Two modules showed up in my owned-list, but I never added them (as far as I can remember). How can I edit „my“ modules?
This question was asked in a previous thread, but the answer is not helping. Something about a tool icon next to the rating-stars, but I see no such thing.
I‘d be more than happy to go to unicorn level if only MG had some more funtionality, such as following (and easily finding) others and their racks and such things.

Other than that: this is an awesome platform that will make me spend a lot of money on modules..

Hi, not a biggy:

Log in
Go to the home page
Click modules on the black menu bar
Find your module/s using the search and sort (blue text) features
Each module has four icons: + (i) * and [briefcase]. Click the briefcase to own (lit) or un-own a module (unlit).

Report back on how that worked for you ;-)

On your last remark: You are very very right.

That worked.
Thank you!

I only searched for this on the detail page of a module and these options are not there. I wonder why one can only do this in the module list view.

I only searched for this on the detail page of a module and these options are not there. I wonder why one can only do this in the module list view.
-- mikeleebirds

That is possible now. There should be a button Add to Collection beside the Add to Rack button on the detail page.
Thanks for pointing out.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Great addition. Simplifies things a lot! Thanks.

I only searched for this on the detail page of a module and these options are not there. I wonder why one can only do this in the module list view.
-- mikeleebirds

That is possible now. There should be a button Add to Collection beside the Add to Rack button on the detail page.
Thanks for pointing out.

-- modulargrid