Thanks Lugia,

Indeed, I have watched the TD live shows online and they use impressive array of hardware, modular, live instruments and computer soft VSTs with division of labor. I agree- we can achieve a lot with less gear now. I will probably invest in a new computer this year to use for music production and use Ableton Live with modular and my synths. Now that I figured out how to integrate modular via the cursed Doepfer A190-4 USB/MIDI to CV module in my setup with the hardware synths and Ableton, I can do it moving forward.

Regarding VCV Rack, is there a way to use that with modular via a MIDI CV interface? I will have to do some digging to see how that works. Love VCV Rack it helped me get into modular after the 0-coast.
-- sacguy71

Back in the 1980s I was doing a live radio show and got to see Tangerine Dream twice. I saw their 1986 tour Underwater Sunlight, and in 1988 Optical Race. The band line up included Edgar Froese, Chris Franke and Paul Haslinger. I also got to meet the band backstage to hangout and even record some radio station IDs. I also got to record and interview with Edgar over the telephone ( I should try to find that tape, eh?). In 1986 and 1988 they had huge roll around floor racks of tons of MIDI synths then. You need to focus on the overall sound you want to replicate or go for, then select equipment to helps you create that sound. Keep in mind that a different sequencer, or synth will force you to think differently, and will help you explore new territory.

Hi folks,

I really want an ambient build for Tangerine Dream soundscapes. Any ideas on what modules to get and so forth? I did read that they use a lot of sequencers from the Patch & Tweak book. I already have industrial techno covered so really digging a Tangerine Dream setup.
-- sacguy71

Do not look to copy what someone else is doing. Seek to create your own music. We are all inspired by others. The best thing to do is for your to decided which era of Tangerine Dream you want to emulate or are inspired by the most. TDream and their sound evolved as time went on, and who was in the band at the time. In the early 1970s on into the early 1980s the synths they were using were what was available - mostly all analog, and larger systems were modular analog like Moog (Look at the rig that Chris Franke had in the video someone else’s shared on this thread. As the 1980s to 1990s goes on, synth companies like ARP and Moog began to fade, and MIDI was only created in 1983 by Dave Smith. MIDI allowed the evolution of synths from most manufacturers to be connected and work. In the 1970s to 1980s synth voice polyphony was monophonic, because that was all the technology of the time permitted. As the 1980s progressed, digital synths came into being, and voice polyphony increased. Now, in 2020 you need to decide what types of sounds you want to work with. Analog? Digital? Monophonic? Polyphonic? Then work on building your studio including what you like, because you like the way it sounds.we now have the technology to create, or emulate the sounds of everything in high resolution, like never before. Each tool will add to your pallet in ways you may not even imagine right now. By playing with the various tools you will developed your our sound. If you are in Eurorack, most of us know you are talking about analog synths, but there are so many synths in EuroRack that are digital. For me I got a few of the the Roland System-1m because I like the sounds, they offer several plug-out vintage synth engines, and the System-1m has the CV and trigger connections to go deep in EuroRack. The System-1m is also 4 note polyphonic, where the plug-outs are only monophonic. You get explore EuroRack and get deep, and have 64 patch memories on the System-1m engine, and another 64 patch memories for whatever plug-out you install (I like the System-100 plug-out, but I have them all). Get some sequencers like the Arturia BeatStep Pro and you get to trigger 2 different synth tracks, and a percussion track. EuroRack has opened so very many doors for us all to explore and play. There really is no one TDream rig to copy, as their equipment library evolved over the many decades and incarnations of the band from their inception. No one list of equipment make you create what they did at any point in time. Get gear of your own and play!

This is such a wild composition! A great collection of synthetic sounds evoking a natural jungle! Excellent job!

I cannot find your work anymore. I clicked on your link, but it does not open up your music.

Have you been using this rig? I am most curious about your use of the KOMA Poltergeist? I would be interested in hearing what you have come up with.

Thread: Korg ms20

...and so begins the journey down the rabbit hole of EuroRack... ROTFLMAO!

You might want to explore getting a Roland System-1m. I love my System-1 Keyboard, and got a few of the rack mount versions the System-1m to mix with my EuroRack stuff.

Actually, I started with the System-1m with the intent to build my EuroRack system as it is perfect as a stand alone MIDI synth, but also provides jacks for most of the synth functions to connect to all sorts of EuroRack modules.

Also the System-1/1m synths allow you to get a software plug-in of several other vintage Roland synths (SH-101, SH-02, ProMars and System-100, along with the System-1 plugin). I like the System-100 plugin sound. I think it has a bit warmer, or heavier bass sound to it. Each plugin sounds as close as you will get to the sound and tone of the original synths they emulate.

When you buy a Roland plugin for the System 1/1m synths you install it on your Mac or PC and can load it into the synth, but also use these plugins with a software sequencer like Logic and most others.

FYI, I found some Roland System-1m modules on eBay for around $300-$400 each. Great deal for the price when you consider just a EuroRack synth oscillator can easily cost $100-$300 or more. With the input and output jacks on the System-1m you can use the parts you want, or the whole synth with tons of other EuroRack modules. Great way to get a synth, with MIDI to CV built-in, and add more stuff later. :).

Such a deal!

Thread: Korg ms20

I have the Behringer Model D and the Neutron, but only got them recently, so I have not done any interfacing with anything else at the moment. The Model D was hard to not grab for $300-$329 being a clone of a Moog, and the same price for the Neutron after I found out I could get and use alternate faceplates. Which I got the Wave 2.3 faceplate. The Neutron’s red faceplate is just not my thing. The blue 2.3 is, and it’s retro looking like a PPG Wave 2.3. :)

Here is the original faceplate shipped with a Neutron:

And here is the blue 2.3 faceplate I got:

Thread: Korg ms20

In the “early days”, or back when synthesizers where first being manufactured, different companies used different standards for controlling the synths.

As Lucia mentioned above in an earlier reply, how different companies early on used different system interfaces...

These incompatibilities lead Dave Smith Of Sequential to basically draft the specifications for MIDI (Musical Instument Digital Interface), that was eventually adopted by all the synth manufacturers.

Back to the old days...

Different manufacturers (typically in the USA) used the 1 volt/octave interfaces and trigger signals, usually Moog, ARP, Sequential, and Oberheim, as well as others like PAIA and Antares. However, some used “S” or Switch triggers, while others used “V” or Voltage triggers.

Most of the Japanese companies like Yamaha and Korg where using hertz/octave for tuning, but at this point (it has been a few decades), I do not remember for certain, but I suspect they used the the opposite of what Moog were using. At one point I had a tiny interface a friend made that allowed me to tack trigger signals from my Moog Source and Moog Multimoog synths and interface with my original Korg MS-20.

The best thing to do for a bit of history is to read through this article on Wikipedia -

Thread: Korg ms20

There are converters that you can get too. But it is just important to be aware of the different voltages on some systems like the MS-20 when connecting with most of e EuroRack modules. Also, I think the MS-20 uses a different triggering standard as well. Korg and Yamaha were famous for nit using the voltages and triggers that Moog, ARP and Oberheim were using.

This uZeus looks promising. Thank you! I will confess that I like the look of the Arturia RackBrute, but some of the devices I want to put in to a RackBrute 6U do not fit into it that well, because of how Arturia has wired and installed their power supply. This might do the trick for my purpose.

I am confused about where you are getting the power current draw of over 1000, as the Roland page for the System-1m lists a Eurorack current draw of 700 ( The Aira Demora lists 450 for the current draw. The Arturia site ( lists the 6U putting out 1600ma. It looks like I will need to look at, at least one other case that puts out more power to accommodate 2 of the System-1m units anyway. I suspect the power draw on the System-1m is due in part to all of those bright LEDs. So I am interested in some other case options.

I have 2 Arturia 6U eurorack cases, they look beautiful, however...

I bought these cases so I can mount some of my Roland stuff in. I have several Roland System-1m synths, and the Roland effects modules (Bitrazer, Torcido, Scooper and Demora), but all of these units have finished backs so they can be used anywhere - in or out of a rack case.

The problem with the Arturia 3U and 6U cases is they use a tall power adapter jack soldered to the power distribution board that is too tall. I cannot mount any of my modules in these racks because of the poor design of the power distribution jack connections.

Can anyone help me out with creating an adapter cable with a few power distribution jacks on a cable? I need maybe 2 to 4 power jacks on the cable that could plug into the Arturia power source for these cases.

Thank you!