This is my last iteration of the rack I've got focus on ambient generative music, but enough flexible and complete to making other stuff.
I'm overall pretty happy with it, and it was a long way to arrive here. But minimix seems sometimes not enough for my purpose, thanks to Jumble Henge and Veils (x2) I could arrive to compensate the loss of flexibility from minimix, but I'm wondering if I could find another alternative mixer module more flexible outthere with similar hp, even maybe I could switch out one veils too to get more hp for a new mixer module. Notice I need stereo mixer with stereo channels, only mono inputs doesn't work for me (more stereo channels are always better for me). So, what do you suggest me around this? Thanks

SSF Vortices has 3 stereo and 4 mono channels in 16 hp, or with Tesseract Tex Mix you can get 4 stereo channels and some sends/returns in 20hp. Otherwise Doepfer has the 8hp VC Stereo mixer, a couple of those with the Jumble Henge could yield interesting results!

Hey, thanks for the suggestions, I'd check those.
I've found the nightlife mixer series from afterlater pretty interesing too. Even if I don't like that brand in general, I see this mixer: bartender; plus the expander Barback, could be fit good on my rack taking off two veils and minimix.
What do you think with this one?

I've personally had really good luck with the modules I've gotten from After Later, both new and used. I haven't used the Bartender/Barback mixers, but they do seem to fill the functions you'd want! Boy I'd miss having the Veils though, they're really great VCAs. I'd sooner drop both of the buffered mults and probably Jungle Henge as well. That would get you most of way to the 34 hp required, but would have some trickier decisions for the last few hp. How much are you using the that Xaoc DSP? The combo of Beads and the Versio modules as well as Prism feels like it could be enough effects. I'd maybe be inclined to pull that out if mixing is the priority at the moment. I don't envy those hard choices!! The good news is you can always buy another rack to house the stuff you're not ising here haha

Hey! thanks for the suggestions.

I guess it's difficult to decide which modules drop or not. But buff mults and jugle henge isn't sure not to drop. I use so much the multis for audio, cloning signals for sending to differents effects and depends on patch, using jungle henge to create a new full stereo spectrum audio mix with only one source. For example: rings to multi, one dry signal from multi to JH, another to clouds, clouds to JH, another from multi to prism and finally prism to JH. Like that I have 5 audio signals from rings dry + wet to put into JH and play around the spectrum. Love the results of this kind of patch around Jungle Henge and multis, I consider they are so lush and give me an ambient signature for my music I love so much. It's true JH is better partnered with veils (or whatever VCAs) on this kind of patches.

In other hand, sometime I use bitbox micro as a kind of drum machine and Jungle Henge seems perfect to mix all drum kits placing into the stereo spectrum.

Maybe I could drop the Xaoc DSP cause i have to use all effects as an inserts because my mixer. If I switch to a mixer with sends/returns I won't need so much.

That's very fair! I think I'm used to just running stack cables and hex/outboard passive mults that I often don't think of them as necessary, but that's my own workflow. What you're doing sounds super cool! My vote would probably be to drop Minimix, Xaoc DSP, and maybe one veils, and add the Bartender/Barback combo to mix. Whatever configuration you end up with, would love to hear what you make! Cheers friend

Yes, the switches you propose have a lot of sense I guess.
Passive multis doesn't work well for audio signals, so I got it the reason for your first proposition. Anyway, for me they are superuseful, not only for audio (that's mainly the reason I use buffered), for modulation too. Ambient music with a lot of modulation is more fun for me :)

But yes, fair enough switch minimix, xaoc dsp and one vails for bartender and barback, even if probably I'll miss the xaoc dsp, it's the best solution I think.