hi everyone, just wanna share a story with you guys.

So I went for a grocery shopping with my wife today, then went to a Daiso for some asian living gadgets in Emeryville CA. I was wearing a makenoise printed shirt, suddenly one of their employee spotted it and asked if that's a synth. once the topic started we just couldn't stop! he even told me that he got a Buchla 400 sitting at home and got things controlled via Max/Msp!

How often can you meet some cool guy like this? too bad that he was on duty at the moment and I was too shy to ask for his contact, totally having a good time in that few minutes.

if you also live in Easy Bay, maybe you should go check him out too.

A Buchla 400!? Man...those are not common AT ALL. You should go back and see if his has the usual touchplates or if it has a black and white keyboard. If it's the latter, I only know of ONE offhand which was built for Mark Isham! It'd be amazing if that's the one he's got...

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Very cool story and would love me some Buchla. But for what one Buchla oscillator costs, I can buy a lot more Eurorack gear that does way more. Same with Serge.

Serge is getting cheaper, thanks to Random*Source's efforts, and the fact that they've opted to make the Serge gear PROPERLY modular. Hardly anyone can afford $3k-4k Serge panels, but if you can break all of that up into more financially-possible chunks, well...

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Well that is certainly encouraging news as one day having Serge and Buchla in my studio would be super awesome! Buchla is starting to come out with more affordable versions of their systems as well.