I'd drop one of the VCOs to add the DivKid Ochd expansion and maybe another small filter. It really opens things up.

A word in favor of the PM Okapi -- I have a stereo setup, with two stereo Okapis run through an Erica Synths Black Stereo mixer.

That gives me 8 inputs (4 per Okapi) so that each one's 4 inputs go into a left and right channel, taking up two of the four stereo pairs on the ES mixer (between them is a Xer Dualis for another 8 input stereo pair in the ES mixer, and a 2hp VCA gives me the final stereo pair). So basically I can have 18 inputs into the ES mixer, nine inputs per left or right channel (!).

What really rocks about the Okapi, however, are the light indicators! Just glance down and if you see red, turn that input down a bit (and vice-versa). It is very helpful to have visuals in mixing! Something to think about long-term if you want to expand to stereo. This is sort of hard to explain, so here's the setup (a 6U Doepfer L-base and a separate 6U standing on it).

ModularGrid Rack

I have found with 2hp modules -- like the Plucks -- that they are so thin and delicate (the backing comes off easily), that it is better to separate them with a four hp or bigger module. Also (depending on the separating modules) it makes it easier to tweak them, as the identical cables side to side make that difficult.

Otherwise, looks like you are in for some fun!

Here's a unique and terrible idea.
Drop the A-111-6 voice for an A-182-1 switch mult, and two 2hp pluck modules.
-- lumpytapioca

I have 2 Plucks and liked them so much, I added a Bell, lol!

The tone of Plucks is so unique and shapeable.

That Hysteria module is a lot of fun (and modulates, as well!).

Thread: ZZ (LIVE)

I come from a keyboard / guitar background, and like to have a module that will allow me to export
Eurorack cv to a guitar pedal and bring back in (preferably in stereo). Cheaper than Eurorack modules, guitar
pedals make for interesting sound effects (the Drolo Stretchweaver pedal -- wow!). Even an EQ pedal works
well for less money. No external sound effects in your system?

Bored Brain has some of those interactive modules with external guitar pedals, and others. Worth exploring!

I meant a Eurorack module similar to that delay
-- guidocbt

I know, but anything that doesn't take up hp is fine by me 8'). Try finding a Stretch Weaver module! Nope,
but you do with a pedal. . . .

Haven't seen one, but since they did do a module for their Afterneath pedal, there's a chance
they may for the AR. I use pedals with my system, and there are several ways to interact.

Here's an article about using control voltage specifically with the AR pedal --


I use the Unifx, but of course it is only mono. For stereo pedals I use a dedicated Audio I/O --


Thread: -

I'm a fan of the Nautilus, for delay and effects:


Seems faster than the old server!

Both a guitar and a pedal input / output would be ideal for you. Not familiar with the Befaco mentioned previously,
but check out what Boredbrain has --

For external guitar pedals:


And from another company, Noise Engineering, the Nive grad guitar input is good (you'll need a 1/4 > 1/8 cable adapter
which are cheap):


Both are smallish and work well!

Not familiar with Bloom, but I have the Blukac's. I've not had a chance to use that case much lately, but when I was playing around with it, I found it mildly interesting, and am hoping the expander will open it up more. The expander comes in two parts (with no directions in the box, btw), with one snapping onto the back of the EP, increasing its physical depth, and another module that increases the hp by 4. It is supposed to add v/oct, which should make it shine, but beforehand you have to upgrade the firmware, requiring an online search to do so. I have not had time to do so, so I can't comment on the expander yet. I did notice that having the expander extension on the back of the module does not seem to affect the original operation, so I've manually installed it (hopefully correctly!) and will eventually get around to upgrading the firmware. You need a SanDisk, btw, not provided, to upgrade. Until then, I'll just play around a bit with the original EP. It does what it says, but I don't think I've used it enough to give an opinion on it.

I'm fond of this filter:


and one that is smaller:


For "dark ambient" the Nautilus as a delay processor would be a good addition:


Now that you are "down the rabbit hole," you'll constantly switch modules and such in search of what is best for you.

Have fun 8'). Think of it all as a haiku poem, getting as much out of a small framework as you can. Going big prematurely
costs a lot and can be wasteful. Concentrate on one module type at a time, and winnow things down.

Final question is how are you taking this out to your speakers/computer? Do you already have an outboard mixer that can take eurorack levels? Otherwise I'd recommend an output/euro-to-line module, or those Mixup knobs are going to be pretty much at minimum all the time.

This is a good, small output / euro-to-line module:


That said, odd-numbered hp items (Ciao! is 5 hp) require another odd-number as racks are even-numbered,
or at least a useless 1 blank. I agree with above you need an lfo, and the Pico line has 3hp lfos that would
make an even number (8).

One annoyance on using ModularGrid is that, while things look great "on paper," so to speak, you'll find
that power cables come out of modules in different ways, such that some cannot be placed side-to-side
or on the far edge, as the cable won't fit or will clash with the body of the module beside it. It would be
helpful (but a programming nightmare) to have the reverse side of modules shown, indicating where
the cables are.

Obviously they have two strike inputs, but I haven't used them for that. I'll experiment 8').

You can send an envelope into the aux and aux in, but that would only make it an envelope follower, so to speak.
Just got it recently, so still playing around with it, but, as it is described, it is just an lpg and mixer.

What is your take on this

Here's my main rack (actually two, both 6U, the bottom is an L-shaped Doepfer base):

ModularGrid Rack

On the bottom left corner is an Erica Synths Black Stereo mixer that accepts four stereo pair 1/8 modular inputs, and
outputs to the (originally mentioned in my first post here) Intellijel Audio I/O as a final stereo mix. The Audio I/O sends the attenuated stereo signal to my external mixer. I'm like you, in that I don't have much use the for the left side of the I/O, tbh, although it's there if I want to bring in semi-modular 1/4 outputs or loop a guitar pedal --
for my other rack that does just that, I use this:


There's probably a smaller hp solution for what I use the Audio I/O, but hey, you work with what you have!
I have fiddled around a long time to get the main rack I want, taking cable distance, work flow, and all that into account,
and am happy with this. Ideally, the ES Black mixer would be next to the Audio I/O, but I tried that and
for some reason I've forgotten it didn't work for me . . . note that I have three dedicated sub-mixer modules in
the center of the rack to feed into the ES Black mixer, with L/R signals of each taking up one of the four stereo pairs, and leaving a stereo pair vacant for whatever needs special attention. But that's overkill for your system!

You can always expand 8').

Check this out: converts digital to analogue, is passive, attenuates, mixes, mults, AND is a clock divider -- all in 4 hp!


I currently use the mixer that was provided with the Moog Sound Studio (4 mono or 2 stereo), but I was planning on doing some in-rack mixing too (using the VCA Out on the Moog to get modular level). Why are 1/4 cables "the way to go"?

-- blaaank

K, not familiar with it; once I went modular, semi-modular seemed a bit boring, haha (although I cherish my 3 rack Moogs and Make Noise). Mixers that go into computers are expensive 8'/.

Adding an additional track doesn't mean upgrading the mixer. Excuse my love of guitar pedals with synths, but this
pedal allows you to input 3 different 1/4 cables from your semi-modulars to go as 1 track in your mixer, while being
able to "attenuate" each, to use modular speak:


I actually have two Signal Blenders, so that my Moog 3-some rack can be all one mono output, and my Make Noise 3-some rack is a separate all in one mono signal to combine in a stereo send to the mixer. The great part is that you may attenuate any 1 semi-modular without affecting the others (i.e. Subharmicon too loud, but needed for internal mix, or one, two, three of the Make Noise semi-modulars needs to be less loud). Again, love the infinite combos!

[note: not endorsing any link I posted, just giving an example]

I currently use the mixer that was provided with the Moog Sound Studio (4 mono or 2 stereo), but I was planning on doing some in-rack mixing too (using the VCA Out on the Moog to get modular level). Why are 1/4 cables "the way to go"?

-- blaaank

I'm speaking of a non-modular, external mixer. Those are generally 1/4 inch cables (as are pedals, but you don't seem
interested in those, fair enough). For this simple example, 8 direct 1/4 inch inputs from all or any of your semi-modular Moog family can be mixed in with any 1/4 outputs from your separate modular racks (provided by the Intellijel or similar I/O).


Fairly cheap but powerful, especially if you are recording. I don't use DAWS, just Reaper through a Scarlet Focusrite to record off my mixer into the computer. Well, I did, but I upgraded my mixer so that it can go directly into a USB of my computer without
the Focusrite. Always an evolution. . . .

For about the same price, two studio monitors could easily be attached to the mixer, as well. Not sure how you listen to your patching?

Keep in mind with the Intellijel I/O that you can use 1/4 inch cables of the sound outputs
from the Subharmonicon / Moog32 / DFAM to input directly into your Eurorack on its input side
as 1/8 inch cables, and then out again as a whole with 1/4 inch output cables (or 1/8th if
directed into any of the semimodulars). Do you use an external
mixer unit? I found that helps immensely to bring everything together, and 1/4 cables are the way
to go.

If you ever want to use guitar pedals as an extraneous modulation, it is simple to loop through
those as well.

I love the possibilities with Eurorack!

I love my Intellijel Audio I/O:


which can both input and output in just 10 hp. The Ochd - expansion combo rocks! Highly recommended.

There are options! Try www.reverb.com which is full of musicians selling stuff to buy stuff from other musicians in sort of
a cake-walk way, lol.

What else do you think pairs well with the Pluck? What else have you used today would feel is shoes?
-- buzzsawddog

Try having several Plucks -- and a Bell, of course! -- receiving triggers and v/oct through the Mystic Circuits'
IDUM with Tree and Leaves. Lots of fun 8'). A twist of the IDUM nob and the variations are very pronounced.

Are you happy with the module for your musical needs - has it been fun exploring what you can get from it?

-- EuroBadger

I can't claim no, as I have versions 3 & 4! Only IR4 is installed atm in my larger rack, while I'm learning new modules
in a smaller rack, so I haven't puttered with it lately. In addition to modular, I have guitar pedals, and the IR4 paired well
with an Electro-Harmonix Ravish Sitar: I used a Boredbrain UniFX module to send CV out to the guitar pedal and back
into the rack, and as parallel sounds, the two complement each other in an exotic, Eastern music way. Error Instuments
makes fun and very unique modules!

I haven't done it yet, but I bet an Indian Resonator 4 through a Nautilus would be interesting! I have two IRs, the earlier version didn't last very long, and they sent me a hard fix, but instead I bought version 3 as I didn't want to bother, lol.

The new 4 hp expansion for the Ochd is awesome! Just looking at your small case made me wince that there
was no room for it if you did use an Ochd. 4 triggers, 8 waveshapers would really expand the capabilties of
the small case.

I'd seriously consider a smaller 8 hp uRings instead of the original Mutable Instruments
to make space for it -- that would also clear up another 2 hp for a useful 2HP (company name) Clk
or a 2HP Mult.

I really like the Clep Diaz, but that's more rhythmic, and the Ochd would be more fun than the Doepfer.

It's synchability is not strict, of course, but that's its charm!

Got mine yesterday, and it rocks! I second that about telling us how the two expansion cables are run. I tried parallel with the sideways -12v on the mother Ochd pointing outward, and after a nervous try, it seems ok.

Having triggers running alongside the lfos is amazing!

All four??? That is heart-breaking. Expect to see Reverb second-hand prices sky-rocket!

Thanks for the insight, Sweelinck. I read in that link "it has been a bleak year for us," so maybe
sales are down anyway.

Just saw that the Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas Alter is being discontinued. I thought, ok, maybe
an upgrade coming, but who knows, maybe the market is flooded and they are cutting their losses.