I received a message yesterday (June 20) informing me that my unicorn account would expire soon (June 27) and encouraging me to renew. Just now (June 21), I processed my renewal and discovered that my unicorn account is now valid until June 21, 2019, meaning that I'm essentially paying double for the next few days and losing a few days from the annual cycle.

Now, don't get me wrong. MG.net is wonderful, and the cost of a yearly account is marginal (let alone the cost of a few days). All in all, I'm getting an utterly unique service 24/7 at a price that compares favorably with one decent lunch in Manhattan (where I work). I don't want to make a mountain out of this molehill, and I'm sure that there was no bad intent. I'd just suggest to the webmaster team to amend the system so that purchased renewals begin upon the expiration of the previous period, not before.

Many thanks for all the excellent work you've done to support the global modular synth community.

This is an embarrassing bug I thought I had already fixed some time ago.
Strange thing: I have checked your account. It looks o.k. to me, it will expire on June 27.

I processed my renewal and discovered that my unicorn account is now valid until June 21, 2019

Where did you get that info?

I think (well, kind of hope) it just displays the wrong date but enters the right one in the database. Of course I don't want to cheat you guys.

Thanks for supporting!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Ah, OK...good to know. Thanks for the quick response.

I got the info from the renewal confirmation email. See screenshot.

Just to reiterate: I'm 100% confident that you weren't trying to cheat anyone, that this wasn't intentional. You provide an awesome resource for free and a useful set of enhancements for next to nothing. I'm extremely satisfied.

I got the info from the renewal confirmation email. See screenshot.

Thanks that is helpful!
It's like I thought, the value is saved correct in the db but the output in the email is just "today +1y".
Will fix it soon.

You provide an awesome resource for free and a useful set of enhancements for next to nothing. I'm extremely satisfied.

Thanks for kind words!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

The issue is fixed.
You will see the right expire date on the receipt if you still support us next year :)

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]