Some feature is missing? Post your idea.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]
Makes sense and actually already works this way.
If there is a thread to a module then you can find the link to the forum at the very bottom on the modules detail page (and also the latest comments).
If you add a comment to a module without a thread on the modules detail page you automatically add a new thread to the forum.
Hope that makes sense too
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]
Just one small idea to get perhaps a bit better statistics: You could add another category to all the racks where you also mark them as "private" or not, so that you could mark them as "active" or something like that. With that, all the racks that are just copies of the real rack of a user won't count for the statistics any longer?
Good idea. It would depend on the discipline of users to use that function though :)
Best thing is always to implement something where the user has to do nothing, like counting only modules in the most recent rack or something.
Nevertheless the stats only show tendencies and of course are not meant to be very acurat. | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
For sure the statistics can't show the actual amount of modules in the wild, but i think they are a good hint of what is popular for sure. As for just counting the modules in most recent racks only, i'm not sure, as i personally tend to copy my actual rack some times to plan ahead for the future.
User personalized groupings of modules in the modular finder so that they are easier to find when building a rack.
-My Modules (a filter showing all the modules I own)
-Wish list (a filter showing modules I add to my wish list)
A method to tag/mark modules in the module finder database as "My Modules" and "Wish List". Then a check box or some kind of way to filter the module finder to show the collection of modules I have marked as "My Modules" or "Wish List".
A way for users to Link/Group adjacent modules in racks.... therefore allowing you to move all modules that are linked in that group with a single move... keeping them together/adjacent. Essentially turning a group of modules into a single module as far as moving is concerned. And of course a method to unlink/ungroup.
For instance the 4MS QCD Expander, QCD, QPLFO are always next to each other in my racks. It would be convenient to be able to link them in my rack and move them all together as if they were a single module.
This would also allow a user to link and move an entire row up or down quickly.
...Personally I signed up for a "Unicorn" account just to support the work the basic functionality requires.... and not so much for the additional features. I think a few more features like this and my other suggestion above would make the unicorn account a greater value from a practical stand point to those on the fence.
Hey grieve, thanks for your input, it's very valuable for me to know what users want to see.
It's always hard to decide which features should be realized. I have to be very careful to not "feature creep" the ModularGrid, because every additional function makes the user interface more complicated and introduces potential new bugs.
I like the wishlist and grouping function idea.
Grouping would be cool, but it's harder to develop. I will put both to the to do feature list.
...Personally I signed up for a "Unicorn" account just to support the work the basic functionality requires.... and not so much for the additional features. I think a few more features like this and my other suggestion above would make the unicorn account a greater value from a practical stand point to those on the fence.
-- grieve
Thanks a lot for your contribution! If you are already visiting this site for a while you will recognize that a lot of the functions where done on user requests. I can not promise to implement everything instantly but I am constantly working on the site to make it better in progress.
Best Knut
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]
Thanks for the feedback Knut. I can certainly see how the "Module Grouping" feature would be quite complex.
I imagine the "My Modules / Wish List" feature would be a less daunting task primarily only requiring additions to the already established database infrastructure. Although I am sure you have to consider the impact it would have on the database server seeing since it would require further entries and activity per user.
Thanks again. Happy to support the work you put into MG as the functionality it provides has proved invaluable.
I was checking out the module filters (Alphabetic/Popular/Price/HP) and noticed a quirk in the way that popularity is calculated:
On this page the Maths v2 panel is listed as the most popular, appearing in 251 public racks. The Turing Machine is in second place, appearing in 331 public racks. That seemed like a bug at first, because the Turing Machine had a higher count. But then I realized that the popularity code was probably summing usage across public racks in addition to private racks.
My request would be to show a number that represents total usage, regardless of whether the rack that includes the module is public or private. Perhaps something like this, which would maintain the privacy of individual racks while providing a more accurate indication of a module's popularity:
My request would be to show a number that represents total usage, regardless of whether the rack that includes the module is public or private. Perhaps something like this, which would maintain the privacy of individual racks while providing a more accurate indication of a module's popularity:
-- sempervirent
I see, I will check this. (And fix this URL autolink function which seems broken)
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]
My request would be to show a number that represents total usage, regardless of whether the rack that includes the module is public or private.
-- sempervirent
O.k. this was a simple fix, it's online.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]
Nice, thanks for the quick response – very interesting to see both stats.
Hi all, magnificent site
When searching it would be nice for more sorting criteria, results count
Overall I am glad modulargrid exists, but for a newbie like me it's a bit overwhelming to find my way through all this information
When searching it would be nice for more sorting criteria, results count
Overall I am glad modulargrid exists, but for a newbie like me it's a bit overwhelming to find my way through all this information
-- heartcore
There will be more search options soon, but I doubt that this will fix the overwhelming info problem.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]
When searching it would be nice for more sorting criteria, results count
-- heartcore
It's online now. | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
Well we should have something to inform us of how many HP we have free on our racks and when you hover your mouse over a free space it should input the amount of HP free on the space! That would rock and would make my life much easier!
Btw payed today Unicorn account and I'm more than happy to maintain ModGrid alive 4ever :D
Well we should have something to inform us of how many HP we have free on our racks and when you hover your mouse over a free space it should input the amount of HP free on the space! That would rock and would make my life much easier!
This idea was requested some time ago. I think it would be cool, but it is not that easy to do.
I will look into this again ...
Btw payed today Unicorn account and I'm more than happy to maintain ModGrid alive 4ever :D
-- AThousandDetails
Thanks a lot!
Btw. that is not exactly what you want to see but as a workaround:
the Data Sheet sums up all your used HPs in your rack...
Data Sheet for your Rack
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]
Just going to request the mixed 5U format feature again! I know you've tried and it's a bit of a PITA - it's just that's how most of us 5U/MU users make up our racks: with a mixture of both.
Cheers, and once again, thanks for such an incredible resource.
I would like to see the ability to have multiple racks on the same page. For example, have number of racks and then it splits and has rack one, rack two, etc. It would be nice to be able to layout a large multi-rack system on a single page.
Would also like to see an Excel-compatible spreadsheet of the modules generated from the program.
I would definitely pay for these features.
Thank you!
I would like to see the ability to have multiple racks on the same page. For example, have number of racks and then it splits and has rack one, rack two, etc. It would be nice to be able to layout a large multi-rack system on a single page.
That will not come very soon but there is a nice workaround already:
you can open two racks in different browser windows and you can copy and paste modules between the browser windows with c, x and v keyboard shortcuts.
Would also like to see an Excel-compatible spreadsheet of the modules generated from the program.
A CSV export might be possible, I will look into this ...
-- IvanC
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]
That will not come very soon but there is a nice workaround already:
you can open two racks in different browser windows and you can copy and paste modules between the browser windows with c, x and v keyboard shortcuts.> >
Cool; thanks!
Would also like to see an Excel-compatible spreadsheet of the modules generated from the program.
A CSV export might be possible, I will look into this ...
Thank you for the consideration!
some features that might push me to unicorn :
1U rows !!!
cost of case
cost of power supplies
cost of rails
buying and selling to members
some features that might push me to unicorn :
1U rows !!!
cost of case
cost of power supplies
cost of rails
buying and selling to members-- FSK1138
At least one of those features will come very soon...
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]
buying and selling to members
-- FSK1138
We now have a marketplace with a nice search function and a notification feature!
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]
A way to "star" (GitHub style) a module would be a great way to keep track of interesting modules.
Not to be confused with a rating system (which exists), this would be only a one-star/like toggle which could be accessed as a list of starred module on a per-user basis.
The same mechanic could be applied for Racks and Patches.
Make sense?
P.S. Big ups for your work!
A way to "star" (GitHub style) a module would be a great way to keep track of interesting modules.
-- Arko
I think we had similar requests in the thread on Muffs. A list for favorite or owned modules which is also accessible in the planner for quicker drag'n'drop. This might come.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]
I have two feature requests:
1) What i am really missing is a possibility to flag modules I own.
That parameter added to the search options would considerably ease the burden of searching.
As bonus, in the case the above is implemented, a button kind of "Generate rack with all my modules" would be nice to have.
2) Right now a rack is either public or private. All or nothing. If i want to discuss a private rack with a buddy, i need to download the image and send it to him. What would be handy would be the possibility to give "view rights" on a rack to specific members of MG.
A Eurocrack Pusher: "The first time is for free" ;)
I have missed this:
I would like having the ability to insert empty rows to anywhere in a system plan. An example: 4 rows are filled - I need to add an extra row between row 2 and 3 for more modulators and filters.
It's a pain (gigantic 1st world problem) to add an extra row at the bottom and then move all the modules of the lower half to make space in the middle...
Ability to sort modules by function, not just Newest/Alphabetic/.../Price.
Ability to add and display prices for modules that are both pre-built and assembled.
Synthrotek Echo
Ability to filter and display modules within a price range.
Display all LFOs between $150 and $225
I have missed this:
I would like having the ability to insert empty rows to anywhere in a system plan. An example: 4 rows are filled - I need to add an extra row between row 2 and 3 for more modulators and filters.
It's a pain (gigantic 1st world problem) to add an extra row at the bottom and then move all the modules of the lower half to make space in the middle...
KNYST, as unicorn user you have the "swap row" function in your "edit" menu.
That should do the trick.
A Eurocrack Pusher: "The first time is for free" ;)
Add more currencies for display (I don't mean another currency to enter in the edit option).
Users select a currency and price is converted.
I have missed this:
I would like having the ability to insert empty rows to anywhere in a system plan. An example: 4 rows are filled - I need to add an extra row between row 2 and 3 for more modulators and filters.
It's a pain (gigantic 1st world problem) to add an extra row at the bottom and then move all the modules of the lower half to make space in the middle...
-- KNYSTKNYST, as unicorn user you have the "swap row" function in your "edit" menu.
That should do the trick.
-- bj_gzp
Ah, yes, thanks! I just learned about that function, but forgot about it
Ascending/Descending sortability on HP. Price too, probably.
About patching on MG:
I would like to choose what colours are used for my patch cables (not by length as of now)!
IRL, I always colour code everything, as in all colours mean something. So much easier to follow a complex patch this way, at least for me...
Ascending/Descending sortability on HP. Price too, probably.
-- TidalWaveform
Good one, put that to the list.
About patching on MG:
I would like to choose what colours are used for my patch cables (not by length as of now)!
IRL, I always colour code everything, as in all colours mean something. So much easier to follow a complex patch this way, at least for me...
That would be quite an effort. The patching feature is not the most used feature of MG, so not top priority...
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]
I would like to see the ability to have multiple racks on the same page. For example, have number of racks and then it splits and has rack one, rack two, etc. It would be nice to be able to layout a large multi-rack system on a single page.
That will not come very soon but there is a nice workaround already:
you can open two racks in different browser windows and you can copy and paste modules between the browser windows with c, x and v keyboard shortcuts.
an easy, duct-tape hack for you within the site architecture then would be to iframe this for us, two columns side by side
an easy, duct-tape hack for you within the site architecture then would be to iframe this for us, two columns side by side
-- 303
The mobile users won't like this, though...
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]
For manic unicorn members like myself:
A rack counter, visible close to the "new rack" button. Why? It's good to know beforehand if you're about to hit the maximum, and need to delete some of the not super important plans/racks. Especially useful if you plan to add a group of rack plans, say four variations of a single plan (then you can see if there is still room). And to know where your addiction is going... :)
Yes, one could count them manually, but really, in these days???
For manic unicorn members like myself:
A rack counter, visible close to the "new rack" button
Your wish is my command. Its's online.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]
some modules contain USD price information approved by the manufacturer, but when EURO display is activated, the prices just get "converted" even though it's often impossible to get the module for that price (even 2nd hand used) in EU, for example the actual EURO price is 275 eur
some modules contain USD price information approved by the manufacturer, but when EURO display is activated, the prices just get "converted" even though it's often impossible to get the module for that price
-- charonme
I see. The conversion only happens when no EUR is in the database. Problem is, when the module is approved only the manufacturer can change data. I will drop him a note...
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]
Would love to see some additional searching options:
- Filter by odd hp only modules - mega useful for filling up gaps created by Harvestman, XAOC Poti, etc. :)
- More categories/tags for modules lumped together under 'effects' i.e. reverb, bitcrusher, etc.
- Filter by 'still manufactured'
- Filter by 'requires 5v'
Also would like price in GBP in addition to USD/EUR but I'll live if that doesn't happen :)
A rack format for 1U tiles would be great!
Or a least enforcing a standard on how to upload them.
A Eurocrack Pusher: "The first time is for free" ;)
Would love to see some additional searching options:
- Filter by odd hp only modules - mega useful for filling up gaps created by Harvestman, XAOC Poti, etc. :)
- More categories/tags for modules lumped together under 'effects' i.e. reverb, bitcrusher, etc.
- Filter by 'still manufactured'
- Filter by 'requires 5v'-- jbox5
All good ideas, some of them like the still manufactured already in the pipeline.
I have added Reverb to the Tags, that was easy :) I don't think there should be too many tags, we should summarized them in a useful way...
A rack format for 1U tiles would be great!
Or a least enforcing a standard on how to upload them.
-- bj_gzp
Yeah, the way it is now really sucks. I really wanted to merge them into Euro, but that will not work. A 1U rack format would be easy, but I think people won't be happy with that for planning... 1U is always attached to Euro or am I wrong?
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]
Yes, 1u is pretty much a euro thing. One option is to specify how many 3u and 1u rows to add when making a case. But it would be tricky to arrange. Some 1u is on the bottom, and some on top.
Would be nice to get this better implemented as I suspect it's only going to grow in use soon.