Would it be possible to export the entire module database to a CSV or Excel compatible file? Sometimes I'd like to run a more complex search or filter than the website enables.

It's not a bad idea, except that some of the databases change so rapidly that by the time you'd got done with the offline work, there's a possibility that the export file might be obsolete. One thing I've noticed from doing the past two 'Kick Ass' reviews of selected Eurorack modules is that that pool of modules can grow by several dozen new entries a month...which makes it easy for me to highlight a dozen or so for the review bits, but the rapid degree of accumulation could be a problem for offline use. Especially around certain points in the year, such as NAMMs, Musik Messe/Superbooth, etc. Some of the new 'drops' at other times can be pretty significant, too; just the other day, Mutable pitched out the new iteration of their 'macro oscillator' and successor to Braids, the Plaits module.

Frankly, I'd also be curious if there were some spreadsheet export functions as well...but not anywhere near that magnitude.

I have two Doepfer Monster cases, both cases have two power supplies which each power two "half rows". Having the option to specify the amount of power supplies in that case and then assign modules to a specific power supply so that I get the power consumption summed up per power supply (and maybe also the sum of all modules), would be awesome.
At the moment I create temporary cases (one for the left half and one for the right half) which gets fiddly quite fast and lacks the overview a single, large rack would give.

Does this sound useful for you? Or do you guys think this is a more of a "special"/uncommon use-case?

Oh and I love this site! Thanks for creating such a helpful tool.

Actually, I have to do the exact same thing for the more promising large-scale builds that I've been whittling on. But I don't exactly see how this might be cleanly done; it seems like you'd have to probably specify the power system's architecture during case creation, and then going back to make corrections after the fact, which may or may not work out neatly, depending on what went into the module spec.

But also, sometimes when cobbling together the amperage-check racks, I'll notice something that maybe could've been handled better. So I'm not at all averse to that method of checking current loading. To me, it's just another aspect of the refinement processes of a given build.

Select and Copy Entire Row

I eventually invested in a Unicorn Account so that I could create/plan single rows (3u/104hp a majority of the time) with the hopes of easily being able to combine all three rows (9u/104hp) after I was do evwith the planning. ModularGrid does not appear to be able to group a set of designated rack rows/skiffs into a single group; however. It also does not seem to be able tonselect an entire group of modules in a row and paste them into a rack in another browser window as opposed to one module at a time.

Originally the row-by-row ssemed easier in looking at layout and power supply requirements; but, now to combine things together it appears I have shot myself in the foot and created a lot of extra work.

Are there any plans to address and add this feature?

Would it be possible to export the entire module database to a CSV or Excel compatible file? Sometimes I'd like to run a more complex search or filter than the website enables.

It's not a bad idea, except that some of the databases change so rapidly that by the time you'd got done with the offline work, there's a possibility that the export file might be obsolete. One thing I've noticed from doing the past two 'Kick Ass' reviews of selected Eurorack modules is that that pool of modules can grow by several dozen new entries a month...which makes it easy for me to highlight a dozen or so for the review bits, but the rapid degree of accumulation could be a problem for offline use. Especially around certain points in the year, such as NAMMs, Musik Messe/Superbooth, etc. Some of the new 'drops' at other times can be pretty significant, too; just the other day, Mutable pitched out the new iteration of their 'macro oscillator' and successor to Braids, the Plaits module.

Frankly, I'd also be curious if there were some spreadsheet export functions as well...but not anywhere near that magnitude.

-- Lugia

Okay, so they change rapidly. I'd still find it quite useful.

It would also be useful to filter out the modules with "no price" info, in the sort by price mode.
Does anyone know why this "sort by price" mode has at least two groups of sort by price, i.e. high to low, then another group of high to low?

Would it be possible to export the entire module database to a CSV or Excel compatible file? Sometimes I'd like to run a more complex search or filter than the website enables.

It's not a bad idea, except that some of the databases change so rapidly that by the time you'd got done with the offline work, there's a possibility that the export file might be obsolete. One thing I've noticed from doing the past two 'Kick Ass' reviews of selected Eurorack modules is that that pool of modules can grow by several dozen new entries a month...which makes it easy for me to highlight a dozen or so for the review bits, but the rapid degree of accumulation could be a problem for offline use. Especially around certain points in the year, such as NAMMs, Musik Messe/Superbooth, etc. Some of the new 'drops' at other times can be pretty significant, too; just the other day, Mutable pitched out the new iteration of their 'macro oscillator' and successor to Braids, the Plaits module.

Frankly, I'd also be curious if there were some spreadsheet export functions as well...but not anywhere near that magnitude.

-- Lugia

Okay, so they change rapidly. I'd still find it quite useful.

It would also be useful to filter out the modules with "no price" info, in the sort by price mode.
Does anyone know why this "sort by price" mode has at least two groups of sort by price, i.e. high to low, then another group of high to low?

Yep...the 'no price' stuff comes first. Next is modules which have a price derived from currency conversion. And the last are ones which have a 'solid' price depending on which currency you're using.

Hello! Sorry that I didn't have time to read all of this thread. I was wondering if it is possible or already a feature to have an alpha channel for the panel uploads; .png or .gif or similar so that we can have non-rackable modular items/accessories outside of the "modular grid case" (clean this mess up!). As a euro manufacturer that doesn't make modules, we would love to be included on your site. Personally, I would like to be able to have a count of my cables koma kommander, 0HP brand etc..as well and I am sure there are many non-rackable things that would be handy to keep tabs on other than a spreadsheet. Thanks in advance for your consideration.

Select and Copy Entire Row

Are there any plans to address and add this feature?
-- GRK_Astronomer

Currently you can only swap entire rows. Group select is on the list but won't come very soon.

so that we can have non-rackable modular items/accessories outside of the "modular grid case" (clean this mess up!).
-- Trinniti

It won't work well because outside of the rack, modules don't stay in place after a page reload.
The database is modules only. I see that it is a nice touch to track your cable hangers and such, but if we open up the db for things other than modules the database will be full of dreamcatchers, Lucha Libre action figures, japanese maneki-neko and what not.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

-- Trinniti

It won't work well because outside of the rack, modules don't stay in place after a page reload.
The database is modules only. I see that it is a nice touch to track your cable hangers and such, but if we open up the db for things other than modules the database will be full of dreamcatchers, Lucha Libre action figures, japanese maneki-neko and what not.

I 100% feel you. I was just trying to avoid becoming a "blank panel" manufacturer just to get on your site.

Personally, I'm not too worried about the Lucha Libre figures...far as I know, all of the ones that were available for modular use were formatted for Technosaurus's defunct 9U format. And the only Manekineko I know of was an obscure third-party accessory specifically for Korg's PS-series, mainly because you'd need the Manekineko's money-luck capabilities to afford the synth it was supposed to connect to.

The new Zoom function is excellent. One person suggested that maybe it could also be implemented "outside the rack", re: on the list of modules. Hover over a module, and press z to get a bigger shot of the panel. Doesn't seem that bad when browsing through the list of modules available; should cut down on time if you don't to open the Info page for each and every module.

One person suggested that maybe it could also be implemented "outside the rack", re: on the list of modules.
-- ParanormalPatroler

Yes, that would be cool, I look into that. First I have to fight the bug that it is now impossible to delete slim 1u modules with the mouse because the zoom button pushes the delete button away

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

I was thinking that if possible, it might nicer if the Info, Zoom, Rotate and Trash icons were in a sub-popup menu that is opened by clicking on a single icon (like a grey one with three ellipsis/dots). The reason I suggest this is because the 4 icons now cover over half the module face of 4 hp and smaller eurorack modules.

I wouldn't mind if the buttons were smaller also but I know that would make it harder for mobile users.

Alternatively maybe just a new option button next to Popover Off etc that would toggle the buttons on and off? Sometimes I just want to move modules around quickly and don't need and options but the buttons slow down doing so.

The log out period seems really short these days! It used to be too short for my liking and then it seemed to get longer and more recently it seems extremely short! :-(

If it creates too much of a burden on the server to have lots of people logged in, maybe time out could be a lot longer for Unicorn folks? ;-)

Small HP case sizes needed for MU and MOTM.

There are commercially available cases the hold as little as 2 MU modules so it would be nice if this were possible in ModularGrid. I know a 2 HP case in eurorack would be pretty ridiculous but in large format modulars it's quite reasonable.

I was thinking that if possible, it might nicer if the Info, Zoom, Rotate and Trash icons were in a sub-popup menu that is opened by clicking on a single icon

They are too prominent, in the way? You can hide them quickly by pressing ESC.

The log out period seems really short these days! It used to be too short for my liking and then it seemed to get longer and more recently it seems extremely short! :-(
If it creates too much of a burden on the server to have lots of people logged in, maybe time out could be a lot longer for Unicorn folks? ;-)

Mhh. I did not touch the settings in the past. Maybe some PHP update changed some INI. I have increased the values now. The server should handle the users we currently have just fine. In future there should be an US proxy though...

Small HP case sizes needed for MU and MOTM.
-- JohnLRice

A bit tricky. I have checked it, the graphics of most enclosures look scrambled with 2HP MU/MOTM...

I was thinking that if possible, it might nicer if the Info, Zoom, Rotate and Trash icons were in a sub-popup menu that is opened by clicking on a single icon

They are too prominent, in the way? You can hide them quickly by pressing ESC.

True but they show up again as soon as the mouse/cursor moves. I think I'd prefer just a toggle button at the top to turn the
buttons off completely when I don't need them.

The log out period seems really short these days! It used to be too short for my liking and then it seemed to get longer and more recently it seems extremely short! :-(
If it creates too much of a burden on the server to have lots of people logged in, maybe time out could be a lot longer for Unicorn folks? ;-)

Mhh. I did not touch the settings in the past. Maybe some PHP update changed some INI. I have increased the values now. The server should handle the users we currently have just fine. In future there should be an US proxy though...

Thanks! I'm not sure how short it was but maybe only 15 or 20 minutes?

Small HP case sizes needed for MU and MOTM.
-- JohnLRice

A bit tricky. I have checked it, the graphics of most enclosures look scrambled with 2HP MU/MOTM...

Yeah, the cases with feet and corners etc would look weird but Shelf, Pittsburgh Cell Style, Geeklapeeno Cluster might work? Or maybe there could be an "invisible" enclosure that is just a solid black or grey line, sort of like the "No Board" option for pedalboards but still acting like the other enclosures?

Synthesizers.com sells 1, 2 and 4 MU (hp) enclosures with or without wood sides:

Thanks for listening and considering requests! :-)

I wouldn't say no to an "invisible" enclosure for Eurorack as well. Same as Pittsburgh without the wooden sides. Not sure if/how to design it and add, but definitely interested.

Also, there are new uCases coming from Tubbutec, at 18hp. Any chance we can lower the minimum HP size of a case? Just curious. Not a big issue to begin with.

While on the MU format subject, given that some other firms beside COTK are now doing half-height modules, might it be time to add a half-tier option to MU? Something similar to how 1U tiles work in Eurorack...much the same row selection method could be employed in the rack creation interface, I should think.

I think a neat idea would be some sort of plug-in for the virtual rack system where the program calculates the ideal placement of any given collection of modules, based on an algorithm that finds the shortest distance possible from ALL of the jacks to ALL of the jacks, using the least (imagined) cable possible. It seems like there would be a cluster or arrangement that would by far be the most efficient way to make connections, for any given assortment arranged in a case.

While on the MU format subject, given that some other firms beside COTK are now doing half-height modules, might it be time to add a half-tier option to MU? Something similar to how 1U tiles work in Eurorack...much the same row selection method could be employed in the rack creation interface, I should think.
-- Lugia

Yes, that would be a welcome addition! :-)

The CP format has the same inconsistency problem between module heights that eurorack 1U tiles have. COTK CP modules are slightly taller at 147 mm then the ones everyone else makes at 143 mm. But I guess that's just something the end users need to be aware of before attempting to add CP modules to their physical systems.

Here's a thread on Muff's that discusses the differences:

You know you can sort by Depth?
Click twice to change sort direction. Valid workaround?
-- modulargrid

It helps, but i still have to go through the module description do have an idea of actual depth.
A filter with x = max depth in mm, that excludes all modules without depth definition and deeper than x.
Workaround would be to see depth displayed in the overview, so no further clicks are needed to know actual depth.
-- bj_gzp

New Unicorn user here. Thanks for the amazing site!

+1 for a depth filter in the search settings so if you have a case that fits modules up to 70mm in depth only relevant modules will be shown in the search. It would save a lot of time.

Also, how about the ability to copy or move selected modules between racks? Again, that would be a major time saver.

You can use Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V to copy and paste between racks on different tabs of the same browser. :)

You can use Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V to copy and paste between racks on different tabs of the same browser. :)
-- ParanormalPatroler

Bugger me - so you can! Thanks!

You can use Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V to copy and paste between racks on different tabs of the same browser. :)
-- ParanormalPatroler

It's just c and v without the Ctrl though.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

It would be really nice if the "show similar racks" only counted the modules once per each copy of the module you have in your rack. I mean, it's just silly that because I put an OTool in my rack plan that the number one suggestion is a joke rack with 48 more Otools in it... ditto for most of the other popular modules. This would eliminate a lot of the 'spam', and make the feature more useful for people trying to do research on what modules are popular combinations with their existing setup.

buying and selling to members

-- FSK1138

We now have a marketplace with a nice search function and a notification feature!

-- modulargrid

I guess i'm over looking.. where's the search in the Marketplace?


buying and selling to members

-- FSK1138

We now have a marketplace with a nice search function and a notification feature!

-- modulargrid

I guess i'm over looking.. where's the search in the Marketplace?


-- dugoutcanoe


There is a drop down selection in the module finder titled "Available In Marketplace" where you can select a few different ares of the world or global etc. It's nice because along with the other regular selections like Manufacturer, Function, Width etc you can quickly find out if there is a module for sale.

Crazy I've never noticed! Thanks JIR! I love your demos!

Here's a couple of feature requests regarding power.
- would be helpfull to have the 'manufacturer Approved' tag also in the datasheet
- it would also be helpfull where you show the total power consumption of a rack to add 'x of y Manufacturer Approved'

Any possibilities to have a poor traders thread? I had an incident where a guy from this forum sold me genuine Mutable Instruments Peaks but the module I received was a clone (verified this from Mutable instruments and they said it looked like a factory made clone, so most probably there are more clone units than the one I have).

The user who sold the module won't respond my messages anymore. Would like to warn everyone else as he seem to be selling a lot.

Could a "19" rack" category be added to the already listed Buchla, Frac etc. categories ?
I need some visual feedback on how to mount those genuine dust collectors/electric heaters units and am tired using PowerPoint for this. I think it's not THAT off-topic as it's always handy to have listed items and easy access to it (no "Reason" pun intended ?) precisely when there is already a "500 Series" one listed.

Your site rock anyway.
Thanks @modulargrid ! :)

I'd really find the "similar racks" function interesting if I didn't get tons of these types of "hits": ModularGrid Rack

Would it be possible to remove racks with many of the same module from the similar list? Or perhaps only count each module once even if there are several in the rack?

Problem is, though, that sometimes having a pile of the same thing is legit. Sure, umpty-leven Distings is dumb as hell...but someone building a large cab with, say, 16 of the same VCOs...potentially not so, especially if they're putting together a modular polysynth or some sort of major additive rig. The question would then be: 'where does one put that quantity cutoff limit?'.

If I have one Disting and 50 other modules, my rack isn’t much like a rack with only 50 Disting though. But that’s how it’s calculated.

Not a problem. Just compare how many I have to how many you have. If I have 2 distings, and you have 52, then we have only 2 modules in common, not 52 in common.

I would also love to have a feature of favoriting a module that you might want to buy in the future or that you just like without owning it. I guys the Notification on the marketplace is a bit like that but I would just like to have a favorite list without getting those notifications, to build fantasy future racks with my favorite modules etc.

A way to "star" (GitHub style) a module would be a great way to keep track of interesting modules.
-- Arko

I think we had similar requests in the thread on Muffs. A list for favorite or owned modules which is also accessible in the planner for quicker drag'n'drop. This might come.

-- modulargrid

You can favor modules if you are a Unicorn member. That way you get a tab with only the modules you've starred/favored and can browse through them at will. Super useful! I use that to see only modules that I actually own :)

When using the Module Finder (re: list of modules) one of the options is a small briefcase. Use it to add/remove modules from the My Modules tab. The tab can be found right on top of the Module Finder, right next to the All Modules. You can switch between browsing all the modules, or just the modules on My Modules.


Is it possible to:
1. add the hp value showing in the details of each module
2. when selling modules the location options are a bit limited, at least there is only Japan for Asia. I believe there are also other sellers what to sell modules from other Asian countries.
3. There might have some modules that have capability to switch power supply between +12V and +5V which gives different mA values (such as Qubit Nebulae v2) it can be shown in the details of the modules.

Not sure what you mean by #1. You want the total HP of the modules? It's on the Data Sheet link underneath your rack.

No comment on #2

I disagree with #3. The modules that do that are too few to warrant extra functionality. It's easy to cover for them with a custom module.

Not sure what you mean by #1. You want the total HP of the modules? It's on the Data Sheet link underneath your rack.

No, I meant when you click inside to see the details page of a module there is no where showing its hp value. I know it can be seen when you search or seeing the data sheet but it makes no sense not seeing it inside the details page.

The HP information is included in the info of each module. It's probably the only value that you cannot escape using when adding a new module.

You can see it underneath the blah blah included in most modules. It's located below the power info (if available), as a tag.

Additionaly, it is included when looking at the modules using the Module Finder.

Last, but not least, you can find it when using the Popover option and while you hover your mouse over a module.

The HP information is included in the info of each module. It's probably the only value that you cannot escape using when adding a new module.

You can see it underneath the blah blah included in most modules. It's located below the power info (if available), as a tag.

Additionaly, it is included when looking at the modules using the Module Finder.

Last, but not least, you can find it when using the Popover option and while you hover your mouse over a module.
-- ParanormalPatroler

Oh it's as a tag, saw it. Always thought it is written altogether with the current and module depth values. Big thanks!

I hope this hasn't already been requested, but I'd love to see negative filtering on module functions. For example, I want to search for Attenuators that aren't Polarizers, so I don't get attenuverters in my searches.

If there's already a way to do that, I can't find it.

I hope this hasn't already been requested, but I'd love to see negative filtering on module functions. For example, I want to search for Attenuators that aren't Polarizers, so I don't get attenuverters in my searches.

If there's already a way to do that, I can't find it.
-- Oldstench

Not possible right now. Workaround:
If you search by function you can set the result search order to Number of Functions ascending. You will get the modules with a single function first, in your case modules that just act as attenuverters and nothing else.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Would it be possible to add some more case designs to the rack feature? Perhaps Intellijel will grant permission to use their case lay-out? A virtual Intellijel case would be nice... it's just about the only way to get your hands on one these days anyways. :)

Would love to be able to select multiple manufacturers at once rather than just one at a time. There's getting to be so many different manufacturers now that it really dilutes searches and some of them are more obscure than I'm interested in. Lots of alternate panels and such too. This would be great for when I'm looking for a certain type of module and would like to compare what a couple manufacturers offer.

Feature idea for unicorn accounts; Patch cable length calculator. Connect two points on the rack and get a recommended minimum length for the patch cable.

Feature idea for unicorn accounts; Patch cable length calculator. Connect two points on the rack and get a recommended minimum length for the patch cable.
-- clnclnclncln

The patch cables change color when you drag them. The color represents the original color of the necessary Doepfer cable. Doepfer cables are color coded by length (at least in 2014 when I build that patch tool).

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]