cool beans! My first modular was Doepfer and still have it. So great, simple and powerful.

Marbles is great fun and super useful!

easy way- buy an Erica Synths Techno system

as long as you keep dust and food/drink away they last a long time. In five years, only a couple have failed me.

Yes modulation is way more important than too many voice oscillator modules. If you want to keep the smaller case, consider smaller sized hp modules that perform these modular tasks like 0chd from Divkid that is way smaller than Rampage and still gives you tons of modulation. Also consider getting a quad VCA module and attenuator. A filter would be great add on as well.

Not a bad start but I recommend a larger case and more utilities and maybe some effects?

I have not bought any new gear in 2 years. I bought tons of modular synths during the pandemic but now have everything needed and actually need to sell off stuff not being used. What are best places to sell used synth gear? I have several modular synths and a dozen modules that I want to sell off.

If you keep dust out and avoid spilling liquids and foods they have been pretty rock solid. I began my modular journey several years ago and out of my 100+ modules, all work except for a few ones. Support also is way better as small boutique makers tend to pay greater attention in the customer support area.

it is just an ok sequencer and lacks the features I needed for complex sequencing. Need to sell mine as I have an Eloquencer and better sequencers now.

love Shakmat modules! So easy and fun to use. I have the Time Wizard that is a great clock generator.

also consider Squarp hapax as it can both MIDI and CV and external portable. Love this one the best such a nicer user interface and great for live performance with touch pads and great options. This is my main sequencer for modular and hardware synths if I am not using a in rack modular sequencer. Cirklon another consideration but the 2 year wait list is tough.

for drums, I love the Winter Eloquencer with 8 tracks of cv/trigger and easy to see all 8 tracks one one screen plus chaining, song mode and ability to save and recall patterns. Easy to use and fantastic. For melodic stuff, the Black Sequencer is fantastic. I have both sequencers and many others.

I love the Intellijel 4u/7u cases so good and 1u rows are fantastic to squeeze more mileage in a compact modular setup.
With a good drum synth module, utlities, mixer and effects and decent sequencer it does a lot! I call it my modular Elektron version.

I have an experimental monster case with effects modules, complex oscillator and filters and mixer and a good sequencer and utilities. That is used for creating weird soundscapes. For performance oriented stuff like dance music, I have two cases one a 4u and another 7u Intellijel case with Eloquencer sequencer, Queen of Pentacles, mixer and utilities in the 4u case that works great live. My other portable case also has an Eloquencer sequencer, mixers, utilities, and several drum modules and an oscillator/filter combo that work well. I like using the same sequencer as it has good format for drums and music live in that I can view 8 tracks at same time and create song mode and patch presets for recall later.

I would say Noise Engineering, Doepfer and Intellijel since they have a clean approach with lots of creative modulation options and easy to learn functions and great support. As much as I love Make Noise, the challenge with Make Noise is their quirky labels and functions that do multiple things at once.

I have a Korg volca drum and it is tons of fun using with eurorack effects modules!

For serious polyphony, I reach first for my Access Virus TI2 keyboard hardware synth that gets me the best all around results quickly with dozens of voices, effects and filters. Sort of like modular in a box. I do have a couple of eurorack polyphony modules but getting them patched and sequenced to make lovely trance chords is sort of a pain and far more of a rabbit hole challenge to sequence in modular than my Virus. You still need a good complex sequencer like Vector 512 and a filter bank, polyphonic eurorack module(s) and mixer.

Thanks for the reply! :)

That Vermona module is huge. I'm not saying it's a bad choice, but unless it's the main thing you want, it's taking up a lot of space in this smaller rack. Maybe take a look at the Muxslicer for something with a similar vibe that takes up less space.

I'll look into that one. I'm still a bit overwhelmed by the sheer amount of sequencers, and not 100% certain what I'm looking for in that category. The larger footprint isn’t a problem for me - this is a fun hobby, so I'm not against buying a larger case eventually (once I have a better understanding of my wants & needs)

You'll probably also want a bit more modulation - LFOs, envelopes, and the like. This is what makes modular really tick. The complex ways you can move sound around are much more emblematic of what makes modular special than any sound source.

Yeahh that's why I left the empty rack space as is for now :) Just curious, what would you add to this setup? There's so many options, which is great! But I don't really know where to look because of it :P
-- JellyBeard97

a sequencer that can also do modulation- Erica Synths Black Sequencer and Winter Modular Eloquencer come to mind.

your setup needs a good complex modular sequencer! Perhaps get a Winter Modular Eloquencer or an Erica Synths Black Sequencer? That will really make use of your modular!

indeed you need more modulation sources. Perhaps get a Batumi quad LFO or Maestro? That gives more options.

Yeah my bad, Mutable Instruments Kinks/Links. WMD SSF Toolbox, Intellijel Quadratt, Intellijel Mixup.

I am a big fan of the WMD SSF toolbox module and Intellijel Kinks/Links combos as they offer so much bang for buck in terms of space and features.

Before you buy anything, my advice is to download a free copy of the VCVRack software and play with it. Also the book Patch and Tweak is awesome for beginners. For first modules, get a larger case than you think to have room to grow. I recommend something like the Intellijel 7u case that has room for 1u modules which are fantastic. Focus on core utilities: LFOs, matrix mixer, a filter, a VCO and so forth. Like you can get an Intellijel Quadratt, and some mults plus attenuator to have features as modular places greater need on these utility modules than traditional fixed hardware synths.

I have one and find it limiting as it really needs a good sequencer. Love Furthrrrr Generator but plan to sell it as I am not really using it that much. The weird icons and way of working with it is a bit of a pain. Sounds great but I prefer different modules in my other case.

Thank you! Wishing all a joyful 2024. I have not bought any new modules in over a year! Been focused on mastering and producing music from my modular setup.

nice! I have the old Clock O Pawn and it is great in how simple it works.

Yeah I watched that video and it is still way too much menu diving for my taste. I love my WMD drum modules and simpler interface to deal with. I have enough menu diving to deal with on modular sequencers. Simplicity makes me happier.

looks nice but way too much menu diving and button combos for my taste. I went modular for simpler knob and switch per function versus menu diving found in synths like Elektron boxes.

my go to portable modular drum setup is queen of pentacles plus winter eloquencer sequencer and utilities like a good mixer, vcas, and lfo for modulation. I love the Eloquencer sequencer because you can view and sequence all eight voices from the QoP drum module as well as create and chain patterns as projects for recall later and song modes like that found on the Elektron gear.

JOMOX Modbase 09 MK 2...
Kick drum from JOMOX Alphabase with CV control and saved presets.
-- bopodoq

Oh yeah now we're talking! I love using my Jomox kick drum bass module with Hot Glue compressor and distortion makes serious beefy kick drums!

get a eurorack compressor mixer with distortion like Mutant Hot Glue. Erica Synths makes a good drum mixer with a compressor as well as has Cockpit. I use these a lot with my modular drums to beef them up for kicks and snares.

My recommendation is to start with a few Doepfer modules as they are affordable, sound great and easy to learn. Make Noise stuff is great and I have tons of it but the icons and graphics are confusing to a beginner and learning basics of modulation, how VCAs and filters work is a lot already if new to modular synthesis.

as much as I love my eurorack gear, for serious stuff in limited time, I fire up my Virus TI2 keyboard synth that has incredible sound and workflow. Easy to run 16 multi timbral polyphonic dozens of voices with many types of synthesis models from wave table to granular and tons of filter types and effects. Yes, it is digital but does polyphony well. I also love to jam on my Oberheim OB X8 if I want analog polyphony at simple keyboard level. Met a pro level pianist who wants me to teach her how to use Nord piano synthesizers and while I am not a keys player I do know synthesis.

Market has slowed down but I see new companies driving new types of interesting modules. I bought most of my eurorack a few years back and have no real desire for anything new. I still have a lot to master since getting into the modular world and at a gear saturation point cannot see reason to buy much for a long long time. Love my Make Noise Shared System and several cases of modular. Only thing would be the Erica Synths Techno System and Intellijel Cascadia or maybe new Buchla system but I am good for now. Plus I need to fund home repairs and a new car purchase.

sounds good

Thread: Travel Rack

Lately I am using either my 7u or 4u portable rack that has a sequencer, utilities, drum voice, fx and so forth with my Roland SP 404 MK2. Loads of fun to sample the modular and replay warped with the tools of the Roland 404 SP MK2 and still a light rig. I had great results using my TX-6 mixer/recorder for the travel setup and as a bonus can even record live jams easily.

@JimHowell1970, duly noted but wanted to throw it out there as an option.

Erica synths makes an external matrix mixer I believe for eurorack if you don't want to use space for it.

Thread: Attention

is it the same jerk who was harassing folks under various user names like NextG?

Queen of Pentacles is fantastic all in one drum voice on eurorack. Has a good filter, on board FX and 8 drum voices a combo of analog and samples. has been fantastic and the owner/founder has helped me with firmware issues on Shuttle Control.
I had great experience with Jim at Vector sequencer and Intellijel support has been great as well. I like Noise Engineering both Markus and Kris have helped me with module issues.

My cases and power were not cheap but so far no issues. I invested in heavy duty dual power supplies for my cases. Worth the insurance against damaging expensive modules.

Nice! I like the positive vibe too.

In any case, I am at a point in my modular journey with tons of gear so saturated to focus now on recording and remastering tracks in my studio. I am glad to have WMD, Mutable Instruments and Hexinverter Mutant Drum modules since these three firms have closed up shop which is sad news but love their modules.

Not surprised. The exact same thing happened last year when I bought Data module and Catnip modules. Both sold out in minutes. I was lucky to get them in time.

Since you want cool drones perhaps look modulation that can slowly give you varied generative drones like Marbles or Quadrax in your setup. The Grendel Drone Commander module or the Grone Drone look super awesome for the voice option.

I use a small 4u setup with Queen of Pentacles and Chainsaw for drums and pads and Eloquencer sequencer and have good results. Here is my workflow when I want to jam out and capture happy accidents

I have OB-4 for tether free monitoring and record loops to turn the OB-4 into a modular radio. Now looking at battery pack to use for the 4u case to jam outdoors without need to connect to power.

Figured out how to get my modular recorded in stereo the right way from 1010 Music Bluebox without using computer.
Some fun techno with QoP and Chainsaw. Really like the OB-4 for portable monitoring and recording loops from synths and radio.

I highly recommend the Doepfer Wasp filter for what your setup wants to do.

It’s awesome because I can capture modular stems and tweak them later in the DAW on my computer without breaking my enjoyment of patching.