Hi All,
This is my first try at Eurorack design. I could use some comments/suggestions from more experienced people. Here are my primary needs/desires:
1. I am interested in creating musical compositions as opposed to sound design although the latter would be fun
2. I want to have pretty advanced sequencer capability, hence the Intellijel Metropolis, but am open to suggestions
3. Other than the sequencer I want to keep it pretty simple and straight-forward.
4. I have a little M-Audio Oxygen25 controller that I would like to use with the system. It only has USB.
5. I also have a MicroBrute that I think could be used as a controller but not sure what to plug it into.
6. I want audio outs to plug into my audio interface as well as a headphone jack.
Thanks in advance for your help!

my suggestions are :

4>FH-1 Expert Sleepers
5>EURO Brute Numerical MiniBrute Expander
6>Intellijel Audio Interface II and or μJack/uJack

if your interest is musical compositions as opposed to sound design i would replace most of what you have with
a complete synth like Anushri Mutable instruments
you will save allot of money in the end.

and a must have in any system is MATHS or FUNCTION

Great suggestions! Thank you!