This module uses a Jumper to control 5V rail power, so it either draws 100/60/150 or 250/60/0 (according to latest manual for the latest firmware). Possible to add another variation for 100/60/150 (current module shows 250/60/0 - which wasn't the default on the module I purchased)? The 150 mAmps difference on the +12v rail can make a huge difference when trying to add this module to a power constrained setup. Thanks.

Necrobump, but I agree. That 150mA on +12V is can be better utilised by other modules that are actually drawing it ;)

ℹ︎nformation source | Bandcamp | YouTube

Yes a good point and it's a pity that other manufacturers don't follow this great example, so the user can decide to use the module on a +5 V rail or only on a +12 V rail.

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For interested parties, I found MORDAX’s “system 5V” version yesterday. I added the silver panel from the SILVER, so all panel options should be available if you add this one to your rack/collection. Enjoy!

ℹ︎nformation source | Bandcamp | YouTube

Definitely a better use for the 5V rail! And given how much current that often gets hidden on that rail, it surprises me that pretty much no one else has tried a powering method like that. You sometimes see the 5V rail used to power the filaments on tube-based modules, or when there's a little processing chip onboard that needs it. But outside of that, nothing much, so this is a good trend, IMHO.

Definitely a better use for the 5V rail! And given how much current that often gets hidden on that rail, it surprises me that pretty much no one else has tried a powering method like that. You sometimes see the 5V rail used to power the filaments on tube-based modules, or when there's a little processing chip onboard that needs it. But outside of that, nothing much, so this is a good trend, IMHO.
-- Lugia

Agreed! Others that I'm aware of (that also have this option in ModularGrid) are 4ms RCD + SMR and Noise Engineering BIA - there are likely more.

ℹ︎nformation source | Bandcamp | YouTube

Hi Informationsource, All,

Thanks a lot for those 3 modules with the +5 V usage possibility. If you know of any other modules, please add :-) Or if anyone else knows about modules that have this possibility, please let us know here in this post.

Thanks a lot and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Informationsource, All,

Thanks a lot for those 3 modules with the +5 V usage possibility. If you know of any other modules, please add :-) Or if anyone else knows about modules that have this possibility, please let us know here in this post.

Thanks a lot and kind regards, Garfield.
-- GarfieldModular

Klavis Quadigy and Tesseract Sweet Sixteen.

Hi Klodifokan,

Great, thanks a lot for the additional modules :-)

By the way, are you sure the Klavis Quadigy can let the user decide (by a jumper on the PCB for example) if he/she wants to let the module use the +5 V or not? I can't see any jumper on that PCB from the pictures online. Or does this module always uses the +5 V?

Here in Germany we don't have a dealer for Tesseract. Can that one be changed by the user or is it also always using the +5 V?

Thanks a lot in advance and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Garfield,

You're right, Quadigy doesn't work without 5v. So you have no choice with it.
But on Sweet Sixteen there is a jumper.


Hi klodifokan, All,

Thanks a lot for the confirmation. So the list I have so far (I added myself one module as well the Bizmuth, that one must use +5 V, no jumper), is like this:

4ms Rotating Clock Divider (RCD) can use +5 V
4ms Spectral Multiband Resonator (SMR) can use +5 V
Bizmuth Bizmuth must use +5 V
Klavis Quadigy must use +5 V
Mordax Data can use +5 V
Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas Alter (BIA) can use +5 V
Tesseract Sweet Sixteen can use +5 V

Then there is the Quad Clock Distributor (QCD) from 4ms but I can't see from the pictures if it really has a jumper or not, it's a bit unclear, anyone who can clarify this matter who owns this module and check it out?

Anyone else who knows about a module (not those very old ones that uses +5 V) that is rather recent and preferable still available for sales, please let us know and I will add them to the list :-)

Thank you very much in advance and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Garfield,

A lot of 4ms module has a jumper to use or not 5v from bus.
QCD and its expander, Quad pingable lfo, VCA Matrix, SCM, SWN, PEG and as you said RCD and SMR.

You can add this to your list.


Euclidean Circles is another must-5v for your list!

Hi Klodifokan,

Thanks a lot for your additional list :-) I had a look at the available pictures of the PCBs of your mentioned 4ms modules. The pictures are either to unclear or I just can't find it (hence the reason why I didn't mention it), so I will rely here on your information :-)

How about the RCD expander module? And the SCM expander module? --> these are not using +5 V
Are you sure about the SWN (Spherical Wavetable Navigator) and the PEG (Pingable Envelope Generator)? I couldn't find any applicable jumper on those PCBs.

I have updated the table accordingly:

Manufacturer Module +5 V usage Comments
4ms QCD Expander can use +5 V
4ms Quad Clock Distributor (QCD) can use +5 V
4ms Quad Pingable LFO can use +5 V sold out
4ms Rotating Clock Divider (RCD) can use +5 V
4ms Shuffling Clock Multiplier (SCM) can use +5 V
4ms Spectral Multiband Resonator (SMR) can use +5 V
4ms VCAMatrix can use +5 V
Bizmuth Bizmuth must use +5 V
Klavis Quadigy must use +5 V
Mordax Data can use +5 V
Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas Alter (BIA) can use +5 V
Tesseract Sweet Sixteen can use +5 V Euclidean Circles v2 must use +5 V

Anyone who has experience with Markdown who can help me with the table setup? Why it doesn't work, I am following the Markdown syntax but it seems not to work.

Please feel free to mention further modules that must use or can use + 5 V as long as they are still available (or for the famous ones those who just were sold out, are still all right to mention too).

Thank you very much in advance and kind regards, Garfield.

Edit: Added the Euclidean Circles as mentioned by Justarandomgeek, our posts crossed each other :-)
Edit2: The expander modules, as mentioned above, don't use +5 V, updated accordingly.

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Hi Garfield,

Actually I don't own 4ms module except SMR.
I checked the description of all 4ms modules on their website.
If you go to specs for each module, it's written if they use 5v or not.
RCD expander and SCM expander don't use 5v.


Hi Klodifokan,

Good point, thanks, will check out the 4ms website and glad to hear that they mention it there. Sometimes such information is hidden somewhere in a corner of a manual, if at all.

Will edit/update the above post. Kind regards, Garfield.

Edit: Removed typo.

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