This is a really great site. One thing I think that would make it better is making the user ratings and reviews more accessible.

Firstly, I general access the site from my iPhone 7+. I can't for the life of me figure out how to rate the modules I own using this interface. It would be good to make the ratings more visible as well. They are really buried, which is a shame as feedback from other users is one of the things that really helps me decide in a purchase or not.

Second, could we get written reviews too? Ratings are useful, but written reviews give context to the rating. We don't all create the same music, and we all have different preferences for UI, menu diving etc.

This is a great site and am happy to support, but really do think this would make the site better for the community.

Firstly, I general access the site from my iPhone 7+. I can't for the life of me figure out how to rate the modules I own using this interface. It would be good to make the ratings more visible as well.

Rating is not working on mobile devices. I have the feeling when I build that feature mobile phones were tiny. Have to reevaluate :)

Second, could we get written reviews too? Ratings are useful, but written reviews give context to the rating. We don't all create the same music, and we all have different preferences for UI, menu diving etc.

It is possible already in theory. On a module page you can Post in a new thread. What you put there will be displayed on the (underused) MG forum but also on the module detail page itself! This would be a perfect place for reviews but it is always difficult to get these things startet.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Got it. What would be cool is if you could connect the review and the rating like Amazon does. I mean some people rate things badly, but they are not necessarily looking for the same things. Given this always find the reviews useful for understanding why someone rated something the way they did.

Maybe a simple thing to do might be to change the label from "comments" to "reviews" and then post into the forum using the module title and into a review category.