So, a mega Pam's?

Looks like a nice concept, it has my attention... needs a good demo. We'll likely see more circular screens. Skippy is another that just came out.
One question is... can we flip the screen and interface so we have jacks on top? This would seem to almost be a requirement these days...

Edit... Firmware update includes the flip. Nice.

interesting...but I wonder using it as a sequencer: if I use an output like "cv note" is it free or does it automatically have another output like "gate"? please show some more video

Hello, Stefano! KAIROS has completely independent outputs. Regardless of which output mode you choose, it will still be free. However, you can link different outputs to make them work together, such as CV note and gate.

nice would love to see more videos about the different functions

Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me

Hey Magerit crew,

can you please send out KAIROS for review... to some of the you tube reviewers
i would like to see this in action... or is it still a pipe dream at this stage..?

even if its close to pams it could be a game changer....

here's hoping for some news soon.

been using it for a while and like it. problem is its sync. only way to sync is via usb c from computer. if used standalone/dawless the tempo setting is hidden in menu under start/stop button via press and hold, which sux extremely. also 8 outs only is painfull along its huge array of functions > 8x cv/gate/funtion sequencing +++. it could easyly use 16 or more outs, especially if used as master cloc ...

no clock and reset in ? no way... TMHO, it is not a "mega pam" like one suggests, not even a "mini pam". King of these types are Juniper (Mnemonic Devices) and yes Pamela pro..

is Magerit still active? I tried to contact them for a repair but got no answer