Hi Liquidcolor,

He, he, great track this one (a pity that it is so short), lots of fun-sounds to be discovered and interesting to listen at! Did I see that correctly that you have an external display connected to your NordSeq? Looked pretty interesting, next video perhaps a bit more details on the NordSeq and it's external display? :-)

Thank you very much for sharing this with us and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Yes, I'm using the HDMI/USB expander for the Nerd which gives the video output alongside a USB keyboard in.

A high fidelity preliminary version is up here: https://dspkills.bandcamp.com/track/thermilon

I was left with six blank patterns left out of the 175 available, partially because of my slightly inefficient programming.

I don't really have time to make any review videos or anything like that. I barely get any time to make music as it stands, with a day job and two young kids. And, honestly, I'm not really getting enough views to make it worth my time. I'd rather focus on making music when I can and sneaking a few lo-res phone videos onto YouTube for whomever might be interested.


Really great. What is that 1U unit on top? It seemed to glitch out the running pattern, akin to the phonogene's gene shift knob/cv point.

very nice preview, will check out the finished version on your bandcamp! :)

Really great. What is that 1U unit on top? It seemed to glitch out the running pattern, akin to the phonogene's gene shift knob/cv point.
-- FredFoxtrott

The sequencing is all through composed on the Nerd. The 1U is a Intellijel Quadatt used as a CV source to control a CV addressable switch. Some of the percussion is multed to various signal processing paths in parallel. The switch is letting me select between dry, various FX chains and muted. It will be eventually sequenced as well, but for now is under manual control. That’s why the bandcamp track sounds different, besides the better fidelity.

Hi Liquidcolor,

I completely understand you that you don't want to spend too much time to create videos. The reason why I don't make videos (yet), it would take me too much time and I agree, we rather use that time to create great music :-)

Thank you very much for the detailed background information, enjoy your weekend, hopefully with some time left to make some great music and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thanks. This morning I did the FX automation and have uploaded a "final" version.


For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

That was grand! Lovely to witness on the modular.

Thanks Kent. I’ve swapped around some patch cables so there are now two mixes on bandcamp.

Thanks Kent. I’ve swapped around some patch cables so there are now two mixes on bandcamp.
-- liquidcolor


Will check it out later