This patch is a test of ES Dual FX with Channel 1 fed into Channel 2. Metropolis feeds pitch values to Plaits (Vowel & Speech Synthesis algo), and Clock into Tempi to be divided and sent to trigger Peaks Trig 1, Peaks Trig 2, and Maths CH. 4 Trig.
Maths CH. 4 (principal modulation channel in the patch)
- ES Channel 1 CV (Pitch Shift 1)
- Plaits Timbre CV (in this case Species Selection)
- EOC multed to trigger Maths CH. 1 and Function
Maths CH. 1
- Plaits Morph CV (Phoneme or Word Segment)
- EOR to Quadrax Trig 1
- to ES Channel 2 CV (Dry/Wet) via Maths CH. 2 attenuverter and Data
- CH. 1 = /4
- CH. 2 = /8
- CH. 3 = /6
- Minor Pent. scale
- 60 BPM
ES Dual FX CV Assignments: CH. 1 = CV 1 (Pitch Shift 1), CH. 2 = Dry/Wet!AsdkBRIREHjWi8tlnY7mUdc_M8hA9w?e=mBWjaQ