Thread: 5 Minutes

(with VAT & UPS-shipping to France : 248 €)

Note : I don't work for Erica Synths; I like their modules.

Hi Zacksname. Totally take your point. I guess my question, though, is do people find they are more productive, have more fun, by limiting their options? I’m not planning on taking this out live, so portability isn’t an issue. If you were given a month to write an album, which of these above would you choose?

I am at an early stage and don't yet know what genre of music I'll be making or what the recording process will be.
-- ModLifeCrisis

I think you have to figure this out first. What kind of music/sounds normally come out of your modular experiments?

Hi folks,
I would like to record an album (or something) using my modular. I am at an early stage and don't yet know what genre of music I'll be making or what the recording process will be. At present, I am torn between using ALL my modules or scaling it back for a more limited palette. It's not like I have loads of gear - compared to some people :) - but I'm wondering whether to treat the modular like a sonic playground (all my modules) or limit my palette and work within the limitations to create something that is perhaps more focussed. I have come up with two alternative case layouts - both of which I could have without buying any new modules. Which would you prefer if you were presented with each case and invited to record an album using only that?

Small case

Large case

Hi there, any news / updates / advices ? Got the same issue with a Knit with calibration through ES-9 and CV tools

Thanks a lot Chase :) Much appreciate you taking the time to write this long post.
I had a listen/look at the Pony by BEFACO and also the Doepfer A-111-3.
I suppose I coud also use my Braids though I would rather not sacrifice it "just" for FM purposes :) Hence my question.
The SY0.5 is really nice indeed; not as rewarding straight away like a BIA but in the end it is more of my taste (analog thing about it...). The fact that it responds to velocity makes it a joy to modulate :)
Will go and patch now :)
Thanks for taking the time once again.
All the best,

What do you think about it?
Next Module maybe will be Data Bender.
I youse the Erica Lxr-02 and Dfam for Drums and Percussion.


Since the SY0.5 is a percussion voice, the pitch precision of the modulating VCO will probably be less important in most contexts. However, according to the SY0.5 manual, the pitch input does track 1V/Oct, so you could potentially use it melodically. I have never used the SY0.5 (although I have considered picking one up), so I can't say how precisely it tracks. If it turns out that it tracks with less than perfect 1V/Oct, then it wouldn't matter how precise the modulating VCO is because they would be tracking differently. You would also have to combine the voltages with a precision adder beforehand since the the SY0.5 only has one pitch input. Of course, this is only relevant if trying to control the SY0.5 melodically and FM the pitch simulaneously. Ultimately, it comes down to how you intend to use the SY0.5 in combination with the modulating VCO.

The Befaco Pony might be a good choice: It's very compact (4HP) with lots of waveform possibilities (but only one output). I think the lower rating it has here on MG is due to some peculiarities with it's TZ-FM input, but I get lot of great sounds out of mine. If you want multiple simulaneous outputs like the Dixie 2 has, then a smaller alternative to look at might be the Doepfer A-111-3:

I hope some of that helps!

With a few years of Modular experience under my belt now and knowing what I know now, this is what I would start out with if I was starting again, I'd pair this with an Arturia Beatstep Pro for sequencing for some instant analogue gratification.
You could save some money with cleaper effects units.
ModularGrid Rack

3x Sound sources (2 complete Voices + STO so you have some nice sine waves and some wave folding)
2x Mixers (For mixing your Sound Sources and Percussion)
3x Percussion sources (You can get a good kick out of the ADDAC 103 as well as incidentak percussion)
2x VCA (Small form-factor dual VCA)
1x ADSR (So you have more control if needed and mainly use for the STO)
1x LFO (Everyone's fav LFO)
2x Effects (Delay and Reverb)
1x Power

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

I am using a Michigan Synth Works SY0.5.
In this YT video, Ben a.k.a. DivKid talks about FM - audio rate frequency modulation through the pitch input of the SY0.5. I would like to know which OSC I should look at to perform this duty. I suppose one with as many waves as possible to have diversity. Would pitch stability be key?
Size and price DO matter: this VCO would nearly only be used to perform this type of duty.
Looking at a Dixie 2.
Any advice?
Many thanks,

I seem to remember Befaco saying that it was in need of a redesign a couple of years or so ago.
That and their ADSR need a little work in my opinion.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Its really too bad this is Module discontinued.
I own (2) and the added CV input control for up/dwn slew ( 0 to insane) and ablity to individually control the up/dwn slew rates with the sliders really made this a awesome Slew device.
I have 3 other Slew modules but other than the simple Barton BMC057 Gated Slew
the Mini Slew by SSF & Joranalogue Contour both have too much feature creap for my taste and while capable
they just dont have the immdiate form to function the Befaco Slew has.

I don't like the drum stuff in this small of a case. I don't necessarily agree with the comment above about too much sequencing, as I use sequencing as modulation, not just pitch cv, but i see where they are coming from, especially with drum sequencing. If you focus on all the things pams can do, then you see you do have some redundancies.

It is very difficult to pull off a complete-groovebox-total-production in eurorack. I like the idea above of looking at a ALM Squid Salmple as a core and then expanding as youve done.

I would even consider either pairing with a beatstep pro if you want to keep drums in, but would rather pair with an external drum machine, and then focus on the voice or pair of voices you'd like to pursue.

at around $3,000 this configuration might actually fit into my budget, and it still meets my total production capability aspirations. how do i go about getting a 1x3u 100hp case and what would that cost? can someone please critique this design? im looking for genuine feedback. i think i covered all my bases, but it would be nice to hear some genuine comments from the community...

please take a look and tell me what yathink

ModularGrid Rack

peace ✌️👾✌️.
-- singular_sound
For the cost of all of the drum and sample modules, you could get an ALM Squid Salmple for less money and eight channels individally triggered. Spend a couple of hundred dollars more, you could get a Rossum Assimil8tor which gives you eight channels of samples and lots of inputs for modulation. It can also produce single cycle waveforms (oscillator) and can sample and play back CV modulation. Personally, I think your rack has too much sequencing and not enough modulation or VCA's. Modulation is what makes Eurorack so powerful. I would pull your sequencing out of the case as there are lots of standalone options that are more cost effective. Believe it or not, if you take your two sequencers and the Pams Workout, you could just about afford a Squarp Hapax (see Thomann) which is an awesome and powerful 'forever' sequencer that gives you plenty of room to grow.

Clockwork is a prototype... so, you will want to look at something else... if you think steppy isn't enough triggers. if you're cool with all the 2hp models together... cool. for utilities look at Bear modular. uO_C goes a long way.

but i 'could' get melodic results from the strange-r and i 'could' get rhythmic results from the clockwork (if the clocking works the way i think) and i have enough modules to fill out all the voicing chains. i feel like the 100hp at the very top of this thread does have good performance flow and the concept isnt being appreciated enough, still, and frankly its hard for me to work out this budgeting, so, tbph, id rather just have a conversation about this design on its own terms, to derive some satisfaction 'ahead' of the time i put it all together to find out if it works etc. it seems like all the advice i have gotten so far has been working against my general concept, instead of trying to steel-man it. like, specific advice, if the clockwork will even accept a clock in, or if i have made a calculation error would be most helpful...

etc. ... ... ... ... ...



found the underwuridz second hand... but was again unsure, thought some glitch sounds could be fun. but again, I'm new and dumb so non attached, but willing to learn! 🤣
-- mantraflow

If you found it and you like it, I say go for it if it's what you want. If you do, you should take some videos of it in action - I've never seen it before, though I've admired some of the module concepts from that company (like the Bluetooth receiver with envelope follower).

now trying to save some space, but i also liked the idea of the quad VCA. I have enough space for two larger units.
Now with a quad active buffered multiple. The previous one only had 3. Really trying to squeeze alot of inputs and outputs into this space. The QAM doesnt seem like a bad choice (from my quick search of reviews), and gets the job done.

swapped out the huge multi for a smaller yet still versatile multi. It seems like doepfer has offered alot in my quest to have as many functions but also save a lot of space. Now to just sit on it for a while and think a bit. I think there's always room for improvement. As it is now, i've managed to save alot more space. However, i kind of feel i could possibly merge some of these into single modules and save on sockets. But i wonder if that would end up using more space? I guess it's a balance of space and sockets? Maybe something which could serve as both a VCF and mixer?

So, i guess i learned you really can do alot with a little space. While my first attempt wasnt bad. Giving myself time and having others help. I've managed to make something that's both small but powerful.

next are patch cables. Ive seen several different manufacturers of patch cables. Also, stackable cables and splitter cables.

waw thanks a bunch mate, alot to digest and dive into. will play arround with this, and thanks modgrid for this sandbox.

found the underwuridz second hand... but was again unsure, thought some glitch sounds could be fun. but again, I'm new and dumb so non attached, but willing to learn! 🤣

still trying to hold all thise considerations up against the nifty keys case, it's functionality and viability for my need.
still unsure if it really is the way to go, or just a gimmick...
basicly the only thing i dream of is controlling base note... but piching everything to smithereens through mods and lfo might make that redundant anyway...

I think the Maths and Wogglebug are good for a setup like this. The Ochd+expander you have in the new configuration is a good choice - you can also feedback it by plugging the various outputs back into the CV control input for more varied and unpredictable LFOs. Since Maths gives you two attenuators already in addition to its other goodies, VCAs are probably the way to go here. In a small system, VCAs with knobs are the most convenient. The classic is the Intellijel Quad VCA or Mutable Veils (discontinued, but After Later Audio makes a clone called Cloaks, as do other companies). Omnitone makes a quad VCA called Ampera that is smaller if you need the space. I wouldn't worry about finding a special VCA with special audio character, because those ones are said to sound good already and you'll want them more for CV here. Just go for value and control capabilities. The main thing here is just to get control over more signals and more aspects of signals.

ModularGrid Rack

I did up this just so I could keep track of everything. I put Ghost in instead of the other effects unit because the other one appears to be currently unavailable in Eurorack or standalone format, but you can always find another effect or multieffect that suits you (or track that one down if you need it). One thing I see around a lot is the Folktek Alter X and Y pedals, which are more like Eurorack modules in pedal form with CV control, and offer similarly grimy and potentially experimental (yet varied and tameable) effects like that other unit. That might free up some space for you to add more utility/modulation or maybe even squeeze a second small signal path in there (or expand your current one).

These are all just guidelines, and I imagine you'll want to go over all these things and check out the alternatives. Hopefully that helps. Your sound sources/effects are obviously the most personal part, but as you play around with stuff you'll get a lot more confident with all the other pieces and knowing what suits you. Don't be afraid to test ideas in VCV Rack as well. You won't be able to use all the same modules, but some are available and the concepts are all still the same. Multifunction modules like Ornament and Crime, the Distings, or the Empress Euroburo/Poly Hector (the latter two can exist in their own cases) are also great ways to experiment with new and interesting functions in a relatively small setup.

yeah, the price is "a bit" too much just for an expander.

awesome input my friend, i see you point!
a filter is also a great fun tool for hands on control aswell, so I guess the goust can be swapped.
regarding the "VCA/attenuator for CV" and mixer, I love a hint on wich direction to look.
any recomendations on modules are welcome!

The "clutter" comments aren't about having too many things, but about having an imbalanced setup and impractical module arrangements that would make your setup almost impossible to get results from unless they were just harsh noise or pure drones. A single row can be cluttered and cramped while a giant setup can be balanced and user-friendly.

For this size, the Loki is probably a good start. The Spherical Wavetable Navigator does a lot of stuff, but it also demands a lot of stuff to fully maximize its complexity.

Overall, it looks like a good start to me. That mult is surprisingly big, but if you have the room and can get a good deal on it, that's fine.

took some more time in looking to improve my modular. im thinking the quad vca/vc mixer might be enough for the mixing?

the wave table is super funky and interesting.

I'm leaning twords the pro workout for the sequencing.

the Plague Bearer PB-1E has some interesting filtering.

the multiplicity gives alot of output.

the quad vca because having more probably wouldnt hurt?

the mixer, i feel might be okay. Not sure if the stereo is completely nessesary?

updated rack 3

changed a few things in this version. I'm kinda leaning more twords the loki as my sound source.

the dual LFOs and Dual ADSR can add alot of interesting signal manipulation.

we will see. i have not 100% gotten the budgeting in order, etcetera etcetera....

by the way, related to the comments about how overly cluttered my original designs were, check out how much gear is owned by 'renku corporation', lol. check the link: ...

peace ✌️

You'll probably be a lot happier if you ditch one of the oscillators and one of the effects units to get yourself a filter outside of Ghost (nothing against Ghost but you need a filter or low pass gate that acts like a synth filter and isn't meshed in with the other effects), a bit more modulation (LFOs), and a VCA/attenuator for CV. Maybe a mult/mixer as well. The craziness you get from a patch on a system full of utilities like these will be a lot more varied and playable.

Just my suggestion. More sound sources/effects doesn't necessarily mean more sounds in Eurorack.

Mostly looking for someone knowleadable, to tell me if something is grosely misplaced, or some vital element glaringly missing...
thanks so much

thanks for listening - and for sharing it with your mate! interesting that you detected a pythagorean tuning, as it was actually 12ET.

Be sure to post some examples when you finally buy this stuff and get going. I can't wait to see what you come up with.

took some more time in looking to improve my modular. im thinking the quad vca/vc mixer might be enough for the mixing?

the wave table is super funky and interesting.

I'm leaning twords the pro workout for the sequencing.

the Plague Bearer PB-1E has some interesting filtering.

the multiplicity gives alot of output.

the quad vca because having more probably wouldnt hurt?

the mixer, i feel might be okay. Not sure if the stereo is completely nessesary?

unrelated, but for some reason. the link which would normally link to the rack wont work properly. Like it wont show the updated rack.

pythagorean scales are not my favorite, and i prefer a good bit of melodic progression (see: scriabin) but im enjoying this anyway. has almost a 24/7 chill study music vibe. ...

passed this along to a fellow music dude etc.



hey, zacksname. i fixed the 3rd row just for you, etc.

ModularGrid Rack


also, i wanted to point out, i came onto this forum with a 4x 12u 100hp concept, and got it down to 1x 3u 100hp (if you only count the 3u 100hp i have any intention of acquiring.)

thats a 16x reduction in complexity. i feel like modulargrid should give me a badge for this.

etcetera. peace.


Really excited to announce my album, pianola, which came out today on the Expert Sleepers label on Bandcamp. It's a collection of minimalist (and quasi-minimalist) tracks I've been making on the modular in the past year or so. As so many minimalists composed for the piano, I decided to limit myself to piano multisample libraries, loaded onto the Disting EX.

You can find a patch breakdown for each track, in the videos on my youtube playlist, "pianola: patches":

Don't be afraid to look at a complete synth voice to start with as well. Eurorack has lots of really interesting options for things that basically could run standalone in a limited fashion, and then you just add a module or two as you go along. A Moog Mavis or a Quadrantid Swarm (just two of many options) will work out of the box and even have their own case, though they can still be racked after.

There are also lots of sound-making modules with their own built in VCAs or filters. All sorts of varieties: Plaits, 4ms Spherical Wavetable Navigator, Befaco Oneroi, Gamechanger Plasma Voice. You could pretty easily start with these and 2-3 other things (the A-143-2 and Pam's or the Mimetic) and already have a fully functioning system as long as you have something to plug it into that can take the signal.

I also feel like the Niftycase is worth a mention. It gives you 3U, 84hp with power, MIDI for up to two tracks of CV/Gate (or 5 triggers/gates depending on what you need), and a quarter inch output with two inputs. The price is very reasonable. Those cases you looked at seem nice, but if you're worried about cost and value for money, Niftycase is a potential alternative and the whole package costs about as much as most MIDI to CV modules do on their own.

the concept is live improvised chordal progressions with a generative element on the strange-r controlling a demon core, and a set of sequences programmed into the clockwork where i can mute each part individually on the sir mix a lot, with full envelope, filter, modulation, and effects chain, with no extra gear needed in any way.

too abstract for you, zacksname? peace ✌️


also, the concept for the 3rd row is experimenting with the ways the dreamboats can couple together, which is why i have the octasource and joysticks and funny noise module, so i have enough options to explore very deeply into the possible soundscapes i could unlock.

(but it was mostly just a joke. im not sure exactly what i will do with the 3rd row etc.)



The main thing Eurorack will offer instead is unique experiences. AE Modular seems to have some great stuff, but it is ultimately fairly traditional synthesis without much variety in concept and interface. Not a bad thing at all (focused systems are productive systems) but different. You should probably start by looking at some unique sound sources/oscillators and a unique filter/VCA/low pass gate or other way of articulating the sound. I can't really be too specific here – this is a personal choice that will make your system yours. Maybe a unique sequencing system, as well. Something that feels malleable and musical like what you want, but operates in a more hands-on or abstract way to program a sequence (like the Mimetic). You can also use the Polyend Tracker in combination with a MIDI converter so that while the Mimetic or your other modular stuff (quantizers plus modulation are a great trick for this) actually does the sequencing and you can manipulate that with the modular interface, the modular is still being clocked and controlled by the Tracker in conjunction with whatever it's doing, and a combination of both can also be used.
-- Zacksname

I found that just having fun often can lead to learning new stuff without the feeling the pressure of having to be productive. Being productive has its place in certain situations. Just allowing yourself to get lost in your craft and not even thinking about time. I've often found myself to be more creative when l allow myself to just mess around until i end up on the edge of making something i really end up liking. i've done this alot with drawing and 3d modeling. I'll take the lessons i learn from books and mess around with it for a while until i get to a point where it really makes sense to me. And just keep messing with it.

Me wanting to show my 3d models done in CSG.

this is me messing around alot with a program until i got pretty proficient at it and made this. CSG modeling is a bit different from polygonal modeling. In some ways i felt it was more intuitive and a bit easier to learn. But the tools offered in the program lead me to make this. Something i probably wouldnt have made in a program like Blender. Because the tools in that program are fundimentally different.

What's the concept?

I think you should just buy it. The rack itself is so much easier to bounce ideas off of than any individual will be.

Your original post is actually a very good starting system except for a couple tiny things things that seem off:

What's going on with the 1010 Music MIDI splitter? Do you own or plan on owning multiple 1010 Music products or other TRS MIDI items? If so, then that's fine - just as long as you don't want it for anything converting MIDI to CV.
You can probably start with one mult like that. This space will help you with my next suggestion.

Whoops i was not aware of this. I was looking for something suitable for midi to cv control. And it had a decent amount of outputs.

The Octal Linear VCA is great, and I often consider buying a second one. However, that one is better for big systems with lots of different modulators. I think here you need something with knobs for controlling the level and/or CV amount going in. Intellijel Quad VCA, Omnitone Ampera, Happy Nerding 3xVCA...something like that.

The one i chose as the time seemed like a not so bad choice as i saw it had a lot of different types of filters to offer and quite a few outputs. I was kinda aiming for something that was very versitile. And not greatly aware something like that would be more suitable for larger systems.

I disagree about the Mimetic Digitalis not being useful in this context. Even when you're not using every part for pitch, it would be a good CV modulator. A Pam's New Workout might be a more versatile option to start with, though. Lots of clearly accessible modulation, gates, and triggers You can even take unused channels from it and send timed gates/triggers to effects or filters to ping them and create unique experimental percussion that will be good for complementing and thickening your exploratory sounds.

Interesting observation. I took the moment in looking into Pam's New Workout modual. And saw that it can serve a similar function as a CV modulator and then some. I guess im more used to more of the common sequencer since my AE system has one. Really shows how little i know what options are out there and it kinda makes me a bit more curious as to what kind of interesting things can be achieved with such things.

  • For a small system like this I don't know if such a large output module is necessary. I have a passive stereo headphone out from Herzlich Labs and I find that way easier to just get the sound from one thing to another or listen to my system without needing a whole mixer or something - plus I only need one for all my stuff, rather than one per case. The 4MS Listen IO might also be a good idea, since it has the output functionality of this one (minus quarter inch jacks) but also has an input so you can run weird sounds through your filter and FM your synths with external sounds and stuff. If you have specific setup needs and really prefer the Pittsburgh output module (or already have it), however, ignore me on this.

Again...shows my lack of understanding of the eurorack world. I have some 1/4 jacks and a external mixer. It seemed at the moment it would be something that i may not have to think too much about.

In general, I think you had the right idea the first time. The second one was a bit weirder and might not really work since it no longer has an audio rate oscillator and that trigger sequencer is taking up a lot of space while doing less than the Mimetic or a Pam's. A 6U case (2 rows) is worth a look, though.

Whoops, Yeah...uh. I was trying to rework it in the moment to be more sensible in my frustration..I kinda forgot about the for the sequencer i tried going for something that functioned similar to what i already had in my AE system since i'm already familiar with it.

The Mantis Case is cheap, durable, deep, wide, has good carrying case options, and will sell easy if you find it too big or need something else. Even if you choose not to expand much, it's better to have a case that's roomy and not quite full than be overly squeezed.

i was looking at the ALM-CS Eurorack Case as a potential option. I was also looking through ETSY for cases and came across a rather pretty looking case.

link to it if you're curious:

There is generally never enough modulation or VCAs (though you want to make sure you have enough modulation to at least open as many VCAs as you have and intend to use, especially if you consider some without knobs later). Good work keeping a balanced and sensible amount of audio sources to modulation sources and utilities - that really is what makes this stuff come alive and be different from the results in a DAW or hardware workstation.
-- Zacksname

thanks, i tried to cover the basics of a synth[VCO, LFO, VCA, VCF, SEQUENCER, ADSR(kind of a fav function of mine), siginal splitter, signal mixer, and output] tried to look for stuff which could serve those functions but also have lots of outputs and inputs and lots of potential. But i kinda found that rather quickly my list was getting on the more costly side. I would like to try to aim for great versatility (more bang for the buck) but also trying not to go overboard(which i may have, i dunno). Also, i kinda want to take as much time and not rush with excitement.

the very first 100hp posted is the core idea.

the third row in the second post was just to "fill" the case i was looking at and was just to experiment and have fun with coupling chaos oscillators. i did not like your new modifications zachsname. i wanted the drum sounds to be just set it and forget it and the 2hp modules do that. also, you dont seem to get what the strange-r does and how it fits into my design + focus on production.

believe me, i know what that 1st 100hp does and i would be happy with it. the third row was kind of a joke. your new design looks like a mess, zacksname ! focus on design.

nobody gets the concept. oh well. peace ✌️.


i know i dont need the pam, but its the most convenient way to keep the strange-r and clockwork in synch, plus, if i wanted one or the other in double time, pam could do it.

also, zacksname. i was thinking a lot about signal path and cable management that your new version ruined. with the 2hp i can cut out each part with the sir mix a lot mutes.

everything is a compromise and i think i wss making a lot of good ones. you dont have to use any modules. with your new design you were taking away some of the creativity. ...

(why is nobody getting my concepts, etc. ...)

peace ✌️😎✌️.

The main thing Eurorack will offer instead is unique experiences. AE Modular seems to have some great stuff, but it is ultimately fairly traditional synthesis without much variety in concept and interface. Not a bad thing at all (focused systems are productive systems) but different. You should probably start by looking at some unique sound sources/oscillators and a unique filter/VCA/low pass gate or other way of articulating the sound. I can't really be too specific here – this is a personal choice that will make your system yours. Maybe a unique sequencing system, as well. Something that feels malleable and musical like what you want, but operates in a more hands-on or abstract way to program a sequence (like the Mimetic). You can also use the Polyend Tracker in combination with a MIDI converter so that while the Mimetic or your other modular stuff (quantizers plus modulation are a great trick for this) actually does the sequencing and you can manipulate that with the modular interface, the modular is still being clocked and controlled by the Tracker in conjunction with whatever it's doing, and a combination of both can also be used.

No one else but YOU will be using your system. So if you're happy, then that's all that matters..... I can tell you are passionate about your choices, and that's the beauty of eurorack. However, I would reccomend starting with only a handful of modules (perhaps the core ones) and thrououghly learning them will show you what your system needs. From my experience, I've had "ideal" systems in mind, but they never truly stayed 100% true to tuition and changed as I purchased more.

I will agree you've covered nearly all of the bases for a groove box (my inspiration aswell), but there could definelty be better choices for the limited HP you're working with.

Also, having a pams and a clock module is a little confusing in such a small system. Maybe replace one for some more HP.... And for my last two cents, dont limit yourself on the modulation (LFOs, ADSRs, Logic, Ring Modulation, Attenuators etc.) Part of the beauty of modular is modular. Maybe look at the ochd expander.

It's about as close as I've seen you get. I still think this is a work, but I'll play along:

ModularGrid Rack

I've made some quality of life changes while still trying to keep what you have here. Rather than explain all my changes, I'll just say that if there are any you don't understand or appreciate, I am happy to answer any questions and provide alternative solutions. I can give you a rough overview, though. I will say is that I think you will be much happier avoiding those 2hp drum modules, espcially if you don't give them enough space. They are very difficult to use in a big system with lots of cables and options. You should be able to run lots of layers this way, as well as be able to sample and combine elements using the Bitbox so you can use the results of those patches while running other patches. "Band in a box" will always be better with a DAW, a more streamlined hardware workstation like an MPC, or at the very least as a large system built gradually by figuring out what you want from each "bandmate" using experience and going piece by piece. But you can totally do multiple things with this - bass, lead, chords, drums, and other samples all simultaneously. You'll want to throw a MIDI keyboard in there for the Demon Core, and you'll be a lot happier with an external mixer if you want multiple things going on like a full band, but it should kinda work then. Kinda.

Was your plan to replace the AE Modular or to add the Eurorack to it? Honestly, I think your AE Modular setup will cover most of the ground your proposed Eurorack system will cover. I would say that unless you just really want to try specific Eurorack modules that are different from what's in your current case, you're probably fine for now. I would recomend a couple more LFOs or whatever other modulation Tangible Waves offers and just looking up patch ideas. The quantizer and Ornament and Crime (if it comes back in stock) are also available in AE, and would probably help as well.

edit: I do have a Polyend Tracker as well and it is a great controller/sequencer for modular. If you get a MIDI module for your AE Modular, you can work that in easily and absolutely use that setup to do melodic bass and leads using your current modular, with other samples/sequencing/synth stuff being done on the Tracker or a DAW.
-- Zacksname

I was more curious as to what more traditional(?) euro rack modular had to offer from what AE currently offers. I'm aware this stuff can get expensive very quickly and want to take as much time as possible maybe getting something i could learn and grow for years. Something i can go back to and see what i can do with it in the moment.

it just feels like, maybe, i have unlocked the "secret sauce" and... i just want someone to acknowledge this congratulate me or calmly explain why i am actually crazy, etcetera. ...

i feel like maybe nobody has ever crammed that much into 3u 100hp in terms of total standalone functionality in the history of eurorack, and i want some credit. etcetera.

also, see how im just having fun with the third row? why cant i get a single comment like "im sure youll have fun playing with those 4 dreambots if you complete the case."

it feels like nobody here is at all focused on production at all. i cant get a single person to comment on my designs as total conceptual instruments. bandinabox should be the aim.

im done ranting.

peace. ✌️🤨✌️...

If it makes you feel better, you're not the only one haha

I only comment if I feel I have experience of the modules, and in this case its Ochd and Pams so I'm no use to you.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

i feel like im getting ignored. im finally considering spending real money and i cannot get a single comment of feedback.


Was your plan to replace the AE Modular or to add the Eurorack to it? Honestly, I think your AE Modular setup will cover most of the ground your proposed Eurorack system will cover. I would say that unless you just really want to try specific Eurorack modules that are different from what's in your current case, you're probably fine for now. I would recomend a couple more LFOs or whatever other modulation Tangible Waves offers and just looking up patch ideas. The quantizer and Ornament and Crime (if it comes back in stock) are also available in AE, and would probably help as well.

edit: I do have a Polyend Tracker as well and it is a great controller/sequencer for modular. If you get a MIDI module for your AE Modular, you can work that in easily and absolutely use that setup to do melodic bass and leads using your current modular, with other samples/sequencing/synth stuff being done on the Tracker or a DAW.

i kinda want to explore more standard modular synth stuff and see what I can do with it. I do want to do something more musical and maybe more rythymic. but I wouldn't mind trying to mix ambient with rythym. I do have some devices that can potentially control the modular. such as the polyend tracker and the launchpad pro.