Hi there. A module I've been interested in for a while I've just noticed is being discontinued and the remaining stock is being sold off. I noticed this completely by chance. So will have to buy one now.

This happened to me once before. Again, I noticed by chance and managed to order before it sold out.

So far I've been lucky but I'd hate a module to be discontinued and then not be able to find it ever, or have to buy for a massively marked up price.

Note: the module in question does not come up yet as discontinued on modulargrid.net.

So my request of a feature is to have better communication with the module companies and an easy way for them to let you know which modules are being discontinued so the site can be updated asap. And a notification option so if anything in my rack is becoming discontinued I get notified via email.


I support this! I think it would be useful exactly as-is, and...

Once a module IS set to "discontinued" here, I would love if you could tick a checkbox that says "Hey, I still want to buy this!", or something to that effect, which would flag that module with your unique user ID (must be logged in to see this new checkbox). This could serve multiple purposes; for example, the site could tally how many unique accounts indicate this option as a way to inform the manufacturer (or any would-be competitor) that there might be more demand for new production of the module than had been thought. This might give hope to a new production run in the future by the original manufacturer, or help to show that there is an unmet demand in the market for other companies who may wish to fill the gap with a similar module of their own. It could also be a way to collate data for private sales here on the ModularGrid Marketplace in order to inform the buyers automatically when the discontinued module they want comes up for sale. If this functionality already exists and I've missed it (which is possible, considering how powerful ModularGrid already is), then please ignore this.

Either way, I support Raccoonboy's idea.

Well, first we'd have to overcome an inherent flaw with some manufacturers' "official" listings. It seems as if once a module has been listed in such a way, the listing gets abandoned by the manufacturer. This leads to things such as the continuing confusion over modules such as Clouds, etc. If there was a way to allow at least mods to make suitable adjustments like this, it might help somewhat...but in truth, the manufacturers need to be more diligent about listing updates, also. Given the "reference standard" that ModularGrid has become over the years, making sure your listings are constantly updated seems like a prime idea.

brilliant idea!

So my request of a feature is to have better communication with the module companies
-- Raccoonboy

On modules which have the green Manufacturer Approved stamp you can message the manufacturers easily. There is a button below the stamp Message the Manufacturer.

It could also be a way to collate data for private sales here on the ModularGrid Marketplace in order to inform the buyers automatically when the discontinued module they want comes up for sale. If this functionality already exists and I've missed it (which is possible, considering how powerful ModularGrid already is), then please ignore this.
-- deftinwulf

Not sure if you mean that:
On the module detail pages below ModularGrid Marketplace section is a button with Notify me if someone offers this Module for sale. That works for discontinued modules too.

...but in truth, the manufacturers need to be more diligent about listing updates, also.
-- Lugia

I agree with Lugia, it's in the main interest of the manufacturers that they should take care about their listings. They get all the tools they need. There is no technical solution for them being lazy ...
I get specially annoyed if they lock their outdated entries ...

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