OK, I've upgraded to Unicorn status...can I have special powers to get that bloody cat off the corner of my screen? It's a distracting nuisance. Yes, I am easily distracted.

I tried an overlay/pop-up blocker in Chrome, but no luck. Is there a way to disable it? Please, I'm begging.


yes - make your rack bigger than it actually is (an extra row at the bottom when editing) and never leave modules outside the rack

but you could have done that without being an unicorn!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Thank you! I didn't realize that a rogue module had fallen out of my rack and out of view. (Aren't I the doofus for getting hissy about something that is actually a helpful feature. Bad me.)

And my post suffered from pre-coffee confusion...I upgraded to unicorn independently of losing my mind over an on-screen cat :)

@oldandintheway this post made my day, that cat really is a jerk!! 🤣🤣

Giving anyone a reason to chuckle is a satisfying day's work, and it helped me recover from being traumatized by a demented stalker kitty :)

The MG cat must remain forever. It haunts us, even in our dreams.

That screaming you hear later tonight will be me.

The cat's demands are apparent: clean up your mess (and it'll go away). :)

Oh mighty Modular-cat
Keeper of stereophonic balance

Bless the Kitty and His annoyance
Bless the coming and going (and coming and going and coming and going and coming and going and...)
May His warnings cleanse your rack build...

(with absolutely no apologies to the late Frank Herbert)

I'd still like a way to disable the cat for real tbh.

This chrome extension will hide the cat when in rack view.

This chrome extension will hide the cat when in rack view.

You people

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]


I was able to remove the cat using uBlock Origin's element blocker. With the uBlock Origin extension installed, navigate to a eurorack page where the cat appears. Then right click on the page and you should see a "Block element" menu option with the uBlock logo next to it. Select that option and in the little box that pops up in the lower right paste in ###wrap-cat. You should see the cat highlighted in a red box to indicate that the rule you pasted in was able to find the right element to block. Lastly, click the "Create" button. The cat should be gone.

[Elaborate explanation deleted]

The cat should be gone.
-- Sarksus

You underestimate the MG Kitty. It's very devious, not to be trifled with. Several people tried to get rid of it...and they all DIED under mysterious circumstances in their studios, torn to shreds by some THING that appeared to have clawed its way out of a modular synth case. All of the witnesses to these hideous attacks said they could hear animalistic yowling, screams, and the sound of blood spattering...and when they got into the studio, all they found was cat hair, mangled flesh, and a business card from Cwejman. Simply terrifying.

I would respond, however I have been killed. This message has been posted in the event of my death. I regret everything.

Haha, I am somewhat fond of the kitty, but my ADHD makes me very easily distracted and I am driven to chase after it with my mouse :P

Strangely, when I posted my earlier message I couldn't see any posts in this thread besides the first post and one reply. I hadn't seen the other solution posted. Maybe the cat pre-emptively sent me to another dimension to prevent me from communicating :D

Strangely, when I posted my earlier message I couldn't see any posts in this thread besides the first post and one reply.
-- Sarksus

That's because the search function is too advanced for this world. If you enter something in the search box all posts are hidden that do not contain the search query. I will fix that one day..

For the cat matter: it's even worse now with the dark theme. Now there is a negative cat which in theory should neutralize the regular cat if they ever meet what god forbid hopefully will never happen.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

For the cat matter: it's even worse now with the dark theme. Now there is a negative cat which in theory should neutralize the regular cat if they ever meet what god forbid hopefully will never happen.
-- modulargrid

SYNTHMAGEDDON!!!!! My god...we'll all be forced to play kazoos if that were to happen!

: ( I was hoping this might be a new complex oscillator I really NEED!... (j/k)

That's because the search function is too advanced for this world. If you enter something in the search box all posts are hidden that do not contain the search query. I will fix that one day..
-- modulargrid

Oh that makes sense now, yes I was searching about the cat haha. Thanks for clarifying what happened :D