Just sold Pressure points & Brains to @Jyrki who was a pleasure to deal with. The modules are going out to him before the end of the week.

More info here, if you don't mind them making a stab at modular synth forums ;)

Ah no, i remember spotting quite a bit of tiptop drums as well.

With a hacksaw as mouse pointer I guess?

While they where setting up at the venue where I work I noticed a solid amount of Analogue Systems, a Shapeshifter, a Rubicon and more Intellijel gear. It was a short glimpse but aside from the stuff you mention that's what I remember.

Modulation. 24th of May 2015. 20:00.
Time to switch on Utrecht.

Sonar Traffic and Kytopia welcome you to an evening of electronic music focused on the moment, the raw materials of sound. We will allow rhythm, harmony and melody to play along if they like.
Generated by machines under direct supervision of humans. The common computer will be a rare sight, if present at all.

We will present items, we will improvise, we will perform. Today's developments need adventure and that's what you'll get. A sound adventure.
Feel free to sit down and listen. Feel free to observe and experience.

Modulation is the key to excitement in music, this is what we present.

Tonight's program:


Jan Willem Hagenbeek will present and explain his sampleslicer module for eurorack modular synthesizer systems. Read more about it at https://www.ginkosynthese.com/

Allert will play a largely improvised set on his system, looking to make chords from noise, trying to get as an organic sound as possible from electronics. There may be some beats, there may not be. Let it flow.

Ben Spaander will play a set on his unique Roland System 700 modular. Probably less than 40 of those machines are still in working order today. The performance will have an interactive element, how exactly will be a surprise.

We look forward to welcome you at Modulation. Contribution will be at least 5 €, we welcome extra donations to cover our costs. All artists participate voluntarily.
Send mail to [email protected] with “MODULATION” in the subject for a spot on the guest list. This is an invite only event.

KYTOPIA. Oudegracht 245. Utrecht.
