Would be nice to get this better implemented as I suspect it's only going to grow in use soon.
-- exper

We have this now!
Multirow 1U support for Eurorack
Look here: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/forum/posts/index/757

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Genius. And nicely implemented as well. Great that it can be any row needed...

Genius. And nicely implemented as well. Great that it can be any row needed...
-- exper

Thanks! As always, I expect new bugs, so don't be shy to report..

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Is it possible to change the order of modules on a manufacturer page? eg: newer modules first?

Also a flag for "discontinued" on modules would be nice to indicate those which are no longer being made.

Is it possible to change the order of modules on a manufacturer page? eg: newer modules first?

not possible at the moment

Also a flag for "discontinued" on modules would be nice to indicate those which are no longer being made.
-- kisielk

that will come. production status is high priority ..

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

I would like to see a possibility to search patches. I have Module a,b and c. Show me all patches with these modules.
When i do a patch list the modules in the patch note automatically.
Thank you for your effort.
Cheers klanglicht

First I have to say, ModularGrid is such an indispensable site! I would have been completely lost and probably never had the nerve to jump into modular without it. I was happy to contribute by buying a Unicorn account.

My feature request is the ability to create module profiles/images that are not public. I have a few unique aspects to my rig that I'd love to be able to add to my personal rack but I feel will only cause confusion if they show in searches. Specifically, I've made a sort of breakout panel for my Kenton Pro 4 to make the outputs directly patchable within my rig. Additionally I have my Beatstep Pro mounted in a row. I know it's not 100% necessary to see this while arranging my modules but the visual sure would help.

It would also be nice to be able to select multiple modules at once to move as a group. Like dragging a selection over a group or something like that.

I don't know if either of these topics have already been addressed so sorry if they have.

Keep up the great work!

First I have to say, ModularGrid is such an indispensable site! I would have been completely lost and probably never had the nerve to jump into modular without it. I was happy to contribute by buying a Unicorn account.

Thanks for kind words!

My feature request is the ability to create module profiles/images that are not public. I have a few unique aspects to my rig that I'd love to be able to add to my personal rack but I feel will only cause confusion if they show in searches. Specifically, I've made a sort of breakout panel for my Kenton Pro 4 to make the outputs directly patchable within my rig. Additionally I have my Beatstep Pro mounted in a row. I know it's not 100% necessary to see this while arranging my modules but the visual sure would help.

You can absolutely do that. Just click the checkbox Do not list this module when uploading a module.
The module will not show up in the module search. However that is not a bulletproof type of privacy for your top secret prototype module: people can see the module if they guess the URL.
That is on purpose so you can still send a link to the module to a friend.

It would also be nice to be able to select multiple modules at once to move as a group. Like dragging a selection over a group or something like that.

That is a tricky one which might come some day but not soon.

I don't know if either of these topics have already been addressed so sorry if they have.

Keep up the great work!
-- Precarious

Thanks for supporting, have fun playing your modular!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

I have two suggestion that I think would be pretty easy to implement. Both would probably be added to the "edit rack" configuration page.

1. Add a field to specify number of power connectors

2. Add a field to specify maximum depth of the case

With suggestion 2, you'd know immediately if a module was too deep for your case. The system tells you the depth of your deepest module, but it doesn't tell you specifically which one it is. If the system had depth logic, it could warn you as you add them.

With suggestion 1, you'd also know if you had too many powered modules for your case. Just because 21 4HP modules will fit in an 84HP case, doesn't mean there's enough power connectors for all of them. If 6 or 7 were passive modules, it may still work.

Anyway, just a little thing I noticed. I love the site overall. A+++

Ability for users to annotate their racks in some way.

I use Modular Grid to explore and research future modules. I use the racks to group modules under exploration and use the rows as default categories by shuffling modules around the rows as I learn more about them. This alows me to see all modules under research all in one view rather than in seperate racks.

If rows could be labeled this would assist my use case.

Examples of labels are;
Row 1 "High priority - I will buy/build this module"
Row 2 "Medium priority - Looking promising, keep following threads"
Row 3 "Low priority - Just discovered, keep researching"

Thank you for reading this feature request.
Cheers, John

A CSV export of data sheets would be very useful for me as well. :-)

...option is to specify how many 3u and 1u rows to add when making a case. grow in use soon.
-- exper
That would be very helpful!
So far I have to sketch out my future 1+3+1+3 U x 104 HP case using pen & squared paper.
Or should it be 3+1+1+3 U : - ?

Lest I forget: What's there seems thoroughly thought out and works amazingly well.
So thanks A LOT for what we have.

Ability for users to annotate their racks in some way.

I use Modular Grid to explore and research future modules. I use the racks to group modules under exploration and use the rows as default categories by shuffling modules around the rows as I learn more about them. This alows me to see all modules under research all in one view rather than in seperate racks.
-- John Jacobs
Exactly what John described.
MG is the #1 module research tool for me.

How about: hover over a blank spot in your rack (between 2 modules for instance) and a popup tells you how many blank HP are there. Would make module layout even easier than you've already made it.

I've enjoyed modulargrid for a few years, mainly for Eurorack.

How about also supporting Pedals? Pedals have been an integral part of my overall creative sound stack since I can remember. Would be incredible to have that support here. Thanks, for listening!

How about: hover over a blank spot in your rack ...and a popup tells you how many blank HP are there. ..
-- pescatore

Also, in the summary at the bottom of your rack,
- show the width in hp
- show the name of the deepest module

For me using a rather shallow skiff it's a constant nuisance when planning on using a module,
learning late in the decision process, it's too deep for my case.
Speaking of which it would be helpful in the process of 'manufacturer approving' to make sure
power requirements and depth of the module is given.

Hello, I recently stumbled upon modulargrid and its a really great planning tool! Altough I have some suggestions: instead of the drop down menu to choose from a single brand and module type, a checkbox type would be cool. Because I have a limited choice of manufacturers here in germany, so I could like only check doepfer, mfb and some others, but no other manufacturers.
Thank you!

a check box to delete multiple message would nice to tidy up the inbox outbox

When creating a new rack it would be very practical to be able to input the power qualifications of your case (as an optional requirement) so power warnings are particular to your current setup, when modules exceed your case's power possibilities.

I wish there was a checkbox to search for passive modules only. Similar to the checkbox for including exotic modules, there should be one that says "passive modules only" or something similar. Checking that box would exclude all powered modules.

I think this would be useful because it seems like there's always a time when you need one more thing for your rack, but don't want to rearrange all the power cables or add another bus. I've also heard of people making a small skiff of entirely passive modules so they don't have to worry about a power supply. The feature seems useful to me.

Just an idea... I love the site overall.

When creating a new rack it would be very practical to be able to input the power qualifications of your case (as an optional requirement) so power warnings are particular to your current setup, when modules exceed your case's power possibilities.
-- ParanormalPatroler

Yes. +1. Great idea.
I actually suggested something similar above (on 12/20/15). I think MG needs some sort of power management configuration.

It would also be nice to be able to select multiple modules at once to move as a group. Like dragging a selection over a group or something like that.

That is a tricky one which might come some day but not soon.

-- modulargrid

Been using modulargrid since it's creation, indispensable as mentioned by many.

This one feature request would be amazing. I always have functional blocks of modules that need to be moved together. Swap row doesn't really help in this instance as half of the row needs to moved again anyway.

Also previously mentioned, is it possible in the command centre to rearrange the list. It doesn't seems to arrange alphabetically by rack name, but in a column to row convention rather than a row to column convention. It's hard to arrange it in an order that works.

Keep up the good work!


A random module button. When looking at the Eurorack modules, it's incredibly easy to get lost in all the modules. There are times when I would just like to look at a random module and decide whether or not it would be good for me.

(I suppose if you got fancy, then there would be two buttons. One a pure random, and one a random that I don't own.)

hi there,
maybe this is really sad but i just woke up with this thought about a modulargrid feature which i would like share here: there a hell of a lot hypothetical racks being created here. i am also filling existing but empty rack space in my planner with desired but not yet purchased modules as well. so here goes my suggestion:

would it be possible to consider a button on every module, maybe just below the info and delete buttons, to select if the specific module in my rack does actually physically exist in my proper rack or not. one way of visually solving this could be that once the button is enabled or disabled the module in my grid turns more opaque or, respectively, is displayed in all its glory.

this just crossed my mind because the bigger rack i'm owning has many more modules which i physically own than not. but sometimes, when i would like to acquire a new addition with a little spare money i have to think which one is the one which will actually make it into the rack then. being able to visually distinguish between the ones i'm using and the ones i still need to purchase would make this process of thinking and deciding a little easier.
plus, all those dreamy fantasy racks would turn a little more realistic as well.

what do you think? is that request feasible?

thank you for all your efforts.

The "wishlist" function would be cool, though I guess you could just create another rack and put wish listed stuff in there.

thanks for your comment. i see your point but in my mind we are talking about two distinctively different things here: one is, as you mentioned, the "wishlist". the dream rack. the plans for years to come. modules i would never be able to afford. racks i couldn't fit into my living space. just tinkering about with new visions. trying the unimaginable. thinking out loud. and so on....

whereas my feature request above has a slightly different view on the subject: a rack which is nearly complete (in this case 98hp on 15u plus 2x 42hp on 12u) and has only some 8 modules missing which are most likely to be purchased in the nearer future and which are also most likely to be the ones desired.

in such a case it doesn't seem to make too much sense (in my world at least) to create multiple racks which then feature only the missing modules.
what i actually envisioned to achieve with this request is a better visibility of the modules which i still need to purchase amongst the existing ones. just to be able to better contemplate over which one is the next one.........and to keep things realistic in a way........

Well we should have something to inform us of how many HP we have free on our racks and when you hover your mouse over a free space it should input the amount of HP free on the space! That would rock and would make my life much easier!
-- AThousandDetails

Took me a while but Space Guides, a similar function is now available.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Well we should have something to inform us of how many HP we have free on our racks and when you hover your mouse over a free space it should input the amount of HP free on the space! That would rock and would make my life much easier!
-- AThousandDetails

Took me a while but Space Guides, a similar function is now available.

-- modulargrid


Very cool!
I can now turn off that "ocular hp measurement feature" in my brain. :)

Two features i would love to have is having the currency selection (selectable by the 'show price in $/€' links) and the region settings in the marketplace (show offers from All/EU/US/etc...) be saved locally on the device so i don't have to change them every time i reload the page. I don't know how many minutes or hours i spent by now just changing these settings after loading the page. Would be awesome if the site would just remember my favorite settings.

Yeah right.

That and make the zone a permanent for the modules in the "Notifications" watchlist.
Pretty please.

some features that might push me to unicorn :

1U rows !!!
cost of case
cost of power supplies
cost of rails
buying and selling to members

-- FSK1138

At least one of those features will come very soon...

-- modulargrid

This feature can help

I like the idea that was mentioned above regarding annotation of our racks.

Along those lines, it would be great if we could add a text box, perhaps, on our Patch designs. I sometime have cables going off elsewhere (to a passive attenuator for instance) and if I could place a text box and run a cable to and from it, that would be great :-)

I know some peeps use effects pedals too, so, yeah, a text box would be great, if it is at all possible.


andy :-)

what about 5 rows? it would be easier to plan combinations of two-row base and three-row ontop without the need to jump between the racks

damn, just saw that this is possible ;)

thank you for this site, it's great.
The feature 'Show Racks of other users which share similar modules' in Command Center is interesting. However I think it selects and orders similar racks solely based on the number of the same modules as in the selected rack. So for a rack which includes a 2hp Osc we get this one as the most similar:
ModularGrid Rack (61 x 2hp Osc, nothing else)
and that's just not very exciting :).
Perhaps one easy way to mitigate this would be to count only distinct shared modules. So the above rack would have a score of 1 and not 61.

I have an idea. I think that the links in the "Module Market" section to eBay and the Marketplace are really useful. Does it make sense to add Reverb.com to the mix? I've been finding some interesting used euro modules on their site.

View "Good Traders on the Marketplace" as a single page
Even better: On a module sale page, next to [Contact seller], make a link to that single page.
(with mentions of the seller's name highlited?)
Possibly also list number of posts, number of submitted modules and other info pertaining to
reputation as a trade partner.

Maybe I'm missing something but I would like it to be easier to tag modules as "my modules". A key command would be great. If one has a lot of modules it's a pain. The only way I can see how to do it is in the results of a search. How can this be done more easily? I find being able to assemble racks from modules that I currently own to be one of the great features of MG....

Also - I haven't used the Marketplace but I speculate that, at this point, Reverb.com integration would be a no-brainer.

...would like it to be easier to tag modules as "my modules"...If one has a lot of modules it's a pain.

-- SpittingLama

I agree, tagging like 200 modules is a pain.
But much less so than mounting them in a rack.
And you do it only once.

New Unicorn user here, with a couple of feature requests:

1) On the "My Modules" tab of the rack design page, the ability to show "only modules not in the current rack". Keeping track of which modules have been added or removed is tricky with a large rack.

2) A counter for each module owned e.g. I own 2 x Mutable Links. Would be nice to keep track of how many have been used in current design, in tandem with above request.

3) Export owned modules as CSV or similar, which has been requested a while back:

Would also like to see an Excel-compatible spreadsheet of the modules generated from the program.

A CSV export might be possible, I will look into this ...

Any progress?


Maybe I'm missing something but I would like it to be easier to tag modules as "my modules".

Assuming the modules are in a rack already, look in the Edit menu for "Add all to My Modules".

Unicorn only feature, I think.

3) Export owned modules as CSV or similar, which has been requested a while back:

Would also like to see an Excel-compatible spreadsheet of the modules generated from the program.

A CSV export might be possible, I will look into this ...

Any progress?

Unicorns can just add .xml or .json to the end of the URL of a rack.

Not CSV but maybe a useful workaround?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Unicorns can just add .xml or .json to the end of the URL of a rack.


Not CSV but maybe a useful workaround?

Thanks, both formats are useful. Doesn't work with private racks, but I can workaround that too!

  1. allow the addition of "outside modules" i found the planner to be TOTALLY useless because it didn't include modules i'm interested in, particularly the metasonix rk2 xs-vca (tube VCA) which i consider essential. there were 1 or 2 other modules i wanted to add that weren't in your database as well. (PARAGRAPH) i had to do all of my planning in photoshop after resizing every module to 400 pixels height so i could drag & drop them into "blank rack" documents so i could include the metasonix filter and whatever else isn't in your database

  2. add HP as a search term. when building racks, it gets harder & harder to finish them, especially when there's an odd number of HP available. searching for 1hp yields SOME results, but i'm positive not ALL. it should not only be a search term that helps people fill all available space, but it should be linkable to module types eg. 9hp filter (if any exist)

  3. you need more categories. i'm new to all this and just trying to educate myself, but there have been several instances where i'm looking for a specific type of module or feature that isn't offered eg. FM. there aren't a lot of FM VCOs, but it would be nice to be able to zoom in on those as well as more common types of modules that shouldn't be crammed into utilities but have their own categories like voltage modulators. (PARAGRAPH) i think i tried looking for that "special" triangle type VCO (dixie II etc.) and found nothing along with "hot topic" vactrols. again... when finishing a rack, one might be looking for a specific type of VCA etc. that compliments the other types already slotted

  4. offer filter (& other module types) clone types as a filter SEM, ARP, moog, MS20, WASP, polivoks etc.

  5. offer module color as a search filter. i can't stand the look of mismatched racks and would add a row just for black modules and fill that up with whatever before building a mismatched

  6. fix your forum tex editor that can only count to 2. this is idea #6 even if the text editor hides it. apparently, when you create a second paragraph in a numbered item, the forum IGNORES YOUR numbering and resets the list to 0. i had to merge paragraphs to fix what your text editor broke

  7. speaking of hiding... DON'T HIDE MODULE REVIEWS!!! i look at a module that supposedly has 47 reviews, but go to the page... nope... no reviews. i haven't tried it since joining, but it should be public info seeing you advertise it. i despise such bait and switching

I love pedalgrid! Only thing that bothers me is I don't want to choose a pedal board (or even DIY plywood) - just put them directly on a floor of choice. Still would like to choose the size for the surface I put them on (like the DIY option).

Please increase the max. allowed eurorack case hp width. I have a case that's two rows of 200hp each and can't add it because the max. width seems to be 168hp atm ;)

just put them directly on a floor of choice. Still would like to choose the size for the surface I put them on (like the DIY option).

Good idea, this will come.

Please increase the max. allowed eurorack case hp width. I have a case that's two rows of 200hp each and can't add it because the max. width seems to be 168hp atm ;)
-- BigElbowski

Let me introduce the premium account to you: Unicorn Account

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

  1. allow the addition of "outside modules" i found the planner to be TOTALLY useless because it didn't include modules i'm interested in

You can upload modules yourself

particularly the metasonix rk2 xs-vca (tube VCA) which i consider essential.

That module is listed here

  1. add HP as a search term. when building racks, it gets harder & harder to finish them, especially when there's an odd number of HP available. searching for 1hp yields SOME results, but i'm positive not ALL. it should not only be a search term that helps people fill all available space, but it should be linkable to module types eg. 9hp filter (if any exist)

It already works that way. You can search for 9HP filters.

  1. you need more categories.[...]

It has it's pro and cons. We try to keep the function list lean. That is more useful for beginners

  1. offer module color as a search filter. i can't stand the look of mismatched racks and would add a row just for black modules and fill that up with whatever before building a mismatched

that is a good point. But it's one thing to provide a search filter and an other thing to set the color value in the 4000+ modules. Still I put this on my dev list.

  1. fix your forum tex editor that can only count to 2. this is idea #6 even if the text editor hides it. apparently, when you create a second paragraph in a numbered item, the forum IGNORES YOUR numbering and resets the list to 0. i had to merge paragraphs to fix what your text editor broke

I see, but it is not easy to fix. This is a Markdown editor, similar as on Reddit or Github. I am using a 3rd party PHP module for the parsing. For (PARAGRAPH) hit enter twice or add two spaces at the end of the line.

  1. speaking of hiding... DON'T HIDE MODULE REVIEWS!!! i look at a module that supposedly has 47 reviews, but go to the page... nope... no reviews. i haven't tried it since joining, but it should be public info seeing you advertise it. i despise such bait and switching

That is a misunderstanding. You can rate a module with 1 to 5 stars. Those 47 reviews are actual user votes for the specific module.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

I love pedalgrid! Only thing that bothers me is I don't want to choose a pedal board (or even DIY plywood) - just put them directly on a floor of choice. Still would like to choose the size for the surface I put them on (like the DIY option).

We have that now!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]
