Already in the database:

Ok, thanks... couldn't find it with the search function for some reason, so I added it... can't delete it because it's in use now.

Sometimes the "Assembled/DIY" search filter will change its state for some reason (maybe a bug in MG), so certain projects won't appear in the results.

Sometimes the "Assembled/DIY" search filter will change its state for some reason (maybe a bug in MG), so certain projects won't appear in the results.
-- sempervirent

So when in doubt, always assume a module has been added previously. It usually has. If it's more of a DIY or lesser known module, make sure you select DIY AND ASSEMBLED as well as show exotic modules. :)

Is there a way of merging duplicate submissions?

Is there a way of merging duplicate submissions?
-- TriangleMan

No, we flag the newer one as duplicate.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]