In all the time I've been using the wonderful ModularGrid I've never got copy / paste to work in different browser windows.
I press 'c' flip to the other browser tab, press 'p' - nothing. What's the secret?

I was pretty sure I used c/p (not sure about tabs/windows) before but now copying from one rack in one browser tab pasting to another rack in another tab doesn't seem to work for me...

I press 'c' flip to the other browser tab, press 'p' - nothing. What's the secret?

-- OurMod

The secret is to hover with your mouse over the target rack before pressing v.

The reason: there has to be some kind of focus, else people would paste a module when entering "VCA" in the search field which is on the same page. That is a bit confusing and not ideal and I will think about a better solution.

edit: shortcut is v not p.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Yep worls alright hovering. It's c and v though, not p. Which I am used to anyway. THx!

Yep worls alright hovering. It's c and v though, not p. Which I am used to anyway. THx!
-- wiggler55550

Of course it's v! Thanks for correcting, it was even listed wrong in the shortcut descriptions

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

That's great! Works a treat. No I think that's a very sensible solution and extremely useful. Many thanks for passing on the info.