understanding of a search bar is more or less SELECT * FROM x WHERE name LIKE "%mysearchterm%" but obviously that's not happening here, so what gives ? Is the search bar broken or is my logic broken ? :)

P.S.: shouldn't that module name be corrected ? Eurorack, Synth, Oscillator and Module all seem pretty useless...

--- Voltage control all the things ---

I wonder if that's a feature that is not working, or if I missed something, but I wonder how the search works for modules, I made the simple test:

Now, my understanding of a search bar is more or less SELECT * FROM x WHERE name LIKE "%mysearchterm%" but obviously that's not happening here, so what gives ? Is the search bar broken or is my logic broken ? :)

P.S.: shouldn't that module name be corrected ? Eurorack, Synth, Oscillator and Module all seem pretty useless...
-- toodee

Did you tick the include other/unknown box?

Thanks, yes, I did, but now I was just testing again and I'm seeing weird things, so I have to assume the problem is linked to my browser not updating the page after clicking the button, probably some extension that is misbehaving. Just tried from my phone and it's working fine.

--- Voltage control all the things ---

A move to another rack button on each module in a rack would be super useful.

Sometimes when clicking "sketch a patch" here at MG, the modules are moved and/or swapped back into an older version of the rack plan in use. This has annoyed me for years. My way around it has been to make a duplicate of the rack and creating the patch from this new rack plan.
Is there anything I have missed here?
If not, please see if there is anything to do about it :|

How? thanks.

Hi Peeps

Would it be possible to be able to have different width cases for a rack?

Up until now I have lumped my two cases, a Doepfer 9U x 84HP and a Doepfer 6U x 84HP base case, into one rack on Modular Grid.

I have always thought it would be nice to be able to see both of those cases separate but in one "rack" instead of seeing them as one big system. I know we can have many racks but I like to be able to swap stuff between cases without having to flip backwards and forwards between Modular Grid racks.

Now, though, I have a Arturia 6U Rackbrute which is 89HP wide and I therefore either have make my rack all 89HP wide and add blanking plates or ignore the extra 5HP per row I have in the Rackbrute.

Perhaps I'm being a bit OCD here haha!



Feature Request: Filter by depth. Certain cases are rather shallow (like skiffs) and it would be nice I could filter out any modules that just can't fit.

Feature Request: Filter by depth. Certain cases are rather shallow (like skiffs) and it would be nice I could filter out any modules that just can't fit.
-- WesleyM77

As a workaround: you can order by depth.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

What I'd like to see most is a button above (info) when you hover over a module which is 'manual'. It links to all manuals. This would be a massive time saver as I could just go to my setup and instantly find the manual rather than having to search.

I would also really like to be able to exclude clones from searches. Mutable Instruments is the most common, but there are others like Ornament and Crime.

Being able to exclude specific manufacturers would also be useful. There are some manufacturers Iā€™m simply not interested in seeing, it would be useful to keep them out of my search results.


It would be awesome to be able to get numbers of functions represented by rack, so one could at a glimpse see that you have X # of CV Generation modules in this rack, X # of clock generators, etc.. āœŒšŸ»

Hi Forrestbaer,

Yes that's a brilliant idea, in that way it's easy to see where you have a lack in your system, be it a lack of VCAs or too less EGs, etcetera.

So I would like to see that feature too :-)

Thank you very much in advance and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

One helpful feature would be to differentiate between owned modules and wanted modules. This way you could build a rack and then turn off owned modules to see remaining cost and power needs.

Signal chain order support would be tight.

I am a gazillion percent sure I'm not the first to suggest this, so consider this me echoing the many people who have already said it.

On a similar way-too-obvious note: an "about" section from the creator and a comments section for everyone would really, yknow, bring the whole room together.

Signal chain order support would be tight.
-- eablair

Wouldn't work in a modular synth context. With effect pedals, things are a bit more obvious, but with a modular synth, technically anything can go anywhere. For example, you would normally not use a VCO to control a VCA...UNLESS, of course, you're using the VCA to produce FM on the other signal that's being fed through it. Similarly, a VCF isn't supposed to be a sound source...but if you crank one into self-resonance, then it can be.

The whole point of modular synthesis is that as long as you're not connecting outputs to outputs or inputs to inputs, you can potentially get some sort of result. Not all of these will be useful...but some will be downright mindblowing.

Would it be possible to implement rack gear? I think it would be great for studio building, and there are a vast amount of units and ecosystems.....examples:



It would help build and plan a Studio Rack


How about in 'My Modular' there could be a Move Row Up / Move Row Down buttons? So when you add a new row you can easily move rows without having to move each individual module.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


How about in 'My Modular' there could be a Move Row Up / Move Row Down buttons? So when you add a new row you can easily move rows without having to move each individual module.
-- wishbonebrewery

Hey, you can do that under the edit tab, swap row X for Y.

Can you really.....
Wish I'd not just moved all my modules! :)

*Is that a Unicorn Only feature?

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Can you really.....
Wish I'd not just moved all my modules! :)

*Is that a Unicorn Only feature?
-- wishbonebrewery

Yes, Swap Rows is a Unicorn feature.

Oh sorry, didn't realise this was a unicorn account only feature. Super handy either way.


Allow "Add To specific Rack" for modules., esp. from module page.



I have several "wishlist" racks (I'm sure that's common); and it would be SO handy to do this. The current workflow for "add this module to my Oscillator Wishlist rack" often involves lots of tabs and sometimes copy/paste.

User Interface Thoughts

Re: U.I. - it would be easiest to implement this from the module (sub) page, rather than from inside a current View Rack/"Module List/Search" view, but either would be nice.

If added to the list view, it could have one of these options:

  • Live alongside the current icons (+, i, *, Collect) making 5
  • Replace the * (review) icon (which would then live only in the module page'
  • Appear only if you hover mouse/hold tap on the + (Add) icon, which would otherwise function normally

Less desirable options?

If this was added as a button to the modules themselves when IN a rack, it could have multiple functions. As a copy icon, it could be used to duplicate the module in the current rack, with a dropdown/pop up to select other racks instead. (This feels more cluttered and less important, though).

(Sorry if this gets duplicated - the first time I commented didn't appear to work.)

Attributes: They/them, Queer, Enby, Poly*, Anti-hierarchy, Nature/Tech Weirdo
Sites: www.overand.com | www.soundcloud.com/overand/ | www.youtube.com/overand
WTB: Euro VCAs, Mixers, Env Followers & Interfaces.
Building the modular since ~2003

I have an idea for a feature. Maybe it has been mentioned elsewhere. I would like a "Remove unused modules" choice in the Edit menu. It would be a quick way to remove all extra modules outside of the rack. I'm sure the "clean this mess up" cat would appreciate it.