I just wanted to give a call out. I want to find other people who DIY modules and build circuits around the detroit area.
Not only would it be cool to see who else is doing it in the area, I very much wanna pick brains and trade projects.

Im a decent to good DIYer, but am a complete Newbie to electronics. Im trying to make that jump though. I feel like the best way, would be to reach out to other such people, that maybe are a little ahead of me, and teach me in a more efficient fashion than the internet.

I am interested in what you find out. I am on the west side of the state.

I do stuff and things and whatnot...

Keep in touch, I know a few people in Lansing and Grand Rapids, (synth heads, Not really any DIYers) So im not against a short trip. I just find it hard to phrase a lot if questions in text.

Might have to get a little collective going. I know synthcube has diy builder meetups out in MA.

I did pick up a patch. init() from electrosmith. i am having to learn c++ but... it's kind of cool if you are into software stuff. i will likely play with it more in the fall/winter time.

I do stuff and things and whatnot...

Ive heard of those, definitely a cool idea, but not sure how much I want to dive into coding. I enjoy building the electronics, not sure how I feel about writing code though. I hear c++ is especially hard as well.

I am a software developer by day ;). The code is not the hard part ill get there. Where I struggle is the hardware side... I have an idea for a synth based on the the daisy. But lots of hardware learning before i can make that.

I do stuff and things and whatnot...