HI Mods,

Would it be possible to take some action against the users or lock down module information as there are people actively undermining this site by changing the graphics of modules and removing or altering current information simply because they seem to have some beef with Behringer.

I get that people are entitled to their views but this kind of behaviour could go both ways with others changing the current draw on other major brands like instruo, Intellijel, mutable instruments, doepfer etc.

This could then lead to people planning racks where the voltage information can't be trusted that the site is supplying on quite expensive modules may I add. I for one don't trust the numbers anymore since noticing this behaviour.

For inf0, I plan on buying the 4 play. The mA draw is 100mA on the +12 and -12 line for anyone interested in this. There is nothing being drawn on the 5v line.


HI Mods,

Would it be possible to take some action against the users or lock down module information as there are people actively undermining this site by changing the graphics of modules and removing or altering current information simply because they seem to have some beef with Behringer.

I get that people are entitled to their views but this kind of behaviour could go both ways with others changing the current draw on other major brands like instruo, Intellijel, mutable instruments, doepfer etc.

This could then lead to people planning racks where the voltage information can't be trusted that the site is supplying on quite expensive modules may I add. I for one don't trust the numbers anymore since noticing this behaviour.

For inf0, I plan on buying the 4 play. The mA draw is 100mA on the +12 and -12 line for anyone interested in this. There is nothing being drawn on the 5v line.

-- greenfly

I fully agree.
Module information is intended to be fully neutral, it merely informs.
If you want to share your "emotions" on the module, take it to a forum, or go on Facebook...

Yes, PLEASE do something about this. It's so annoying and childish. And indeed undermining ModularGrid.

Behringer has no manufacturer account on MG and it does not feel right to set a manufacturer lock on behalf of their name.
That is currently the only way to lock the entry. If the edits do not stop very soon we will implement a technical solution.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

and it does not feel right to set a manufacturer lock on behalf of their name.
-- modulargrid

I already love ModularGrid to bits, but your integrity just motivated me to get a unicorn account.

Our Fearless Leader is, in fact, very correct here. ModularGrid is designed as a neutral reference document, and just like how encyclopedias contain information that's quite disturbing, that can happen here as well. It's not a ringing endorsement of Behringer for their modules to appear here, it's simply listings...just like any other. And this isn't the first time that there's been listings by controversial manufacturers or for controversial products.

Yeah, I'll admit that what Uli's up to with these two new modules is pretty despicable. And what separates those from their other modules is that, while the other modules are also copies (sorta) of no-longer-existing modules (or, in the case of Moog, not-really-available modules, as you can only get theirs in prebuilt systems), the new ones are copies of VERY MUCH existing modules that are still in manufacture by Mutable and Intellijel. If Uli would just stick to reissues of the "greats", we'd still hear about him "ripping off" the designs, but no one would have bread taken from their mouth by that.

But does that mean that Uli gets tossed from MG? No. All MG is for here is making sure that you know what the module is, what it does, what size and power constraints does it have...and that's about it. Just like everyone other manufacturer who has listings here.

How’s that boot taste, snitches?

How’s that boot taste, snitches?
-- illiac

What are you, 12? What exactly did you not understand about the previous messages? Nobody’s saying they’re supporting Behringer (and even if someone is, that’s their choice). We’re supporting the integrity of ModularGrid’s information. Keep your hurt feelings out of the database.

“But the integrity!!” 😂
Go find a cause that matters.

I tried to explain again but you’re only making yourself look even more childish. Whatever makes you feel good big boy, hope you enjoy.

Behringer has no manufacturer account on MG and it does not feel right to set a manufacturer lock on behalf of their name.
That is currently the only way to lock the entry. If the edits do not stop very soon we will implement a technical solution.
-- modulargrid

I hope the user accounts that are changing information are being logged. If someone has a habit of nefariously editing information that the account gets locked-out of creating or editing module information.

I have to agree with Arjan. Illiac is being childish. If you don't like it... if you don't support it... don't buy it.

And also, if you object to Behringer, that's why the FORUMS exist. Don't screw with the database.