This is a terrible request to have to make, I feel nothing but embarrassed, but seeing as our 'leaders' have seen fit to throw all of us under the infamous bus...

My reading is that no one will be bothering importing or exporting to and from the UK, at least not for a good while until things settle down, the unknowns become resolved and everyone knows where they stand. My uneducated guess is this will take, at the very least, 6 months...

So, it would be useful to separate us out, if it is not too much trouble could you add a UK option please?


It would be nice to be shown I am wrong here, if anyone has a different take on it, I am all ears :)

While I am here, apologies to our friends in Europe, I know it's really easy to get the impression that the UK is full of people of a certain ilk, and while this is true to some extent, it is far from all of us, at least half of us are absolutely horrified at what is happening. I can only hope that this chapter is over soon...

Kind regards to everyone Xx

p.s. the £ is low against both the $ and the €

There are some real bargains to be had right now if you act quick!

My advice is to pay for fully tracked and insured postage, ymmv, good luck!!

yes please!!!
having british pond offers when filtering the marketplace for eu only posts has been irritating...

Yeah, works both ways!!!

Has anyone worked out what the actual implications are from this 'deal' re trade between UK and EU?

My head is spinning, so much noise and bullsh!t!

Hi Kel_,

If I read and understand the news papers correctly (reading in Germany as well as in the Netherlands) then with this Brexit deal both ways (UK to EU and EU to UK) there will no import taxes apply (free good traffic, i.e. as it currently is). But then again with how many pages, 1200 or 1600 pages thick contract, who knows...

I guess time will tell :-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

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I hope you are right!

However, The Clown was heard to be celebrating the fact that UK traders should be 'galvanised' by the thought of all the red tape and be keen to comply - or some such nonsense!

I had a contract recently, well a year or so ago, something smelled off so I started reading it properly, no joke, it was 23 pages long and it took me nearly a month of hard work to unravel it all - cross reverences and insane clauses like 'where the singular is used the plural is also implied and vice versa' - no joke!!! Try re-reading anything and applying that little gem to anything let alone a complex cross-referenced contract!

We're living an a Kafkaesque nightmare!!

Ha, ha, let's see how it goes next year! :-)

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I realised that if you just want to search for £ or € you can use the browser search in page facility and then just keep hitting CMD-G (on a mac - not sure what it is for windows or linux) to 'find aGain' and very quickly scroll through the items for sale in the UK - well - the ones listed in GBP anyway!

It's not ideal, tend to loop around and sometimes your eye gets drawn to the right hand side of the screen when the search picks up a £ in the description, but it's better than eyeballing hundreds of irrelevant listings (sorry again to everyone in the EU).

Oh and I heard that the Post Office is refusing to accept parcels destined for the EU because they don't know what paperwork is required... this is just hearsay! Not had any verifiable confirmation of anything...

Hi Kel_,

If I read and understand the news papers correctly (reading in Germany as well as in the Netherlands) then with this Brexit deal both ways (UK to EU and EU to UK) there will no import taxes apply (free good traffic, i.e. as it currently is). But then again with how many pages, 1200 or 1600 pages thick contract, who knows...

I guess time will tell :-)

Kind regards, Garfield.
-- GarfieldModular

Import VAT will be applied on everything above 20 EUR - so you have to add about 20 % to all prices. That will be a problem of course as VAT was already figured in the new price of any modules bought pre Brexit and buying from the UK would now result in basically paying the new price for European citizens. What is the VAT rate for Brittain now? In the US often there is no VAT applied so buying fomr there still makes sense if it is worth the shipping. But from the UK it seems that one would have to pay double VAT - one for the Queen and one for Europe...

Apart from that shipping is still a bit cumbersome. Also the DHL rate has increased from 14 EUR to 28 EUR and custom forms have to be filled in and attached to the parcel - just as with all other Non-European countries.

So I think it would really make sense to give the UK a seperate category. As sad and stupid this shit is. At least it's what the majority of the people did vote for on several occasions.

I still have no actual reference for any of this stuff that makes sense!!

But yes... double down on the UK only please!! It is a stupid ridiculous thing to ask for...

I do disagree with he idea that the majority of people voted for it though

1) they were lied to and they voted for something else entirely (still crap - but the argument holds very strong)

2) By majority, you can only possibly mean the majority of people who voted

3) There are strong indicators that the vote was rigged, but this is highly dubious, sketchy, who knows?

It's awful!!!

once again, I apologise to everyone on behalf of the UK

Ah, don't know - I think voter turnout was higher than with any british election before and I would also count not voting as not caring and beeing fine with any outcome, especially in this situation. That's what leaves me confident to say that it's what the majority voted for.

As far as I know it was only possible to state if the United Kingdom should remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union. Either or and pretty straight forward. So what else did they thought they voted for?

And it did not seem to be particulary difficult to acquire information about what this actually means if one wanted to. It's not that it was not obvious that nigel farage is a fascist dickhead. And being lied to is not the whole story as everyone had the choice whom they wanted to listen to.

So yes, the majority voted for following nationalism, throwing the Polish out of the country and making Brittania great again. Of course that is terrible for all other people and making this a referendum is a totally stupid if not ethically immoral idea, especially when one does it out of merely tactical considerations. But I guess this is not the place to discuss these things.

Unfortunately for eyeryone a UK category would make sense now. Of course one could still try to build a network with Irish modular freaks to get around this...

Definitely not the place for this kind of trolling no!

Ah, don't know - I think voter turnout was higher than with any british election before and I would also count not voting as not caring and beeing fine with any outcome, especially in this situation. That's what leaves me confident to say that it's what the majority voted for.

As far as I know it was only possible to state if the United Kingdom should remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union. Either or and pretty straight forward. So what else did they thought they voted for?

And it did not seem to be particulary difficult to acquire information about what this actually means if one wanted to. It's not that it was not obvious that nigel farage is a fascist dickhead. And being lied to is not the whole story as everyone had the choice whom they wanted to listen to.

So yes, the majority voted for following nationalism, throwing the Polish out of the country and making Brittania great again. Of course that is terrible for all other people and making this a referendum is a totally stupid if not ethically immoral idea, especially when one does it out of merely tactical considerations. But I guess this is not the place to discuss these things.

Unfortunately for eyeryone a UK category would make sense now. Of course one could still try to build a network with Irish modular freaks to get around this...
-- Zucker

Hi Zucker and Kel_,

Zucker: Import VAT will be applied on everything above 20 EUR - so you have to add about 20 % to all prices.

May I ask where you get this from? As far as my knowledge goes, there had been made a "Christmas Eve" deal between the EU and the UK meaning that the trading stays under the same conditions, meaning again that there will be no VAT charges between EU countries and the UK.

So I am a bit puzzled by this, has the deal been changed?

Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Zucker and Kel_,

Zucker: Import VAT will be applied on everything above 20 EUR - so you have to add about 20 % to all prices.

May I ask where you get this from? As far as my knowledge goes, there had been made a "Christmas Eve" deal between the EU and the UK meaning that the trading stays under the same conditions, meaning again that there will be no VAT charges between EU countries and the UK.

So I am a bit puzzled by this, has the deal been changed?

Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.
-- GarfieldModular

The Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and the UK covers (besides a lot of other things like transportation, police stuff and to whom the fish in the oceans belong if not to them selves) only international trade, no national taxes. It was aggreed on what can be traded between both civilisations and that generally no custum duties shall be applied on goods manufactured within each area.

Value Added Tax is a tax, not a duty. It is collected by the european states on basically everything that has a value and can be traded. It is added when you buy something within the Union or when something enters the Union for the first time. It does not matter then if it was purchased abroad or if it is a gift or a prize you won. If something is send abroad for a repair job and then sent back VAT is added to the value of the actual work done, even when it was not payed for.

So no, the deal has not be changed. It just does not cover this topic as it is not a bilateral problem. On a side note, I think the actual custom duty rate for synth stuff is abot 3 % for the EU - the main "issue" is import VAT and is important two distinguish both.

United Kingdom is now a new option in the marketplace selector. All existing UK offers are moved to the new option.
I hope it will work with the Reverb offers too, that needs a couple of hours.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Great - thanks a lot! Or, not great, but thank you for implementing it!

Hi Zucker,

Yes, fair enough and I meant indeed the import tax, which is usually equal to the VAT rate, but yes of course, if I am in the EU and buy something in the UK, I pay the VAT in the UK on the product I bought. Important for me (and I guess for many others) that there will be no additional import tax (or duty or whatever it is called) applied and as far as I understood it, that will be the case (as it was till 2020). Correct?

Still don't understand your "above Euro 20" explanation that import duty needs to be paid on that, that would be not confirm the agreement that I understood (and you just explained here above).

Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Unfortuntaley that is not correct. If you buy something from a UK shop that is shipped to the EU you will either not pay VAT but pay a net price to the shop and VAT is applied when the device gets delivered or picked up by you. Or the shop has a EU VAT regristration and you pay VAT directly on purchase which then is passed on to the EU by the shop (usually once a year or quarterly).

If you now buy a used module from the UK the seller most certainly has no VAT regristrtaion and you will have to pay VAT on import. The custom authorities do not care if anyone has already payed any taxes on the item in any country before and the price is now a net price. Though there might be the opportunity to claim an exception if you can prove that this very device has been imported to the UK when it still was under the authority of Europe and VAT has already been payed. But I don't think so as it would open a can of worms. I guess that with the segregation all british things count as exported now and are britisch again.

You can also apply for a VAT regristration if you are doing any business you get payed for. Then the VAT you are adding on your invoices will be substracted from the VAT you have payed on your (business related) purchases and you are allowed to pay net prices in shops who are ofering this like Schneidersladen. By the way that would also be the price Brits would pay now on european goods because they also have to pay VAT to their own sovereign now.

The Christmess deal is about trade and "real" business. It does not cover trading single used devices between private persons. Therefore it might have passages on how VAT regristations are handled but it does not cover your duty as a citizen to pay VAT to your state on all goods imported by you. Having all that centrally regulated was the main point of the EU and what made the british people feel uncomfortable.

On a side note this also applies when you fly to London for vacancies and come back wearing a tweet jacket that you did not wear before. It is just more difficult to control than it is when your tweat jacket comes in a parcel and DHL can inform the autorities that you will get somethine fromthe UK that probably is a good as it is sent in a parcel.

20 EUR is the threshold then for import VAT. Below that you don't have to pay it. There is also a threshold for custom duties. I think it is 120 EUR.

To sum it up the main point is that VAT is a tax you pay to your country for financing your infrastructure. They won't abandon it in favor of a foreign country.

United Kingdom is now a new option in the marketplace selector. All existing UK offers are moved to the new option.
I hope it will work with the Reverb offers too, that needs a couple of hours.
-- modulargrid

Thank you very much!

I know it's not a good thing at all really, but it will help until we can sort this mess out - thank you!!

Hi Zucker,

Thank you very much for your detailed explanation. This one here:

It does not cover trading single used devices between private persons.

That really sucks that it isn't covered by this "Christmas eve" deal...

But this is two ways, right? Not only sales from UK to EU but also if somebody in the EU wants to sell something to someone in the UK? So it works both ways I am afraid :-(

Sorry to hear this but thank you very much for the explanation. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

But this is two ways, right? Not only sales from UK to EU but also if somebody in the EU wants to sell something to someone in the UK? So it works both ways I am afraid :-(

-- GarfieldModular

I don't know how exactly taxes are handled within the Kingdom. But I guess so. Maybe @Kel_ can help out here and clarify that. It still feels a bit silly how trading modules back and forth now would make them become more and more expensive with every new owner in the chain, instead of less.

Just a reminder that ModularGrid is not the place to discuss politics. The new UK Option is not a political statement.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Yes, I am sorry about that - I meant silly just in the sense of an unusual development of the price curve.

It just feels so normal to trade and somehow live with folks from the UK that all the changes now have something absurd to them. Even without a political attitude towards the whole topic.

Today I read that Belgium custom officers have confiscated home made meat sandwiches from lorry drivers because meat can not be easily imported anymore. Don't know if that is right or wrong but it surly is a bit absurd.