Brainstorm to Feature Request :)

When looking for modules, I find myself repeating the same search over and over again, each time selecting a different vendor. Otherwise (=all vendors), I end up with hundreds of results I´m not interested in, sometimes because I had bad experiences with a certain brand, don´t like their style etc. Other people may want to exclude certain brands for any other reason, as seen in endless discussions around a certain brands ethics and whatnot. Or you want a list of known open source supporting companies as the foundation of your search.

It would be very helpful if we could multi-select in the vendor drop down.
It would be super awesome if we could build a shortlist of preferred vendors and recall that for a search.

My best workaround at the moment is saving bookmarks for every vendor selected. This is at least more comfortable than scrolling through n pages in the vendor dropdown.

Not sure if that search shortlist will come but we have the Build Type option for DIY which I guess is an intersection for many open source projects.

This is at least more comfortable than scrolling through n pages in the vendor dropdown.

Maybe you already know, just a quick tip to make that faster: if the manufacturer dropbox is in focus or opened you can type the first letters of the name of the manufacturer to select him. Works on all select boxes.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Yep for the first letter function, I sometimes just scroll up and down by the arrow keys as well. Still found it most convenient using the browser bookmarks if I´m in "hey, let´s see which VCAs the brands I trust have on their list".