Dear MG,

I recently upgraded to Unicorn in order to fit my (wide)rack. Works perfect, thanks for your excellent job !
Months ago, I succeeded in getting a snapshot (was from the browser) to make a decent A0 plot (still on my wall).
Now, when I use snapshot from MG, the resolution is too poor to be printed. I get the same result from the browser (firefox).

Do you have any option to get a high resolution version ?


Hi Pascal! Try this:
Go to menu My Modular/Command Center/
Click your rack to snapshot
Go to menu Show/Screenshot
Screenshot will be displayed in browser window.
Right click and download to process as needed.

Hi, thanks, did try it...
But same result and the resolution is way lower than what I got before.
I don't think I can post an crop from the entire picture on this thread, but for instance the Qubit Pulsar is barely 128 pixel wide. Perhaps nice for a screen-saver (not on a Retina), but for printing it is a killer...

... But same result and the resolution is way lower than what I got before.
...> -- pnussbaum

Can you post the screenshot here for reference?

I tried to find an "attach file" or whatever to do so but without success.
Could you be so kind to indicate me the procedure ?
(Sorry for being inexperienced on this forum).

Copy the image URL to the clipboard.
In the reply, use Image/Inline or Link.
See Markdown Syntax on how to use these.

Test to insert image:

Do you see ? In the middle of the SMR, there is the "Level CV" label that I can easily read on my previous poster, while now, if you zoom on it, you can barely read something...

This looks like what I would expect, actually. How did you manage to get higher dpi resolution?

The screenshot images generated by ModularGrid have a lower resolution in comparison to screenshots you manually create.
So use a screenshot utility for highest quality.

Firefox browser has a pretty good one included which takes screenshots from the whole site and not only the visible area.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Hi MG,

Thanks for the advice ! It's how I did in the past.
Just keep in mind a hires version of snapshot could be welcome from some users... Future implementation ?

Again, thanks for your very valuable site !
