It would be helpful if MG provided a means for a user to edit modules locked in virtue of being approved by manufacturer. Perhaps a two-step process.

I recently was able to verify via email that the manufacturer Dovemans is out of business. It would be great if I or someone with greater permissions could mark all of their modules as discontinued.

To add to this, it'd be great to still be able to propose edits for manufacturer approved modules. The es x mki EDU mixer, for instance, has a typo in its description that I can't fix because it's locked.

It's a running problem. Manufacturers use that to keep their listings from being "vandalized"...despite the fact that the main source for info is, more often than not, crowdsourced from MG's users. Bugs me from the standpoint that if MG users find something that a module does that's NOT listed as a tag by the manufacturer, it's difficult to get that tag added.

I have unlocked all the Dovemans modules and set them to discontinued.
You can always try to contact a manufacturer when you send them a private message by clicking on the link Message the Manufacturer near the manufacturer approved stamp.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Even I usually just reach out to manufacturers, but if you do run into something that needs to be updated, you can always ask them, and if that doesn't work, you can always ask in the forum.

@Lugia, I think the biggest issue is with too many tags on a module, not so much with too little. A typical example of that is the Expander tag, which also comes with a bunch of other tags with the Expander does not do on its own, so, why would I want that to come up in a search where I am looking for that functionality? I don't, and yet I usually have to go in and edit tags out.

Oh well.