why would anyone need this in his eurorack setup?

why would anyone need this in his eurorack setup?

need? did i read that correctly?

well it's kind of the same as those awful - ZOIA and Hector 'modules', isn't it...

I don't understand anyone wanting one of those either...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

well it's kind of the same as those awful - ZOIA and Hector 'modules', isn't it...

I don't understand anyone wanting one of those either...

-- JimHowell1970

yeah so what did emperess effects say when you insulted his module?

i know several people who own his stuff.

@pointandclicksystems - it's an opinion... not an insult...

they're just not in the spirit of 'modular synthesis'... they're 'synthesis with modules' to the extreme...

I actually think they're very clever, same as your module, well done for putting a full blown computer behind a panel!

but good luck to you... I hope you (and they) sell loads... just not to me...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

@pointandclicksystems The post you wrote and then erased as an "answer" to my question does classify you. Good luck with your hobby.

@pointandclicksystems - it's an opinion... not an insult...

they're just not in the spirit of 'modular synthesis'... they're 'synthesis with modules' to the extreme...

I actually think they're very clever, same as your module, well done for putting a full blown computer behind a panel!

but good luck to you... I hope you (and they) sell loads... just not to me...

-- JimHowell1970

@pointandclicksystems The post you wrote and then erased as an "answer" to my question does classify you. Good luck with your hobby.

right. what do you think these modules are good for? do you think they do only one thing? can you make an open ended module your own without needing it to be so defined? can you define it or do you need it to define you? spirit of a modular synth? says who? yeah thank you for the big ups. all synthesists are not doing it the way you suggest. would you ever use a computer to record a performance or stream a performance or score video or make a sample collection or prepare and SCSI transfer samples to your vintage EMU sampler or use software for a lightshow you control with a euro LFO or a euro sequencer or do your taxes or automate your home security or watch star wars or make up for hundreds worth of utility modules or record cv or mix live synths or apply dynamics processes without breaking the bank or play wavetables without the thin nasal tone quality most euro wavetable modules have or convert mm to inches or kg to pounds or fuck it, check your email or chat on your beloved discord group about watever is so important to you? no? well good for you! i dont hate you for doing it wrong. i love myself for making these super cool tools that people with common sense dont simply dismiss. the world is full of musicians and music that isnt the style youre making, and there should be a bridge to unite their methods and here it is. will you adapt to the times? no? ah well theres a name for that... i cant think of it right now. anyway, these modules i make work very well for a multitude of needs that every musician is likely to face. keep an open mind maybe? you might see the worth at some point. but if you dont, too bad so sad, go on with ya bad self and have it your way at burger king. oh and soon there will be one of my modules without a screen so you can look like youre DAWless and still have the massive advantage a computer provides. oh but maybe you are not aware of what i speak of. its ok, you do you. you wont catch me insulting you or asking snide moot questions about your modules. dont be afraid that ill take buyers away from your products, im here to co-exist. arent you all about co-existing? no? well to be honest i cant say you have demonstrated that here in this thread. think before you post your passive aggressive questions. im here ready for inspection and someone will like what i offer, as i do. i did this for me first and foremost. if you like it, welcome! welcome to my studio! if you hate it then haters gonna hate. i dont really care. ill still be here doing me.

@pointandclicksystems At least some concede us some decency by not removing your post. I strongly suggest you to invest the few dimes you'll make with sales with a professional psychotherapy help. You're putting in my mouth words and intentions which are just inside your little world. From the show you're giving here to your potential clients, I'm afraid you won't last long, even if you might have good some product ideas.


‘Aimer est le grand point, qu’importe la maîtresse ?
Qu’importe le flacon, pourvu qu’on ait l’ivresse ?’
(Alfred de Musset - La Coupe et les Lèvres - 1831).

Which can be approximately translated by:
‘To love is the great point, what does the mistress matter?
Does the bottle matter, if we can achieve drunkenness?’

The only thing that matters is the pleasure we can experience when listening to music.
Whatever the instrument, as long as it remains that tool at the service of musicians and audiences.

(That said, sometimes, some mixtures... well, you know... ;)

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Respecting the freedom of each person to buy/use what they want in the way they want, I personally do not see it as very wise to spend 84hp to include the PC in a Eurorack case...
It is as if we adapted the speakers to the eurorack format, occupying 12Ux64hp.
If anyone wants to do it...ok. go ahead with it.
There is already enough discussion about whether to include the main mixer in the rack or use an external mixing console...not to mention effects modules vs pedals...sequencers...etc...

This unit is running at some pretty high frequencies. How does EMI from this module affect neighboring modules? I'm guessing all those fans means this thing generates a lot of heat. Wouldn't the case you put it in need to be vented? I didn't see a mention of that in the description.
I'm one of the recent converts to using an external device for the final mix. So now I need to see a good reason to put something in a eurorack case that can be done just as well outside. What advantage does this unit have over just getting a laptop, or even an MPC One (which I currently own) that is a DAW with sampler, other instruments, has MIDI and 8 configurable CV outputs but is less than half the price?


‘Aimer est le grand point, qu’importe la maîtresse ?
Qu’importe le flacon, pourvu qu’on ait l’ivresse ?’
(Alfred de Musset - La Coupe et les Lèvres - 1831).

Which can be approximately translated by:
‘To love is the great point, what does the mistress matter?
Does the bottle matter, if we can achieve drunkenness?’

The only thing that matters is the pleasure we can experience when listening to music.
Whatever the instrument, as long as it remains that tool at the service of musicians and audiences.

(That said, sometimes, some mixtures... well, you know... ;)
-- Sweelinck

well thank you. this seems at least respectful

Respecting the freedom of each person to buy/use what they want in the way they want, I personally do not see it as very wise to spend 84hp to include the PC in a Eurorack case...
It is as if we adapted the speakers to the eurorack format, occupying 12Ux64hp.
If anyone wants to do it...ok. go ahead with it.
There is already enough discussion about whether to include the main mixer in the rack or use an external mixing console...not to mention effects modules vs pedals...sequencers...etc...
-- ferranadsr

its a luxury to have this in the case. my biggest module is more of an attention getter and is about as practical as a lamborghini, yet people buy those.

This unit is running at some pretty high frequencies. How does EMI from this module affect neighboring modules? I'm guessing all those fans means this thing generates a lot of heat. Wouldn't the case you put it in need to be vented? I didn't see a mention of that in the description.
I'm one of the recent converts to using an external device for the final mix. So now I need to see a good reason to put something in a eurorack case that can be done just as well outside. What advantage does this unit have over just getting a laptop, or even an MPC One (which I currently own) that is a DAW with sampler, other instruments, has MIDI and 8 configurable CV outputs but is less than half the price?
-- PragmaticusMax

there is ventilation, forced air and ducting that removes hot air directly to the front of the panel. lattepanda sigma doesnt get super hot, their product page has plenty of info on this subject. emi has not been an issue. my practical modules are smaller at 14hp, 26hp and 48hp, . the advantage to having a DAW in the case should be obvious but 'in case' (nyuk nyuk) its not, the space taken is diminished, it looks cool, can be a meta module and fulfill a myriad of roles while not focussing on anything but music, meaning this doesnt have to.perform other tasks like browsing or your homework assinment. it keeps your focus in the rack, requires no spaghetti. the advantages should be obvious. they are to me at least. but i like the dick tracy style.

if youre concerned about price... all i can say is i know its expensive. im also not akai or korg or yamaha or roland. your mpc does not run reaper or ableton live etc. is it worth it to you? only you can answer that. my other modules are much cheaper and do much of the same things, but lack the DSP power. even my smallest module 'PAC BOT 1' can do a lot and its way cheaper. i actually love using it almost as much as my big one. i do use PAC BOT 2 the most since it has the basics, some decent DSP power and is a moderate size. but who am i kidding, i love to drive the lamborghini that i made so i cant say its anything but a pleasure to pile on the plugins and integrate it with the rest of my hardware at the same time. thats just my preference.

this seems at least respectful
-- pointandclicksystems

it's always wise to remember that respect is something to be earned and not just expected... what you're really saying is that that post was not critical!!

just like it's a good thing to be able to tell the difference between flippant and/or witty banter, opinion, criticism and insult...

especially when you are promoting a product... you can either 'show good grace' or behave like Uli...

NB where I come from, to a large extent, we reserve insults for our friends - it's how we express our love for them!!

for the record - I use a computer a lot of the time & for a myriad of purposes... including, but not limited to: multitrack recording, video synth front end and back end, programming etc

my use of the terms 'modular synthesis' and 'synthesis with modules' is both descriptive and philosophical...

by 'modular synthesis' I mean the use of fundamentally basic building block modules - such as vcos, vcas, vcfs, simple utilities etc that are patched together using patch cables to achieve synthesis - ie "traditional" modular synthesis

by 'synthesis with modules' I mean the use of extremely complex modules that do a lot of these things for you and maybe similar to fixed architecture or semi-modular synthesizers within a module... or in the extreme 'computer as module' ie your modules, ZOIA and Hector

often I describe racks as "less 'modular synthesis' and more 'synthesis with modules'" - in that they comprise of mainly voice and effect modules with modulation and utilities (often the most important/interesting components of a modular synthesizer) as at best afterthoughts...

neither of these are particularly good or bad, just different, nor are they to be taken as binary - there is a wide spectrum between them and to a large extent from what I can see, most modular "users" also fall somewhere between the 2 - I certainly do...

a lot of people get into modular as a way of avoiding computer screens (I didm't) and I don't think these extreme 'computer in a module' modules really appeal to them, and in terms of interface design... well let's just say I think vcv rack is 1000 times better, despite the drawback of the interface - mouse = single parameter at a time change - midi controller = better, but still llimited...

they seem to me to be for people who want a modular synthesizer, but don't really like modular synthesizers... or at least the usage paradigm - at it's best - knob per function/function per knob, patch programmability (with actual physical patch cables etc

your module is in lots of ways (or at least in my impressions) much better, although, at least in my opinion, it's a bit redundant...

as a module with a screen:
in a studio: not only does it take up valuable rack space (& power i suspect), but it's doing something that's often already there - the "studio" computer - which only needs an interface (I use an es8/es6 combo to connect to my MacBook Pro), which (given the pre-existing MBP) takes up less rack space and costs less... and is just as, if not more, useful - I can carry my MBP to somewhere else and use it for other prurposes...

as a portable: it takes up valuable rack space (& power) and probably adds more weight - my MBP is about 1.2kg... but and this is the only downside - I'd have to take my MBP and some cables etc with me

as a module without a screen:
in practice I suspect (& it's only a suspicion, I might be wrong) your module is near unusable without a screen... so:
in a studio: the user needs to add a screen, taking up effectively the same space as an external computer, in a lot of cases...

as a portable: the user would have to transport an external screen in able to see what's going on... and a screen is far more cumbersome and awkward to transport than a laptop...

as such whilst I truely think that your module (and ZOIA & Hector) are all really clever devices (& much kudos for you and their creators for coming up with them), I also think they are 'awful' modules and I wouldn't want them in my rack... in exactly the same way I appreciate that there are some clever theists and neo-liberals, but I think they have awful, misguided opinions and wouldn't want them in my house...

I'm sure there are many, many people who think differently... and that's great - as always posts express my opinions and are not intended to cause offence (remember in English: offence can only be taken and not given!)

I really hope you sell loads (same goes for ZOIA and Hector) - I wish you the greatest of successes in your endeavours...

a friendly bit of advice: try to stop taking yourself so seriously & learn to take other people's opinions and criticism for what they are... opinions and criticisms.. NOT insults... it's not binary LOVE/HATE (& I know social media and hyperbole are often to blame for this binary type of thinking) but there are almost always places in between - LOVE/LIKE/COULDN'T GIVE A DAMN/DISLIKE/HATE - and all places in between all of those...

I'm all for continuing this as a friendly, thoughtful and intelligent debate about the philosophy of 'modular synthesis' v ' synthesis with modules' and the usefulness/UI etc but maybe it should be somewhere else???

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

this seems at least respectful
-- pointandclicksystems

it's always wise to remember that respect is something to be earned and not just expected... what you're really saying is that that post was not critical!!

just like it's a good thing to be able to tell the difference between flippant and/or witty banter, opinion, criticism and insult...

especially when you are promoting a product... you can either 'show good grace' or behave like Uli...

NB where I come from, to a large extent, we reserve insults for our friends - it's how we express our love for them!!

for the record - I use a computer a lot of the time & for a myriad of purposes... including, but not limited to: multitrack recording, video synth front end and back end, programming etc

my use of the terms 'modular synthesis' and 'synthesis with modules' is both descriptive and philosophical...

by 'modular synthesis' I mean the use of fundamentally basic building block modules - such as vcos, vcas, vcfs, simple utilities etc that are patched together using patch cables to achieve synthesis - ie "traditional" modular synthesis

by 'synthesis with modules' I mean the use of extremely complex modules that do a lot of these things for you and maybe similar to fixed architecture or semi-modular synthesizers within a module... or in the extreme 'computer as module' ie your modules, ZOIA and Hector

often I describe racks as "less 'modular synthesis' and more 'synthesis with modules'" - in that they comprise of mainly voice and effect modules with modulation and utilities (often the most important/interesting components of a modular synthesizer) as at best afterthoughts...

neither of these are particularly good or bad, just different, nor are they to be taken as binary - there is a wide spectrum between them and to a large extent from what I can see, most modular "users" also fall somewhere between the 2 - I certainly do...

a lot of people get into modular as a way of avoiding computer screens (I didm't) and I don't think these extreme 'computer in a module' modules really appeal to them, and in terms of interface design... well let's just say I think vcv rack is 1000 times better, despite the drawback of the interface - mouse = single parameter at a time change - midi controller = better, but still llimited...

they seem to me to be for people who want a modular synthesizer, but don't really like modular synthesizers... or at least the usage paradigm - at it's best - knob per function/function per knob, patch programmability (with actual physical patch cables etc

your module is in lots of ways (or at least in my impressions) much better, although, at least in my opinion, it's a bit redundant...

as a module with a screen:
in a studio: not only does it take up valuable rack space (& power i suspect), but it's doing something that's often already there - the "studio" computer - which only needs an interface (I use an es8/es6 combo to connect to my MacBook Pro), which (given the pre-existing MBP) takes up less rack space and costs less... and is just as, if not more, useful - I can carry my MBP to somewhere else and use it for other prurposes...

as a portable: it takes up valuable rack space (& power) and probably adds more weight - my MBP is about 1.2kg... but and this is the only downside - I'd have to take my MBP and some cables etc with me

as a module without a screen:
in practice I suspect (& it's only a suspicion, I might be wrong) your module is near unusable without a screen... so:
in a studio: the user needs to add a screen, taking up effectively the same space as an external computer, in a lot of cases...

as a portable: the user would have to transport an external screen in able to see what's going on... and a screen is far more cumbersome and awkward to transport than a laptop...

as such whilst I truely think that your module (and ZOIA & Hector) are all really clever devices (& much kudos for you and their creators for coming up with them), I also think they are 'awful' modules and I wouldn't want them in my rack... in exactly the same way I appreciate that there are some clever theists and neo-liberals, but I think they have awful, misguided opinions and wouldn't want them in my house...

I'm sure there are many, many people who think differently... and that's great - as always posts express my opinions and are not intended to cause offence (remember in English: offence can only be taken and not given!)

I really hope you sell loads (same goes for ZOIA and Hector) - I wish you the greatest of successes in your endeavours...

a friendly bit of advice: try to stop taking yourself so seriously & learn to take other people's opinions and criticism for what they are... opinions and criticisms.. NOT insults... it's not binary LOVE/HATE (& I know social media and hyperbole are often to blame for this binary type of thinking) but there are almost always places in between - LOVE/LIKE/COULDN'T GIVE A DAMN/DISLIKE/HATE - and all places in between all of those...

I'm all for continuing this as a friendly, thoughtful and intelligent debate about the philosophy of 'modular synthesis' v ' synthesis with modules' and the usefulness/UI etc but maybe it should be somewhere else???

-- JimHowell1970

hey bro, this tone is what you should lead with the next time you have a negative review for someones creation. what you led with was far below the tone you are now taking. and you knew this when you trolled me. but thanks for maning up and becoming a gent.

most everything you said here is a given. do you think i havent heard it all before many times? cmon, give me some credit. i dont take myself too seriously but if you cant say anything nice im not obligated to stand by while you shred my product based on your prerogative alone. i didnt attack you, i responded to your tone. im not a big company and im not insulated from disrespect with thousands of sales and a social media manager. this is me alone in my basement making what are to me the answer to restrictive ethos surrounding modular users who have opinions like yours. i always wanted a computer in my case. now i have one.

i dont grovel for business. i am not cucking for your attention and i never will. if thats something you require from your modular makers, then please go elsewhere. because i will be tempted to reveal your trolling as exactly what it is. if you knew it was all a matter of preference then you didnt even need to 'reiterate' the notion of them being awful because you knew interest was based on preference and paradigm rather than anything factual. your paradigm is your paradigm and you know how fragile some peoples paradigm is, so crappy opinions can influence decision making. it would be different if i had disrespected you before you spoke, but i didnt. i made something that i had hoped you would like. this is in no way an affront to your paradigm. you do you.

please make your own modules and fill them with your vision and leave the smelly opinions alone. youre obviously waay more intelligent than how you entered this conversation. i cant say the same about your comrade however but i think ill allow him or 'them' to hang themself with their own rope.

im excited to offer these modules and am truly interested in providing a positive experience to those who buy my modules. im not trying to bamboozle anyone. i am an artist and i absolutely love the idea that i would contribute to the tools a master might use to create a masterpiece. would you deny me the pleasure of providing such a tool? this isnt really about business, its about a serious desire to supply a community of interested parties with tools and conveniences that didnt exist before.

btw you can use a monitor in studio, set up what you need, then take to the performance as ready to go. you can also use any computer in 'headless' mode, while using a utility to 'monitor' on your phone if you really need to.

power is provided separate from the euro rail as requirements would push past any normal PSU made for euro modules. the only thing powered by the rail are (optionally) fans and only with the intention of allowing a user to slow them down to avoid the jet engine effect.

hey bro, this tone is what you should lead with the next time you have a negative review for someones creation. what you led with was far below the tone you are now taking. and you knew this when you trolled me. but thanks for maning up and becoming a gent.

no, you're not getting the point - I wasn't trolling - I was just making an "off the cuff, witty, albeit opinionated, observation" in reply to the previous post, not a review - to do that I'd actually have to have actually played with one of these! imo, your tome - ie taking someone else's off the cuff remark and railing against it - points to the troll, if any, being you!

but not to worry...

if you're going to take every bit of criticism and differing opinions to those of yours as trolling then that's very binary thinking! and really doesn't reflect well on you... and that in turn doesn't reflect well on your business... just take a look at Uli Behringer and the Synthrotek guy! so I would advise good grace in relation to criticism/opinions etc of your products in future!

please note that a lot can be lost in translation between an englishman and an american - despite speaking a similar language!!!

I, for example, have default settings of dry humour and sarcasm... there is never any offence intended - any offence taken (as previously stated it is impossible to give offence in the English language), is the sole responsibility of the offended...

& actually I said something quite nice - ie I think these types of module, whilst not for me, are 'clever'... I'd take that as a compliment!

.... power is provided separate from the euro rail as requirements would push past any normal PSU made for euro modules. the only thing powered by the rail are (optionally) fans and only with the intention of allowing a user to slow them down to avoid the jet engine effect.
-- pointandclicksystems

you do appear to have done a very good job of thinking at least a lot of the downsides of this... and mitigating... so good job!!

again best of luck, I hope you sell loads!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

hey bro, this tone is what you should lead with the next time you have a negative review for someones creation. what you led with was far below the tone you are now taking. and you knew this when you trolled me. but thanks for maning up and becoming a gent.

no, you're not getting the point - I wasn't trolling - I was just making an "off the cuff, witty, albeit opinionated, observation" in reply to the previous post, not a review - to do that I'd actually have to have actually played with one of these! imo, your tome - ie taking someone else's off the cuff remark and railing against it - points to the troll, if any, being you!

but not to worry...

if you're going to take every bit of criticism and differing opinions to those of yours as trolling then that's very binary thinking! and really doesn't reflect well on you... and that in turn doesn't reflect well on your business... just take a look at Uli Behringer and the Synthrotek guy! so I would advise good grace in relation to criticism/opinions etc of your products in future!

please note that a lot can be lost in translation between an englishman and an american - despite speaking a similar language!!!

I, for example, have default settings of dry humour and sarcasm... there is never any offence intended - any offence taken (as previously stated it is impossible to give offence in the English language), is the sole responsibility of the offended...

& actually I said something quite nice - ie I think these types of module, whilst not for me, are 'clever'... I'd take that as a compliment!

.... power is provided separate from the euro rail as requirements would push past any normal PSU made for euro modules. the only thing powered by the rail are (optionally) fans and only with the intention of allowing a user to slow them down to avoid the jet engine effect.
-- pointandclicksystems

you do appear to have done a very good job of thinking at least a lot of the downsides of this... and mitigating... so good job!!

again best of luck, I hope you sell loads!

-- JimHowell1970

well i dont know you or how you speak. this is not a speaking forum, its a writen forum. and you followed the first guy who was obviously fishing for a reaction and skirted the line between being civil and offensive. lucky you following a class act like that. but ok man thanks for the good words. and respect to your paradigm.

well i dont know you or how you speak. this is not a speaking forum, its a writen forum. and you followed the first guy who was obviously fishing for a reaction and skirted the line between being civil and offensive. lucky you following a class act like that. but ok man thanks for the good words. and respect to your paradigm.

-- pointandclicksystems

I type as I speak... it's all just communication isn't it!?!

always best to assume the best, or at the very least, the least bad...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

by the way i dont expect to sell a ton of these but if it happens im definitely ready!

@pointandclicksystems stop sending me private messages with aggressive rants and offences. Really, that won't change anything on my side.
I won't publish your PM just because you're already doing everything by yourself and I respect community rules.

This is not your private space for promotion, but a module database with forum open to community user comments.
This won't be moderated by you: get over it.
There are going to be other people not convinced about your product raison d'etre and will be free to comment so: again, get over it.

Nobody is afraid of your rants.
Learn to be part of a community.

dude youre a total asshole.

if you never wanted my module why say anything? do you feel like an authority saying unnecessary things to people you dont like? get lost you small man

i was exhibiting to a bunch of modular enthusiasts at knobcon this weekend. they loved my modules. a lot of them too. so you look like a fool. so go see your own shrink.


@pointandclicksystems at least now people have a much complete idea of the kind of person whom they're dealing with

i hope they respect the fact that i will defend myself against bullshit posters like you. go do it your way and stop trolling modules you dont like and wouldnt use. it makes you look childish. im confident people can see this. so im done with you bro.

Jad_m and ku14

Don't count on it. They have seen how far you went with this. News from real world: people is generally able to distinguish between 'defending' and 'attacking', unlike you, just by reading back this thread from the beginning. Congratulations for your introduction in the main modular synth website! The "trolling", the "shrink" and all those poor images are all in your mind.
And lastly: definitely not your 'bro'.