ModularGrid Rack

Hi all,

After several years of tinkering and learning, and many, many iterations of "eureka, this shall be the final form!," I think I actually have a decent plan (my racks are public if you want to see how I've gone from A to B to C to.... whatever this is). However, as I try to figure out my last half-rack, I realize I'm at a loss. I hesitate to say it, but I think I might have my bases covered and have some room to spare. What do you think, what would you do with this last 36 hp? Am I overlooking something or missing some key utilities or functionality? Maybe I'm over-full of some type of module and have more space than I realize? Or maybe I should just be at peace knowing that I've got the space when the next new, must-have module shows up (looking at you Joranalogue). As you'll see, a lot of these modules are already in my collection, but I don't consider too much sacrosant, and am definitely open to selling and reconfiguring if I decide to shift directions.

Rack goals: Originally, it started as a companion to the microbrute 2s, but quickly started moving in the generative direction. Over the past few years, this has become my main instrument, and so I've tried to tailor it into a comprehensive multivoiced stereo system that can do both generative and nongenerative on it's own, but play well with other gear and the computer when wanted. No one style of music is aimed for and I'm not planning on doing too much heavy-duty chordal work, but I want to be able to cover as many bases as possible. That being said, I seem to make a lot of loosely rhythmic ambient soundscapes, and that's quite fun.

General design plan: The instrument consists of a microbrute 2s and a 6u rackbrute and with two mantis cases (come on tiptop, start shipping those black cases already...). The rackbrute is predominantly cv and clock generation and manipulation. The top mantis covers sound sources and shaping, and the bottom case is predominantly for sound manipulation and physical interaction with the synth (I am a very hands-on player). Some choices were made for odd-number-hp reasons (like the pico dsp), and some placements are simply because I couldn't figure out how else to fit them (like Maths in the bottom row), but most everything else earns it's place and spot naturally.

So, what do you think? Any recommendations for this last 36 hp?


Congratulations for this post. After several years of research and investment (almost a hundred modules here), it is not always easy to expose yourself by inviting others to a criticism was it constructive, even friendly formulated. And this, next to the question of the 36HP available... I wanted to start by commending your initiative. So, if I may, a few little things.

An observation: for 'ambient soundscapes', and a 'generative direction', I am surprised not to see, unless I am mistaken, a granular synthesis source like Morphagene or Nebulae.

The modules that appear today do not always bring great innovations, but some try to go further by pushing limits (at the risk of specializing sometimes in a more limited use). But why not if they are of a high quality? The Qu-Bit Nautilus, in my opinion, is one of them. Thus I will gladly suggest it for the musical style sought here.

I took the opportunity to look at the first suggestions that were made to you at the beginning of your ‘modular adventure’. 2021, @Lugia had propose in particular a Doepfer A-119, I think it remains a good advice.

36HP... There is also a certain pleasure in knowing that part of your closet remains empty. I keep, for my part this amount of space (with a 4ms Pod and a mini-case Doepfer). Next to a hundred modules... like you. There is an old French adage (16th century) that says ‘Garde une poire pour ta soif’. Which can be tranlated as ‘Keep a pear for your thirst’. But I believe that in English the equivalent is: 'Save for a rainy day'... (And with all the love I sincerely have for this country, not only at the musical level, we can understand the choice of this analogy :))

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

always difficult to comment on racks of this size... looks reasonably comprehensive... I like and approve of the dual matrix mixers - I also have 2 and may add more in the future!

things I would add - but only in so much as they make life easier for me - a sinfonion (all the quantization etc needs in 1 place & chord progressions) & a fx aid pro (much easier to work with than the smaller ones)

I'd probably want more utilities too - I can never have too many....

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Thanks so much all, very helpful!

@Sweelinck, I'm afraid my knowledge of 16th century French adages departed with Martin Guerre and has yet to return, so I'll trade you an old Yiddishism - "better an honest slap in the face than an insincere kiss." Agreed it's quite hard to ask for feedback once one's gone down the very pricey rabbithole of modular, but I'd rather have honest criticism than false praise. But don't worry, I take your critiques as completely constructive and not at all slap-like!

I'm actually pretty jazzed by this feedback. In retrospect, I eschewed a lot of audio manipulation modules until I was confident that I had an otherwise solidly working instrument and understood how to use a lot of the more "functional" modules (I tried to take @JimHowell1970's tagline seriously). Matrix mixers being a good example - it took quite a while until I actually understood just how flexible and useful one could be in a patch, so now I'm excited for number two (and a stereo one, at that!). Perhaps that A-119 should get a closer look as well, for the same reason.

So it's good to know that my planned rack is in a place where I can explore these sound sculpting modules more comfortably while also saving hp for the future. It's a little overwhelming trying to choose between the vast number of high-quality modules out there while worrying if the amazing demo videos that I rely upon represent a module's actual capabilities or rather the patching talents (and complementary background modules) of the musician filming. Particularly since it seems like a new game changer is coming out every few months. I just finished watching hours on the Spectraphon, for example. To that end, I'll definitely consider the Nautilus, as I see it covers ground I'm otherwise missing and seems fun to play (an issue of key importance to me nowawadays, and one that should have been from the very beginning). The Sinfonion as well, which I had not previously looked too closely at since I didn't realize my rack was large enough to support it, but might be a step in a very interesting direction, particularly with how many voices I plan to have available.

Regarding utilities, I'm a true believer now, so I'm all ears for suggestions. Figuring out mid-patch that I'm lacking the right number of attenuators or inverters or whatevers to accomplish my musical goal is an annoying tradition I'm not looking to continue. Aside from the aforementioned matrix mixers, I'd love to hear what other utilty modules you would consider integral to your systems.

I'm sure I'll be back in 6 months with an updated version of this question, but that's probably how it should be (we're all learning here, afterall). Thanks again!

I'm actually pretty jazzed by this feedback. In retrospect, I eschewed a lot of audio manipulation modules until I was confident that I had an otherwise solidly working instrument and understood how to use a lot of the more "functional" modules


(I tried to take @JimHowell1970's tagline seriously).

as should everyone!!!!

Matrix mixers being a good example - it took quite a while until I actually understood just how flexible and useful one could be in a patch, so now I'm excited for number two (and a stereo one, at that!). Perhaps that A-119 should get a closer look as well, for the same reason.

they are extremely versatile, aren't they...

So it's good to know that my planned rack is in a place where I can explore these sound sculpting modules more comfortably while also saving hp for the future. It's a little overwhelming trying to choose between the vast number of high-quality modules out there while worrying if the amazing demo videos that I rely upon represent a module's actual capabilities or rather the patching talents (and complementary background modules) of the musician filming. Particularly since it seems like a new game changer is coming out every few months. I just finished watching hours on the Spectraphon, for example. To that end, I'll definitely consider the Nautilus, as I see it covers ground I'm otherwise missing and seems fun to play (an issue of key importance to me nowawadays, and one that should have been from the very beginning).

I very rarely watch new module demos... I might scan a modwiggler thread... but very rarely do I find something I want to add...

The Sinfonion as well, which I had not previously looked too closely at since I didn't realize my rack was large enough to support it, but might be a step in a very interesting direction, particularly with how many voices I plan to have available.

it's a great module - like almost all modules it's slightly flawed though... it really could have done with a built in sequencer to string song parts into songs... it's pretty simple to do, but needs a separate step sequencer...

Regarding utilities, I'm a true believer now, so I'm all ears for suggestions. Figuring out mid-patch that I'm lacking the right number of attenuators or inverters or whatevers to accomplish my musical goal is an annoying tradition I'm not looking to continue. Aside from the aforementioned matrix mixers, I'd love to hear what other utilty modules you would consider integral to your systems.

swirthes, trigger delays, sample & hold, track & hold, clock dividers - pretty much everything...

I'm sure I'll be back in 6 months with an updated version of this question, but that's probably how it should be (we're all learning here, afterall). Thanks again!

highly likely! have fun

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I'm sure I'll be back in 6 months with an updated version of this question, but that's probably how it should be (we're all learning here, afterall). Thanks again!

highly likely! have fun

-- JimHowell1970

Thanks so much!

The modules that appear today do not always bring great innovations, but some try to go further by pushing limits (at the risk of specializing sometimes in a more limited use). But why not if they are of a high quality? The Qu-Bit Nautilus, in my opinion, is one of them. Thus I will gladly suggest it for the musical style sought here.

-- Sweelinck

Now that I've had a chance to experience a number of modules, I believe I'm starting to see what you mean. I think it's hard as a beginner (which in many ways, I still am) to understand that aspect of modular with all of the choices available. I would love to pick your brain about which modules you think are innovative and limit pushing. And most importantly, which ones you think are most musically inspiring to play. Because at the end of the day, isn't a direct line to our musical muses what we're all hoping for with our instruments?


@HGsynth Thank you for your confidence. I need to think about it, I'll send you a PM shortly.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

@HGsynth Thank you for your confidence. I need to think about it, I'll send you a PM shortly.
-- Sweelinck

Please, if you don't mind...

Such info may be more informative if openly shared (hinit hint wink wink!)....:)

I'm at a place where HGsynth was a little while ago, so I'm getting loads of useful and pertinent knowledge following along...I'm sure others will appreciate it as well.

“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

No advice, just a quick mention: Here is the 1HP minimalist module that matches the borders, which you can use to create the appearance of two cases side-by-side. It's what I use as a separator between my cases.

No advice, just a quick mention: Here is the 1HP minimalist module that matches the borders, which you can use to create the appearance of two cases side-by-side. It's what I use as a separator between my cases.

-- Toccata

Thanks! Also, I appreciate your rack design aesthetics, very cool.

I’m sorry @Jukeshoe. 95% of my posts here (and on ModWiggler) are public. But private messages were invented to allow from time to time a more personal exchange. And I will not hesitate to do it with you, if necessary.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).