Hi folks!

Let's say I want to:
1) play chords (of 3-5 simultaneous tones) on a MIDI controller
2) route that MIDI (or other usable format of chord/pitch information) into Eurorack modular
3) distribute that pitch information via Arpeggiator to a single Eurorack voice
4) have creative (preferable real time) control over the Arp up/down and time values

The output/result would be a chord sequence, arpeggiated through modular, with real-time control of chord pitches plus some control of the arp pattern.

How would you suggest doing this?

I already have a bunch of modular gear, but above is a new "I'd like to do X" idea, and I'm rather scratching my head how to do it. Notably, I have 512 Vector Sequencer and I'm thinking sending MIDI into that might be a good option.

Thanks for your ideas / suggestions!


Easiest option is a keyboard with an arpeggiator into your MIDI to CV module. I use the arpeggiator on the Sequential Prophet Rev2 into an ALM Mmmidi, but a Keystep and any MIDI to CV converter would work. A second option is to run an arpeggiating sequencer into a precision adder along with your MIDI to CV signal from your keyboard to transpose the sequence, but you are still going to have to adjust your arpeggios (up/down/random) in the sequencer. Voltage Block or Arpitecht might be worth looking into for arp modules.

I use and swear by this: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/KeystepPro--arturia-keystep-pro-37-key-controller-and-sequencer Involves NO modules, which opens up more potential space. I also have two BSPs that can be locked up to that, and then I can also lock those to the DAW either with CV Tools or sending a MIDI clock. So, nah...you don't need those modules for this purpose.

Yeah, this is kind of a case of making it more difficult than it needs to be.

“two BSP’s” = 2 Arturia Beatstep Pros yes?

I will confess I’ve never yet looked critically at external hardware controllers to connect with modular. I got into modular years after most of my other studio investments.

My main studio/modular rig has NI Komplet Kontrol S88mkII keyboard to my DAW, with a Roli Seaboard49 less used (but I’m wanting to use it more esp MPE). I figured any MIDI/CV from this setup would be via the computer (not the controller outs), SO I haven’t looked seriously at best external controlers interfacing directly with modular (eg bypassing the computer).

My travel modular I use alone or alongside other small things like a Roland Jupiter XM. The JXM I could do as Farkas suggests, ARP out…

Sounds like the Arturia lineup is worth consideration, if I don’t already have something close enough to that.

And the general theme above I’m taking as “handle as much of the note instructions as possible outside of modular” eg it’s more efficiently done in something like an Arturia controller or DAW…

Thanks for the ideas guys!!

The Arturia controllers are tailor-made for this environment, very powerful, and relatively cheap. When I was getting started, I considered a Keystep/Beatstep Pro setup much like Lugia's, but I have very little desk space and needed some other outboard gear in that space. Otherwise, I probably would have been perfectly happy with a similar setup.

@nickgreenberg = Keystep :)
@farkas = Laptopstand :)

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Thanks for the comments guys. Glad to know there are good options that won't involve buying loads more modules!

If there was a Keystep Pro 49 or 61 key that would be a great fit for my setup... the longer Keylabs look like a departure from the CV oriented Keysteps. No tight fit solution yet : (

“two BSP’s” = 2 Arturia Beatstep Pros yes?
-- nickgreenberg

Yep. The setup I have actually makes the ergonomics work, too. I'll show you how...

There are two 8U slanted carpeted racks at the rear of this part of the "modular sandbox". One contains the B.2600. The other contains the MOTU 828 mkii, Korg SDD 3300, Zoom 9120, a quad Symetrix gate, and two 1/4" patchbays. Then on top of those is the 22sp Digisound 80, with my two MS-20 Minis on stands for a forward tilt at the very top.

First up, the KSP. It fits perfectly on this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07HFDJCSL/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 and that way, it's not ON the desk, it's UNDER it and I can pull that out when it's needed. Easy access to the jackfield on the back, too!

Next, the BSP stand. Since these angled racks have some "dead space" at the bottom, there's a space where there's just the shell of the case. So in front of that, I placed the BSPs on one of these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B079CBMCJS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Looks simple, isn't expensive, and it accommodates two BSPs perfectly.

The MS-20 mini stands are these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07SS9996G/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Basic, generic laptop stand that tilts the synths forward to make access easier, as this thing's a bit tall.

And as for the racks, I endorse the HELL out of these: https://prospeakerparts.com/collections/rack-cases-carpet-covered-2f Direct to the customer sales, great shipping and turnaround, and these are built like the proverbial brick shithouse. They ain't no joke! Plus, when you compare the prices with similar Middle Atlantic or Raxxess/Chief models, you make out like a bandit with these guys.

@Lugia - for your BSPs, do you have them all set up with USB into DAW? or do you use CV Tools clock? I am using USB currently and then have the MIDI from BSP to my Hydrasynth (which in turn clocks out to my Rackbrute 6U modules. I have used the MIDI thru to also run out to my iPad (via Korg plugKEY)...finding a bit of latency when I route through Hydrasynth as it tries to 'figure out' the bpm from BSP...I've seen a video where someone recommends counting in 1 bar first so it can 'catch up' but I'm wondering if there are any better solutions to getting accurate clock through everything. I also picked up a Roland TR-8S (USB into Ableton) and have to set about 20ms clock sync delay even though going through USB. Is it better to use straight MIDI in/out? Unfortunately the MOTU 828 doesn't do MIDI...I suppose I could use my old Focusrite 2i4 as a MIDI interface only.

Took me some time but I have everything set up so I can have BSP start/stop everything (Ext set in Ableton)...seems to work decent overall, just wondering if I should consider something else for keeping everything in sync.


USB tends to have better transmission rates when sending MIDI over that, as opposed to the much narrower bandwidth of MIDI. One or two synths, doesn't matter. But in THIS environment, anything that can do MIDI over USB is getting connected to the USB. It reduces the piles of cables needed, plus it's a little easier to get things sent/received from USB piped to the right destination, and no meaningful latency "gagging" from overtaxing the MIDI signal.

@Lugia - for a couple days I have been very frustrated with BSP into my Disting EX (using multisample mode)...getting all sorts of terrible sounds just trying to hear the piano. Turns out BSP is too strong of a signal and I have to use an attenuator...luckily I have the Frap Tools 321 that you recommended I get. I haven't used it until this issue came up and I'm so glad I have it now. Would hope that Arturia would make BSP capable of sending 5V gate though...seems like it could be an update as I believe the Keystep Pro has that capability?


I'd buy a line level to synth level (Eurorack) converter. Then I'd buy a traditional hardware synth. MIDI does polyphony VERY well. CV does not. A Keystep Pro or Eurorack sequencer with a separate MIDI OUT would be my go to.

Once you're done mucking around with polyphonic sounds within Eurorack, you've spent a ton of money for functionality that's usually pretty weak. So, in my opinion, why try to get X to replicate Y badly when you can just patch in something that does Y already?

Hi guys, an update, I did get a Keystep Pro -- after the above recommendations and some research into that, it seemed like a great fit for my uses.

@Ronin1973, per your point above, its not that I want to routinely do polyphony in Eurorack, but that I want to send arpeggiated chord info through (mono) Eurorack. Mainly the reason that I really enjoy chord to arp (mono) in my DAW and I want to be able to have the same fun in Eurorack plus the fun of Eurorack sound design. So the use case here is basically setting up a gnarly modular patch with plenty of CV shifting the sound, and then having KSP hooked up so I can enjoy playing the patch with powerful arp and other relevant live controls.

Wish I'd found KSP earlier, it seems like a great fit. Now I just have to find some time to dig in! This weekend hopefully...

Thanks all!

great news @nickgreenberg - the ksp seems to fit your requirements - hold down a chord and play an arpeggio - have fun!!!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities