I have 2 Arturia 6U eurorack cases, they look beautiful, however...

I bought these cases so I can mount some of my Roland stuff in. I have several Roland System-1m synths, and the Roland effects modules (Bitrazer, Torcido, Scooper and Demora), but all of these units have finished backs so they can be used anywhere - in or out of a rack case.

The problem with the Arturia 3U and 6U cases is they use a tall power adapter jack soldered to the power distribution board that is too tall. I cannot mount any of my modules in these racks because of the poor design of the power distribution jack connections.

Can anyone help me out with creating an adapter cable with a few power distribution jacks on a cable? I need maybe 2 to 4 power jacks on the cable that could plug into the Arturia power source for these cases.

Thank you!

I absolutely suggest that you DO NOT do this! The Arturia Rackbrute P/S has a capacity of 1500 mA on its +12V rail. Each AIRA module has a draw of 450 mA under normal operation, and a momentary higher draw on power-up due to inrush factors. And the System-1m has a draw of 800 mA! Plug in two AIRAs and a 1m, or all of your AIRAs at the same time, and you're running a very real risk of trashing the Arturia P/S!

The power draws of the AIRA modules are one of the big reasons they never got much traction with the Eurorack community. Why would anyone drop one of these into a typical build where you might only have 1000 mA to play with on the +12v rail, where a typical Eurorack module has a draw closer to maybe 40-50 mA. One AIRA module would equal the draw of perhaps ten or so normal Eurorack modules!

Leave these things in their cases and on their own power supplies where they belong. And this should be a lesson: just because something fits in a Eurorack cab does not mean it belongs in one. Also, size isn't the only important thing in modular synths...current draw is perhaps as, if not more, important, because if you pop your power supply and it doesn't simply stop working altogether, you might get all sorts of electrical havoc for a fraction of a second that could spell the end of your entire system.

I am confused about where you are getting the power current draw of over 1000, as the Roland page for the System-1m lists a Eurorack current draw of 700 (https://www.roland.com/us/products/system-1m/specifications/). The Aira Demora lists 450 for the current draw. The Arturia site (https://www.arturia.com/rackbrute-6u/overview) lists the 6U putting out 1600ma. It looks like I will need to look at, at least one other case that puts out more power to accommodate 2 of the System-1m units anyway. I suspect the power draw on the System-1m is due in part to all of those bright LEDs. So I am interested in some other case options.

You could always add uZeus for specifically the Aira unit, but then, what’s the point of the Rackbrute?

This uZeus looks promising. Thank you! I will confess that I like the look of the Arturia RackBrute, but some of the devices I want to put in to a RackBrute 6U do not fit into it that well, because of how Arturia has wired and installed their power supply. This might do the trick for my purpose.

"Why would anyone drop one of these into a typical build where you might only have 1000 mA to play with on the +12v rail..." is what I said. Not that there's 1A present in draw per se, but typical cases, on average, tend to have about that on the +12 V rail.

But my argument still stands. Go back, and you'll notice that I mention that these have inrush current issues. This means that for a fraction of a second on power-up, the AIRA and 1M modules draw more than their given rating. So when running, sure, a couple of AIRAs pull 900 mA, just as rated. But during that inrush, the current draw is significantly MORE. Now, add that momentary overage to any other draws and/or inrush issues other modules may have, and you might only have about 1 second to use your build before the P/S pops. Not very useful. So my suggestion still is that, if these things have their own cases and power supplies, use them. It frees up space for modules that don't have that convenience...and also for modules that don't suck current that hard and aren't that huge. Case in point: the Roland AIRA Bitrazer. This fits in 21 hp, draws 450 mA on the +12V rail, and consists of a bitcrusher and a VCF and goes for $300 (albeit not now, since it's discontinued). Now, compare that with a high-end Eurorack bitcrusher + timbral modifier; we're going to use the Harvestman's Malgorithm mkII.

With the Malgorithm mkII, you pay $31 more. But it fits in 10 hp and instead of a filter on the output (filters are pretty ubiquitous in modular builds anyway) it provides a digital waveshaper for timbral changes, in four stages. The sample reduction can also work in a "foldover" mode which causes "...a foldover of input frequencies exceeding one-half of the sampling frequency (the Nyquist limit). This sounds like a strange combination of filtering and ring modulation, with bidirectional foldover (forward from zero Hertz) occurring at extreme settings." And last but certainly not least, this more-elaborate and smaller bitcrusher's current draws come in at 140 mA on the +12, 20 mA on the -12.

And this gets back to my other point, that Roland jumped in on Eurorack before figuring out how to Eurorack. The AIRA modules were something of an embarassment for them, because they built something that didn't fit the accepted format. They had odd panel sizes, which were not as common when the AIRAs came out, they had that beastly current draw (which indicates some pretty inefficient design; note that the Malgorithm mkII is just as much, if not more, a digital module as is the Bitrazer), and people didn't adopt them because of some of the "surprises" such as the inrush issue, etc. You'll notice that, after that fiasco, when it came time to start doing the 500 series...they turned to Malekko to design and build these for Roland, which is about as clear of a "we screwed up!" admission as you're apt to get out of Roland. Seriously, just leave these stompboxes-posing-as-Eurorack-modules in their own housings, leave the 1M in its own housing where it should go or, better still, rackmount it by a main patchbay where you can throw a lot of different signals at it, and use the Eurorack cab space for modules that get what modular synthesis does right.