I am looking for one or two modules to join my LRMSMSLR for coloration of the mid and side signals.

Space is tight, no more than 8hp, so it must be small module(s).
Must provide 2 ins and 2 outs with independant processing.
CV is not a priority.

Currently on my mind are
* Happy Nerding Tritone
* Feedback Modules PRE BX or CR x 2
* Noise Engineering Kith Ruina

Any recommendations?
Other suggestions?

Hi Michael, and Moderator,

What the hack has this to do with modular synthesizers? To me this looks like spam... if not, please explain yourself.

Moderator, if this looks like spam to you as well, can you please remove Michael from this forum?

Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Yeah, that's spam alright. Looks like it's time for the MG crew to fire up the filtering...

As for the original question, though...have you thought about something like this: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/nonlinearcircuits-timbre-timbre That there is a pair of independent Buchla-style wavefolders, each with its own I/O and CV input. You could go with an EQ or some such, but something like these gives you a lot more latitude in terms of sound alteration/mangling...just a touch for a little ear candy, or go nutz to get something that would've scared Genesis P-Orridge! Even better, if you've got a stereo delay of some sort in there, you can feed some modulation signals to this module, then send the audio results on to the delay and have each repeat have a different timbral color! EQs and such are easy enough, but if you're in an environment where something of this sort can run and play, this seems like the way to go.

Hi Michael, and Moderator,

What the hack has this to do with modular synthesizers? To me this looks like spam... if not, please explain yourself.

Moderator, if this looks like spam to you as well, can you please remove Michael from this forum?

Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield.
-- GarfieldModular

Hey, Garfield, be patient. It’s a good service.
-- MichaelCrowley

Poor spammers are supporting their spam manually ? LoL, I thought you'd at least have the skills to automate this kind of stuff. Low life for life, apparently

@some_dude: I don't know Timbre & Timbre (it looks & sounds pretty good for your use case though) but I do know the Tritone. I've had it in my rack for a little while and it's absolutely great for either EQ or distortion duties, sounds beautiful and having the ability to chain channels together brings a lot of depth. Happy Nerding FTW !

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Hi Michael and Moderator,

Michael: I am usually a very patient person however I do enormously hate spam as in such extend that I do think jail sentence should be put onto it, worldwide, to solve the ever spam problem. But let's not get started politically, that's not wanted on this forum :-) (same goes by the way for spam that's also not wanted on this forum, hence this discussion)

So you ask me to be patience, for what? I am still patiently waiting for your explanation how your link is related with modular synthesizers, though I am patient about it, I still would like to know it :-)

Moderator: If we wait a bit patiently about an answer and then either don't hear the explanation how this link is related to modular synthesizers and/or this is still related to spam, I still would like to vote for having Michael removed from this forum.

Both: Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield.

Edit: Removed typo.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hey, Garfield, be patient. It’s a good service.
-- MichaelCrowley

Just an aside, but maybe...just MAYBE...you should take some mass-comm classes in advertising. Because, clearly, this strategy ain't workin'!

Of course, a lot of that is due to your efforts being analogous to trying to sell hamburgers in a colony of vegans, or something similarly tone-deaf. Look up "targeted marketing" sometime.

I recommend a platform [spam.me], their writers wrote a great essay for me. If you hesitate, check out these [spam.me] reviews , they will only confirm my words.
-- MichaelCrowley

Mr MichaelCrowley is not with us anymore.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]