Thread: "Normalized"

Thanks @farkas and @Lugia, definitely helps me understand that...

Another question, using the example of Veils (since I have it)..if I go into inputs 1 and 2 with stereo outputs from, say my Disting EX, and then out from just output that signal stereo or summed to mono, or maybe its just the R channel of stereo signal?


Thread: "Normalized"

Can someone help me understand what it means when a specification for a module states something like "The right VCA is normalized to the left VCA" both from a technical perspective but also from a 'use-case' perspective?


Thanks for sharing this...I just got a Disting EX last week and very interested to try the poly exciter...can you explain more about how you are using that in this piece?

Also love that you have a Ts-L because I just ordered one which will be here next week :)


I'm surprised with the popularity of modular these days, that more companies like Focusrite haven't made their audio interfaces to be DC coupled...thanks to you, I was able to find a very inexpensive MOTU 828 and it has been doing what I need (or as much as I know how to exploit at this time...which I'm sure is very little) with my desire to interface my modular setup with Ableton CV tools.

I don't have the history you do...not even close...but I'm curious about your comment about E-mu and mostly because I bought one of the XK-6 keyboards twenty years ago, acquired a couple nice ROMs to go with it over time (Techno Synth Construction Yard and Proteus 2000). I've thought about selling the keyboard (too big for the space I have) and getting one of the E-mu modules that has 4 SIMM sockets to use the two extra ROMs but people are asking crazy $ for the ROMs which I can easily use to support my newfound modular addiction :) It would be cool if there was a way to use the ROMs I have as a sample source for my modular setup...plug the ROM into a module and boom, tons of nice sounds


kinks is good but discontinued - wmd/ssf toolbox is good substitute - but 6hp - I'd prioritise this over new sound source - more utilities better than more sound sources imo!
I was able to find kinks at detroit modular :)

no idea about rack wart... don't use them - waste of space if you ask me!!!
Can't disagree with you on that...the Rackbrute 6U was a 'post' Minibrute 2 the idea that I could connect and possibly carry it all I have to accept the wasted space for now (unless I find a really cool modification I can d0...that I would feel comfortable power it differently).

maybe in next case with next sound source!!!
Funny you should say that as I was just looking at cases...someone had a Frap 84HP case that I was looking at but you still end up having to install a power supply as a module with that...what would you recommend to complement my 6U now? Would like to keep the same size (84HP roughly) as the 6U width-wise as it fits nicely in the space where I have my 6U/Hydrasynth/Beatstep Pro

-- JimHowell1970


Final decisions and purchases made to complete my Rackbrute 6U build (although is anything ever complete in modular?)
For the last 10HP that I had available, I decided to go with Instruo Ts-L and Mutable Instruments Kinks
I do see one modification coming and that is to replace the Ladik Gateable Slew Limiter with a Disting MK4 (which has the slew limiting functionality and of course much more)

I do have a question, I am considering moving the Rackbrute power supply to the lower right...but this is also where I currently have my Bastl Ciao quad line output....bad idea to have the power right next to the output like that? maybe I move power back to upper left corner and Ciao next to the Cosmix and Preamp and Warps comes down to lower right...

ModularGrid Rack


It should only light up when there is a signal going into it. If it doesn't light up then, then there is a problem.
-- snowtires

will test tommorow

-- Broken-Form

I have MI Veils 2020, don't have it patched to anything at the moment but when I move the sliders up, the tip on the sliders do light up...same with the knobs directly above the sliders...if you turn those, the light on the tip of the slider also lights up.


Hey all...just wanted to let you know that I had reached out to the ModWiggler Disting EX page and sure enough, Mr. Ostler was very quick to respond with a suggested fix which worked perfectly. Was able to update my firmware to 1.9 and now the "V" knob backs out of menus.

In my case a very gentle lever/pry under the knob cab slightly lifted the cap into position (there was a definitive 'slip' upward as I gently lifted it to where you could tell it almost snapped into place).

Very impressed with his responsiveness to my issue...and VERY excited to begin digging in to the Disting EX :)


I just bought a Disting EX from someone on another modular sales site and my first action was to update the firmware (had 1.7.1 on it and I wanted to update to 1.9). I followed instructions for downloading the latest firmware to the micro sd card and when you power on, you hold the "P" button down. You are provided a list of firmwares on the card to scroll through with the "V" knob and I can see the 1.9 version I downloaded to it. Once highlighted, you're supposed to press the "V" knob to start the is where nothing happens. I've tried a few times now and it doesn't respond to pressing the "V" knob. I've also tried other "V" knob functions like diving into a menu and pressing the "V" knob is supposed to back out of the menu...nothing.

I am meticulously careful with my modular stuff, taking a lot of care when installing, etc...I think this is a valid reason to request a return from the seller and wondering what others thought in this case. I did purchase using PayPal with the 3% fee.

I've bought other stuff from sellers and never had an issue before bummed as I was looking forward to having this in my rack. It works otherwise except for the "V" knob issue...which is a big issue.


Additional sequencer is more about CV control, there are things that you can do with mangling CV that gets very organic results in eurorack. You can get close with max for Live's Midi lfo in Ableton and mapping them accordingly, but I also spend so much time with computer that it's nice to have something that you can put your finger on!


-- jussilampela

Cool...I got an ornament & crime to try and get some of that 'organic' sequenced mangling going on too
I hear you on the computer time and nice to have something to put your finger on :)


I am also using Ableton but have a Beatstep Pro...I've been using the BSP as my primary clock source in my setup (which also includes a Hydrasynth desktop and my Rackbrute 6U. Also more recently integrated iSpark (drum machine) on my iPad with it as well (so I can have drums if I ever go remote...Ableton is on a desktop for me currently)

If I'm not mistaken, that DFAM has its own enclosure? It takes up a HUGE chunk of real estate in your setup. There is a calculation that can be done to demonstrate the extra $ it costs to include that in your setup...maybe you're considering removing it when you fill up more HP on your setup?

Curious as to why you're looking for more sequencing power when you are using Ableton Live and KSP...are you using CV Tools in Ableton? what are you looking to do with adding a sequencer in rack (more just curious than anything since I'm newer to modular).


Happy Nerding FX Aid XL and 3X VCA
Frap Tools 321
-- jb61264

I was thinking about that FX Aid XL but is there a point in having it when I already have Erica Synths Black Hole DSP?

What would be the best filter to get right now? Possibly not the cleaniest one, or it doesn't matter?
Frap Tools 321 - is it similar to how Veils work? How can I utilize it in my setup efficiently?

And a very noob question - most voices like Manis Iteritas are mono.. am I right? I'm a total beginner and was a bit surprised that when plugging it (Manis) to Erica's Black Mixer it gives my the mono audio only.

-- Arrus

I'm new to modular as well, but before jumping into anything I did quite a bit of reading/research and asked a lot of questions here and elsewhere. There will be others on MG that are far better at answering your questions than I am :)

With such a small setup (I have a Rackbrute 6U as well)...taking up HP with larger modules like the Black Hole (16HP) when you can use something like FX Aid XL (6HP) makes no sense. You have an extra 10HP to use on other utilities if you switch them out. Not bashing the Black Hole at all (never used it or read any reviews about it)...but with a smaller setup like this, you should focus on smaller modules that give you similar features/functionality. That Hermod sequencer is nice, but you could probably find a smaller HP sequencer that will do what you are wanting. I bought an ornament & crime module that can do some sequencing (and a million other things too) in 8HP but also bought a Beatstep Pro as the main sequencer in my setup (so I'm not taking any HP in my setup for a sequencer).

Filters are really a matter of personal taste...there are many flavors out there...some with a very specific characteristic (Jove by System80 emulates the Roland Jupiter 6) and some which give you a wide variety of potential characteristics (Neutron Flux by Supercritical Synthesizers).

321 is quite different to Veils...I would recommend spending some time reading up on the two to discover what those differences are...Veils is a VCA where 321 is more of a "utility" module.


Happy Nerding FX Aid XL and 3X VCA
Frap Tools 321


No idea, but my 6U's are heavily modified - power, custom ventilation, mixed media decoration. Why? For the same reason, I build custom PC's when others buy them off the shelf.

a. I've run completely stock -full 6U cases and had zero heat problems. And I've tested them with the same gear I use to do heat map, airflow, and ventilation design for the PCs.

b. Working to make some custom powder-coated blanks with varying ventilation designs and colors in useful hp sizes, but covid and paying projects have slowed things down a tad.

-- Vow3ll

Badass man! do you have any videos of your 6U mods?


Talking of heat, I think the Rackbrute case I bought had a problem, it got really hot and smelled like burning plastic and made the room stink. This ended up going back to the supplier who fit a new Power supply and sent it back. I'd lost faith in it by this point so left it boxed up and sold it on.
I'd never had a problem with my TipTop uZeus (x2) or my subsequent KonstantLab Power, I even found some of my modules ran cooler when NOT in the Rackbrute.

Hopefully this was a one-off and you'll have a good experience with Arturia.
-- wishbonebrewery
Did you have any 1HP gap on your Rackbrute 6U? I found that after I put in 88HP of modules, there is a 1HP gap...if you had that as well and still had overheating issues, I'm going to be concerned.


Arturia is probably stating that the width is 88 hp because they want some airflow around the edges of the module layout. This is a perfectly valid way to keep heat buildup in the cab from becoming a problem, as overheating can damage components (caps especially) over time, alter module calibrations, screw with tuning stability, and the like.
-- Lugia
I did discover that there is a 1HP difference after filling in the top row of my Rackbrute 6U. On modular grid, the HP maps out to fit the 88HP perfectly but when I fill in my modules, sure enough, there is a 1HP gap at the end. I wonder how effective/efficient that will be for overheating? They could have easily just built some circular or rectangular vents into the side of the Rackbrute.


The RackBrute 3U and 6U cases are actually 89 HP wide, and if you replace the PS panel, you've got an extra 2 hp.
-- Vow3ll
I'll be darned if you're not right! :)
Today I received my Quadrax QX Expander after searching for one for the last 4-5 months. It was the last component I needed in order to fill out the top row of my Rackbrute 6U. With the rack on Modular Grid, what I had in place for the advertised 88HP fit perfectly, but after moving my modules around to match how I had it laid out on MG, there is 1HP gap at the end.

I wonder why they didn't just build ventilation into the side of the panel? even a smaller circular vent would have been very efficient I think. I don't know how effective a 1HP gap will be but I guess its better than nothing.


The RackBrute 3U and 6U cases are actually 89 HP wide, and if you replace the PS panel, you've got an extra 2 hp.
-- Vow3ll
So Arturia falsely advertises 88HP? Not sure I'm following you...their website specifies 88 for 3U, 176 for 6U
What are you suggesting replacing the PS panel with?


Void's probably following the Brian Eno logic for how to figure out synthesizers: install, toss operating directions out, develop own methods instead. And that's perfectly valid...the other school of thought is to pore over the docs before using, but the critique there is that what you learn is a rather "doctrinaire" set of use methods.

As for the different filters, here's a different and potentially better idea: Instead of changing the filter, add this after the Gravitational Waves to alter the waveforms in ways that the dual oscillator alone can't. Whenever you do waveshaping of any sort, what happens is that the waveform gets altered in some way, which then alters the harmonic content of the original sound. This sort of circuit is in the Moonphase, but it's much more flexible to NOT have the waveshaper in another module, as you can also use them for screwing around with LFO waveforms.
-- Lugia
I'm happy to take the Eno logic path on a module, just not sure about doubling up on it with Sirius' Veil too. So with Timbre & Timbre is it doing what is also called "wavefolding"? Are waveshaping and wavefolding the same? With my Hydrasynth, I do have the ability to do ring that a form of waveshaping? I also have Warps which I would assume is also waveshaping/wavefolding? I think I do want to have a 'filter' occupy that space...just not sure which one makes most sense.

I do like the cool factor you described with the Doepfer A-143-9...if I got Neutron Flux for my filter that would give me 12HP...8HP for the Doepfer with 4HP which could possibly go to Kinks if I could find one. SSF Toolbox would be nice but is 2HP too big.


Precisely. The module outputs four sines, but each output is offset from the previous one by 90 degrees. So if you were to use each quadrature out to, say, control the Veils, what you would get is a continuous overlap of the different VCA outs, fading in and out of each quadrature-controlled VCA. This can also have some fun with the 321 and especially the Sirius' Veil, plus you might find a couple of these outputs amusing for modulating the FX Aid XL by using the 180-degree-opposed outs.

-- Lugia

Cool...thanks Lugia! Any thoughts on my filter dilemma? I had planned on Sirius' Veil but am wondering if I should opt for Neutron Flux (yes more $ but for my smaller setup maybe a lot more filter flexibility?)...had also looked at Moonphase from Patching Panda. Nothing against Void Modular but he doesn't currently have very good documentation on his modules...still toying around with Gravitational Waves...not that I don't love to tinker but a little guidance documentation would be nice :)


I can see the temptation of another filter here but I'd probably add more modulation or utilities, maybe a Turing Machine, Links or Kinks (even though those two are out of print I guess? what do we recommend now???) or barring that a different end of chain effect, maybe a Beads.
-- troux
well, I'm not really 'adding' another filter...just considering which one to get...planned on Sirius' Veil (which is the same builder as my VCO Gravitational Waves) but now wondering if Neutron Flux makes more sense for my small setup (more $ but 2HP smaller and I think a lot more flexibility). My question is what to fill the remaining 10HP (or 12HP if I go with Neutron Flux) with...thought another VCO since I have Warps and might be a good to have another to use with that and to just have another VCO. The Make Noise Wogglebug has some nice extra features besides being another VCO. Lugia brought up maybe adding Doepfer's A-143-9


Here's a twisted idea for #2: instead of going with a VCO, you might find this more useful both as a sine VCO (up to a certain range) AND as a special LFO: Doepfer's A-143-9. Quadrature LFO modulation might sound quite interesting...for example, you could send the four phase-shifted outputs to the Veils' CV ins and get a perfect overlapping "strum" from the VCAs. Other possibilities are there, too...
-- Lugia

Interesting you say that...before I went down the path of just adding another VCO (Richter Wogglebug, MANGROVE, Loquelic Iteritas, Manis Iteritas, Cursus Iteritas were in the HP range I was considering) I did searches on primary=VCO secondary=LFO because I was wondering if I had LFO covered but then remembered I have Maths and Quadrax (I just today got notification that Perfect Circuit has QX Expander in and ordered immediately!!) so figured I had that realm pretty well covered. Is the Doepfer you recommend sort of a 'specialty' VCO/LFO module then? vs like what came up in my search (Dixie II+ and others)


To date, I have everything in my rack except the Sirius' Veil (filter that I had considered pairing with the same buidlers VCO to the left) and QX Expander for Quadrax (keeping space reserved for whenever Intellijel decides to release more...ugh, impossible to find one right now)
ModularGrid Rack

Would love feedback on the questions below:

  1. I have 14HP set aside for Sirius' Veil but recently considered Patching Panda Moonphase (same HP...better features?) or Supercritical Synthesizers Neutron Flux (2HP smaller...that price though). Aside from the module names being a great match (gravitational waves and moonphase...seriously how could they not be a perfect match) any thoughts on one or the other? Also looking at the Neutron Flux now...I would gain 2HP but that price is certainly giving me a little heartburn. For a smaller setup like mine though, the flexibility it offers it appears to offer may be a smarter choice for me...thoughts?

  2. Considering the 18HP (or 20 if I go with Neutron Flux), I am looking at for sure adding Disting EX (again, for a smaller setup, this seems like a good choice to provide added flexibility) which leaves me with 10HP (or 12) for which I am considering another 10HP VCO (Richter Wogglebug, MANGROVE, Loquelic Iteritas, Manis Iteritas, Cursus Iteritas). Any thoughts on a good VCO fill for the 10HP?

  3. Anything glaring that I am missing and should consider before any of the above?


For FX module, take a look at FX Aid XL..small but powerful
I don't see any sort of 'mixer' included and is something you probably want to have...admittedly I don't know all the capabilities of everything listed in your build. I use the Cosmotronic Cosmix and am really happy with it


Nice job ryanthegecko...I have the Minibrute 2 but haven't yet paired it up with my Rackbrute 6U setup (been pairing with my Hydrasynth desktop mostly) but you've inspired me to get that Minibrute out (I forgot the 2 has the sequencer as well). Hopefully I'll get brave enough to share something soon as well...well done!


Curious as to how you will use the o_c?


Hey @ryanthegecko do you mind providing a link to your rack vs. the image?


Hi JB61264,

For a test, what you could do is, set all A, D, S & R knobs to for example a small value, let's say at 2 but not at zero, please! As Catwavez already mentioned, make sure you provide a gate signal to the gate input and then for example connect the out of that ADSR to the CV input of a VCA. If you have a Doepfer A-130-1 or A-131-1 then connect it for the sake of keeping the test simple to the CV1 input.

Then feed the VCA with some music, try to keep the rhythm of the music and the gate signal you sending to the ADSR in about the same tempo and then you should hear something coming out of your VCA. Once that works, try to play with the ADSR knobs and you should get some results.

Make sure that the gate signal that you feed into the A-140-2 isn't too extremely fast. For the sake of this test purpose provide a rather slow gate and then test it. Once you can confirm the ADSR works, you can increase up the gate speed of your preference. Note that Doepfer ADSRs (at least the A-140-1 that I have) can't cope with extremely fast gates.

If you are looking for a nice snappy EG (that can handle fast gates) then consider the Hikari Instruments - Triple AD as a second EG and use your Doepfer dual ADSR for the more slower gate stuff. I am not saying that Doepfer can't handle fast gates, it can but perhaps not at super speed (if that's what you are looking for). At "super" speed, the LEDs might not lit up. At extreme low ADSR knob settings the LEDs might not lit up either hence my advice to start with a slow gate first and all knobs set to two (2) for example.

Good luck with the troubleshooting and I hope you can manage to get your dual ADSR work. Kind regards, Garfield.
-- GarfieldModular

Awesome! Thanks for this, I did as you mentioned and its definitely working :)
Still wish they had some sort of reference 'manual' like Mutable has for their stuff...even if its just a page that has a brief label for all the connections and outputs...oh well, soldier on with the learning curve ;)


The dual envelope? The Doepfer website says the LED is for the output so it should light up once you send a gate into it.
-- catwavez
Can you send me a link that you looked at...i went to and didn't find anything on the a-140-2...saw something for a-140, but they look quite different.

-- jb61264

Here is where I found it.
-- catwavez
Thanks, I did see this page but was hoping there was a PDF somewhere too like the links that they have there for A-140


The dual envelope? The Doepfer website says the LED is for the output so it should light up once you send a gate into it.
-- catwavez
Can you send me a link that you looked at...i went to and didn't find anything on the a-140-2...saw something for a-140, but they look quite different.


Looking for anybody that might be using the Doepfer A-140-2. I just received the module and connected in to my Rackbrute 6U and am wondering if there should be any light come one when I power things up. I've tried a couple different open locations on my Rackbrute 6U and made sure my ribbon cable was correctly aligned. I guess its possible it doesn't light up until something else is connected...not finding much information on Doepfer website (they only have a manual for the A-140 which is quite a bit different).


Really enjoyed that @TumeniKnobs...very nice!
All the sounds play well with each other...are you running into a DAW at all with the laptop in the background? Care to share what you're doing sequence-wise with this?


this is a very good point racking semi-modulars that cpme with cases drastically increases the cost of the semi-, but as a starting point with fewer modules actually in the case I think they can be useful in suppressing gas!
-- JimHowell1970

Suppression of GAS is a good point…I certainly am guilty of GAS, but did do a lot of research and asking questions here beforehand…GAS certainly affects your ability to get proficient at any one or two modules..:my first purchase was Maths and that is a whole lot of learning right there…lol


Personally I wouldn’t waste all they good HP space on the Neutron..I have a similar setup with Minibrute 2 and Rackbrute 6U, but I have an ASM Hydrasynth and bought a cool little separate stand for it and have it setting next to the Minibrute 2/Rackbrute 6U…not that I could mount the Hydrasynth in the 6U if I wanted to but even if I could, there’s no way I would when I can easily have a separate case for it…then you have your portability with the 6U/Minibrute 2 and a case carrying your Neutron


My favorite because its the one I have :) I got it to pair with my Void Modular Gravitational Waves dual VCO but I'm finding I like what it dose with my Arturia Minibrute 2 and Hydrasynth as well...very nice...but I don't have nearly the experience with the variety of those who have posted previously


Thread: Ghost Palace

Nice you mind sharing your rack? was wondering what the one in the upper right was in particular


The MOTU828 has been a great solution for me so far...I have successfully used CV Tools with it and just recently found another cool use where I take audio out from Ableton into my Hydrasynth desktop as a ring modulation source...granted I have just played around with that and not really composed anything with it, but it is cool to run some crazy Serum sound out into my Hydrasynth and ring modulate with some of the crazy waves available. My Hydrasynth audio then runs out into my modular where I can do other stuff with it...FX Aid XL has been fun to use with it too :)


In light of that great advice (go slow and buy another case)...what are thoughts on the add of CVilization? too much modulation stuff, should i ditch it in favor of another VCO or something else?


I looked over the build.

Things I didn't see:
Noise Generator
Sample & Hold

If you have to, I'd pull the Ladik slew limiter and the Zlob VCA to open up space. Those two units seem redundant for the size of the build. How will this rack be controlled? That's why I mentioned sequencers. Do you have an external device to do this?
-- Ronin1973

Thanks for the reply. I have a bit of a "hybrid" setup. I plan to use Ableton Live (and its built in CV tools) with my Push 2 via my MOTU828 (which is DC coupled) for sequencing (hopefully)...I also will be using this setup with my Hydrasynth desktop and Arturia Minibrute 2.

I actually was just doing some YouTube research on "sample and hold" as I hear that term all the time and wasn't sure what it referred to so I'm glad you mentioned that because I like what I saw from examples of S&H videos I watched.

I purchased the slew limiter already but have not yet purchased the Zlob...I think I heard that you can never have enough VCAs :)


I'm not sure why its not showing the latest image of my build...if you click the image it takes you to the page with the build though?


My rack build is coming along...a little over half of my space currently filled in.

One of the modules I've been really looking into is u-he CVilization and I'm interested in feedback on the change that I've made to my build: ModularGrid Rack

I essentially removed two modules: 1. NLC Timbre & Timbre and 2. Doepfer A-118-2 and added the u-he CVilization and have 2HP leftover.



is anybody using the u-he cvilization? it looks like a lot of functionality in a smaller module for those of us who don't have a big rig setup...just don't see a lot of discussion about it.


I've done a few tests of routing from VCV -> Ableton CV Tools -> MOTU 828 mkii with pretty good results.
-- Lugia

Any chance you can expound upon this in a separate thread?
-- jb61264

Actually, once I start doing some YT stuff of my own, showcasing the CV/gate to/from DAW setup is very much on the table. My objective is to show people that you really DON'T need hi-tweak stuff, and that something that might cost several hundred might really come in a lot cheaper than you think, and that MOTU trick is definitely in that ballpark.

-- Lugia
subscribed :)


I've done a few tests of routing from VCV -> Ableton CV Tools -> MOTU 828 mkii with pretty good results.
-- Lugia

Any chance you can expound upon this in a separate thread?


on the home would be cool to have a 'top rated modules by type' where you could filter some of the more basic 5 vca, vco, vcf, etc...


Where could I read more about it? Is there any threads that will help with basic knowledge?

-- baygiooday
Chris Meyer has some great courses available here:


I took a cross-country road trip a few years ago, and the journey was just as fun as the destination. Same thing applies when building your rack. Above all, have fun.

-- farkas

Love that analogy and applies to what I'm doing with my modular 'journey'.

You already have a lot of good advice from members who have been doing this for a long time (at least I think most of the replies are from those who have been doing it for a long time). I could never give you anywhere near the great advice you'll get from them, only that I am in a similar spot as you in that I'm very new to modular as well.

I can definitely attest to the advice of going slow. I originally bought a Hydrasynth desktop knowing it had some modular capabilities and that I knew I wanted to dip my toes into the modular world. I spent a good 3-4 months learning the Hydrasynth (and am still learning it today) and also reading up on modular, asking questions here and finally putting a rack out on the forum and letting members provide some feedback based on my goals with the system (which are to have a 'hybrid' setup where I can extend the capability of my Hydrasynth and also use CV Tools with Ableton going forward). I got some great feedback and now I'm 'gradually' building out my Rackbrute 6U (I also bought an Arturia Minibrute 2 at the same time as I bought the Hydrasynth). My idea was to use the Minibrute 2/Rackbrute 6U as my foray into modular...and of course the Hydrasynth. I haven't even really touched the Minibrute 2 yet...and that is probably the point of my post...this stuff gets deeeeeeep quick and you will want to spend time learning each of the modules capabilities. To emphasize that point, my first purchase was Maths...that was 6 weeks ago now I think...I'm still going through a tutorial that has like 22 examples of what it can do...many times I have to go back and redo one of them to remember what it did and how it did it...I'm still learning new ways to use it. A couple weeks ago, I got Quadrax and the learning curve just went exponential with not only learning what Quadrax could do on its own but how I can use Quadrax and Maths together with my Hydrasynth to do some crazy stuff. I can't even imagine going out and buying my intended complete rack and trying to learn would be overwhelming...heck, it is overwhelming as it

I just may be an idiot and not able to pick up on stuff as well as others, but that has been my path so far and I'm glad I'm doing it the way I am....somewhat slow and will be tempted (as I have been)...and you will see a module you want in your rack that someone has for a good price (as I have)...and you will buy it (I've done it twice now with Warps and FX Aid XL)...but try to hold back somewhat and give yourself some room to breath and learn...I haven't even plugged in my FX Aid XL into anything yet because Warps, Maths, and Quadrax have kept me up into the morning hours multiple times and I still am just scratching the surface.

I'll stop rambling now, but just wanted to add a comment from someone who is also new to the game...these guys give great advice...take it...go slow, research, download VCV rack, ask lots of questions, seriously consider what your goal(s) is/are with modular and then ask for advice on what to build. You'll be glad you did...I am.


Here is where I am in my build: ModularGrid Rack
The space to the right of the Quadrax is reserved for QX expander

This is the build I'm looking to end up with: ModularGrid Rack

I have been using what I have so far mostly with my Hydrasynth desktop. Have been gradually learning CV Tools in Ableton (MOTU 828 for CV outputs/inputs

I've been considering the Gravitational Waves as my next add so I could really mess around with the Warps module, but interested in any feedback/suggestions from the group as far as where to go next.

One of the things I would like to be able to do is run the audio from my Hydrasynth into something that would allow me to either process through various modules OR to bypass and go straight to my MOTU 828 audio interface into Ableton. Still learning but I'm assuming that the Ladik A-520 4ch(in) line preamp/Bastl Instruments Ciao! combined with the Cosmotronic Cosmix would allow me to do?


may be helpful - they aggregate availability of modules - you enter the name of a module and it sees if any are available anywhere in the world

there appear to be 321s available

-- JimHowell1970

Thanks Jim, will definitely check this out!


there's usually a buy and wait option as well

seems to me like the shop didn't do anything wrong, though - you were just too slow

if you see an email saying a module you want is back in stock then buy it immediately

do not wait do not pass go do not collect 200 of whatever major currency you use - just buy it

almost, if not all, production runs of eurorack modules are 'short runs' mostly in the hundreds or less, these then have to get distributed between retailers - so each retailer might get 10 or 20 modules - so selling out very quickly is not uncommon especially with corona added demand - it's not like white goods where they get delivered by the truckload

-- JimHowell1970

Not faulting the shop at all...more power to them if they can sell them out that quickly...just wishing one of them would have been to me :)

I literally got an email in my inbox late last night (11:49pm) and saw it first thing this morning...hopped on to their website at 7:30am this morning and

I will definitely be upping my 'monopoly' game going forward and not passing go and collecting 200 ;)