I think a general concensus is its 100% valid to have both... but if only one, personally, PAM's first. You're use-case may be different though, working with semi-modular as well. It'll kind of depend on your setup. If you already have a solid clock and distribution plan, maybe I'd get the o+c? Again, personal opinion/grain of salt... FWIW, I don't own an o+c, but its a module I've researched/considered quite a bit.

Ultimately, I would caution aginst considering them 'similar modules'. While there is overlap, their strengths are very different.

The Dual Dagger I will have to revisit...

I wish I had a good video to reference; but I love it. Its just a super good-sounding stereo filter in a very reasonable amount of HP.

is there anything glaringly wrong here. I wanted to make sure I had my basics covered.

I wouldn't say glaring. Both the great and not-so-great thing about modular is that its.. well.. modular. You won't know what you're missing until you do. Emphasis on the 'you', as everyone will want / 'need' something slightly different.

Having everyone choosing different modules is a great aspect. Something like Maths I can see the versatility of and understand why so many people use it. Though something like Plaits, I can see the versatility, but I don't share the appeal for it as most people do. (Something it seems you might relate to?)

I have two Maths - one Plaits (and actually two Braids -- Pre-Plaits Plaits -- but not really). The possibilities of Plaits and (x2)Braids with the firmwares is actually kind of wonderful tbh. I have a Rings too, it does its thing, but stylistically, I don't tend to reach for it that often. Its a very nice module though.

I would say that the main things I'm on the fence about are the midi modules and my ability to get everything connected. The other man thing would be the Queen of Pent and the analogue drum aspect. ... Where as something like DFAM seems good, I think that perhaps individual modules might be a better fit.
-- TheLooseNut

MIDI isn't all that bad, just kind of tedious. Look into something like the IConnectivity Midi4+. They have a more expensive one out now, its probably very nice, but maybe grab an old one off someone who fell for... I mean, upgraded. There are also boxes like MIDI Solutions Quadra-Thru; but just know that midi does 'deteriorate' the more its chained. I don't really have a good rule of thumb -- you'll just have to experiment... Also, you can clock things without having EVERYTHING connected via MIDI. Maybe look into PPQ24 (or PPQ48) if you aren't familiar with the term(s). That said, if you have a more specific question about connection issues. Throw it out and someone will probably have 'an' answer.

I tend to not do drums in modular. I just couldn't find any great combination or reason to justify essentially doubling the footprint. Some purist (no shade) will definitely have a different take. If I were to go full/more modular for drums, I'd probably start with a Doepfer A-157 as it seems intuitive for the classic X0X-style drums. 'What you see is what you get' triggers... That said, I have no serious complaints rocking an EP-133, Drumbrute Impacts, DFAM, and Airbase 99. If there was a fire and I could only take one... the EP-133.

DFAM... oh and Qu-Bit from the other post... (sigh)... I like Data Bender... Maybe start a new thread for each convo :D

This would be a fun rack to play on. Since we are ignoring the 'start' slow advice... how about looking to getting a Vostek Atlas and/or a Dual Dagger ;)

I personally dislike 2hp (width, not the company specifically) devices. Just don't like the clutter... and as you said, those gaps will go away with the purchase of a module or two.

I think in general if you asked a more specific question, you'd get more specific answers. I can't say anything is wrong with 'your' setup... but I definitely have chosen very different modules than you.. Since you aren't wanting to start slow... what other modules have you considered? What are you on the fence about?

Look into the Instruo Carn (or two since you need more than 4 channels). Won't do 'everything' but having 2 myself... its a wonderful setup.

I had the pedal (Afterneath) as well. It does what it does.. well, I guess. I just found it to take up space because it got old after a while. The FX Aid (series) is a much better general, effect module; and yes, a classic. I own the Pro (a screen and storage, but at the expense of quite a bit of space). If you use more than a few effects, make sure you keep notes. I also own a Z5000 and MFx. I guess the point of asking about Afterneath was more saying I would make sure its what you want before shelling out the money... that said, if FREE, then why not?!?

In terms of other modules I reccommend.. All (or most) of my racks are public -- generally speaking, I own and like (or at least am in experimentation with if new) with all of the modules in them. Of the top of my head... I did like adding a PPEXP1 to my Pams. Pams' can do a lot... but should it always? I would maybe look into an RND Step or another dedicated S&H module.

The vast majority of this is going to be personal thoughts/taste; not advice.

Why the "Audio Interface"? Are you bringing in audio from Matriarch; or other sources?
What made you pick the FX aid and Afterneath? -- maybe you will be; but I'm a fan of neither.
Move Fxaid after the quad vca -- unless you know why its in front.
Can you move Pams left a spot? (audio modules next to power are more likely to introduce noise).

Never used Tarot -- probably not my cup of tea from a quick look; but again maybe its yours.

Instruo's modules.

I guess they're not so much 'opinionated' as as 'feature rich' though. Their circuits get pretty damn creative, which I suppose is a form of opinion.

Carn (mixer/vca) might be the least fun to talk about, but practically useful examples. There is a small switch on the back to dis/engage a limiter (soft-clipper) across the outputs. When engaged it offers 'auto-mixing' relative to disengaged as it'll tuck things in as they hit the limit. Ofc you may not want this for plenty of reasons, so they let you turn it off, but new modules come with it engaged seems the be opinion. This, to me, is best of both worlds. ability to make a decision, while also turning it off. Other opinions are the layout of the panel/s themselves. In Carn's case, each channel works subtlety (or not so subtlety) different than the others. This may be considered flexibility, more so than opinion tho... which comes at a cost of course, both financially and of brain power

Second getting a Pam's early. After that... it may just depend on personal preferece/information... like do you have other voices/drums/samplers (ie. drum machine/computer/another synth) already?

point is... as someone who also 'extends into modular' from Ableton, you don't have to feel guilty about relying on other formats for some duties. modular/eurorack is incredibly flexible, but it can also be a bit like biting off more than you want to chew. looking for things that speak in the same langues (v/oct and/or 24 or 48 ppq) clock may be a more gratifying, and cheaper experience....

Personal thoughts... Consider dropping the Data (and any other module you don't KNOW you want) and get an ES-8 or ES-9. I have a Data, but can count on my finders and toes the times Ive needed to use it. eith and es8/es9, you can visualize/tune just fine on a bigger/better screen. I like using my ears though. The markets for eurorack are still strong, but not what they were a year+ ago. An es8/9 will let you interface with a daw (and its plugins) and/or VCV Rack for pretty much any module/effect already out there. If you are dead-set on not being leashed to a PC, i understand... just throwing out some scraps for thought.. 808s/909s are a dime-a-dozen and ableton isnt short on drum samples libraries. a digital sample/effect is a digital sample/effect after all... you could even get a Receive 2 if you just want to bring things into modular for whatever reason -- ie. running into data bender.

all that to say... I love the picks of Pam's, RND Step, Plaits, Data Bender, and Quad VCA. Thats not a knock the other modules, but if you already have some of this stuff in hardware, ableton or vsts, consider holding off on modules that duplicate those functions. your wallet will thank you

Not going to add much but just confirm some suggestions -- having went down a similar route about a year ago. Buy the Mantis, and dont pick an Erica Synths Quad VCA. That said, if you are still in the market, I have both for sale 😉

Recently, I acquired a Mantis case and a Tangle Quartet and have absolutely no regrets. Another note on the Erica VCA... the channels don't fully close. Erica Synths stated this is normal operation. Extremely annoying to have a quiet leak of sound when you want it to shut up.

Oh, and the Doepfer A-180-9 Multicore works great for interconnecting boxes.
(latest build plan here)
-- lumpytapioca

I use a 2 -> 4 buffered mult to do something similar from a keystep pro. Fun build! Curious to know if that top left gets clastrophobic

Plaits is a great choice. You might also look into ALM Cizzle for some dancy FM. That all said, why eurorack? Why not swap the nifty case for a keystep (pro) and keep it semi-modular?

A bit of an impulsive weekend... Moving to a Mantis case because getting a solid instrument in a single 88hp row (especially w/ 5HP for PSU) is a pain the arse :D.

That said, several new modules have arrived and/or are on their way. The main ones are the Harmonaig, Saich, and Lubadh.. all by Instruo. Something about the black and gold, and who doesn't love a 2 hour tutorial video on new modules from the creator himself.. Playing around with the setup on here spurred the switch to the Mantis... I've sketched out accordingly

I'll have 3 'cases' now:
1. Main (mantis) (pic above)

  1. Auxillary (& Alternate sources) - either 3U/6U rackbrute -- sell other. This case will either be physicall above or next to case one.

  2. Utility/IO (4ms 40hp). -- not in love with this extensions case, but trying to keep a stable location spot (I/O) from/to other gear. 4 cables will be run permanently and can quickly be used for in, out, scope (when curious/troubleshooting).

Part of this post is 'rubber-ducking' (talking out loud). but I'm asking again for anyone's opinions/thoughts on improvements on modules and placement? Especially anyone who has experience with 'Matrix' routing... I've used a Matrix before, but it was Live sound (sound reinforcement) scenario. Looking forward to exploring this, but still very green.

One thought I have is kicking Rings out to the 3U (or keep 6U and rack up DFAM) in exchange for Batumi (&poti) -- but the reason is it the way it is now, is it'd be great to have a "useable" second case at some point... (sigh I could move it then I guess...) without too much moving around (2 maths :)). Ochd, though great, can't be my only LFO, but stil finding out if I like Tides enough... or if "only Pam's" works without stepping on other uses.

RNDStep... I love the idea of it switching out the inversions/voicings -- TBD on if it stays in that spot.

Racks 2 and 3....

Modules I want to add soon (Much thanks to previous advice)

Befaco Noise Plethora, (definitely will :D)
100Grit (wish I could try it first!)

Thank you in advance :)

Whatcha got Russ??

Multiple cases makes a lot of sense to me as well. The monster case is neat, but ironically non-modular if you want to be mobile with (a) section(s) of modules. At some point it's definitely more economic to have one giant custom-built case, but I will probably never (even want to) have one.

That said... I'm currently working out this topic myself. I think my mind is currently at building a single row consisting of a primary chain sound. Then other rows are placed generally in their respective slot vertically (obv, this isnt hp perfect). scatter mults and other fx/utilities in the holes remaining 😉. I like the idea of building instruments over organizing by utility. Thats also tough to do when you have that swiss army knife module.

I'm a fan of arturia, so I ended up with a 3U and 6U Rack Brute. they are great, but now I'm kicking myself for not listening to the 'get 104hp minimum/row' advice I was given.

What was ur reasoning behind the CIVILISATION + erica synths black cv tool?
Do you need that many note quantizers?
A bit weird choice if u ask me.
Nice pic btw. Happy noodling.
-- Chrissozz

Actually, getting rid of all the Erica Synths :)

If you're going for a single note .. use one an octave (or two) above middle C. I find they translate down beautifully, and while probably less of an issue on modern equipment... they take up less time/disk-space (shorter waves).

just an idea... what about a Qu-Bit Data Bender? its becoming cliche, but I love the way Ive seen some YTubers utilize it.

that leaves 6 hp... an ochd and 2 hp mult to fill the rest

just thought Id add a picture 😉

For wavetables I like the "4ms Spherical Wavetable Navigator". Adding a Joystick to this would be great.

it has 6 voices with chords implemented.

Do you have all the modules in the rack?
Which music genre do you focus?

own all these, and a few more
Genre is a tough one. I'm going to say whatever genre moderat is (IDM?). sometimes hip hop too.

With the other gear you seem to be very good set. Because of that:
If you not mainly in modular, maybe think about to only add some eurorack modules as utilities to compliment your grandmother and dfam. Just said, to save money.

i am not set on only modular, but am fascinated by the flexibility of it. I have some guitar pedals to throw in the mix, and over 600 VST/VSTi's. Which utilities to conplement the moogs?

do you need 2 maths?

No 😂 liked the black plate, then a few days later saw a silver-plated one for less than $170.

maybe less erica synths?

Yeah, I'm guilty of getting these early on liking the aesthetic. They're mostly fine, but am not a big fan, tbh

what about noise sources, distortion / saturation?

Would love a good analog saturation. Noise has been on my mind, almost pulled the plug on an SSF rainbow multiple times, but wanted to research more first

maybe some schlappi engineering stuff like interstellar radio, 100 grid or a Benjolin?

I like the Benjolin V2 for sound design. It has also a nice filter

a nebulae or morphagene for resampling, glitches and tape effects?

qu-bit Aurora combined with noise sources?

Befaco Noise Plethora = great noise source with analog filters.


Thanks for all the recommendations, will be looking into these. There's something about Qu-bit modules that's caused me to avoid in the past (having the chord v2). Words are escaping me to describe it.

It looks like u've got most/all basic bases covered.
My question would be what kind of synthesis engines would u like to have/explore?
Personally i would look into some more esoteric sound sources.
Something like granular and or wavetables for instance.
IMHO there's only so much u can do with stacking regular oscilators.
Just my 2 cnts
-- Chrissozz

Yeah for sure. I had the Erica Black WaveTable VCO until a little bit ago. I probably didn't give it a fair go, but I wasn't really feeling it. I do have the monsoon (diy clouds) for a hint of the (esoteric) granular sound and kind of was thinking to rely on effects primarily for that element. I do think an Arbhar would be neat.

All that said, I'll probably (re)watch some wavetable tutorials and dive down the granular module YT reviews rabbithole this weekend.

any personal recommendations for wavetable or granular modules?

Which purpose should the rack have?

Which role should it take in the whole gear-setup?

Yeah, good question...
I would have answered this question much differently a year ago and might have a new perspective next year.

TLDR; I want to be able to sound design and have some paraphonic (mostly analog) voices through Eurorack. Im not overly caring about sequencers/drum modules in eurorack due to existing pieces I have, but would still get anything that demanded itself. I want the ability to continue to learn 'synthesis', hands-on -- I have the entire Arturia VCollection (love it, but want the workflow/experience of hardware). I want (the option) to re-perform my compositions' individual tracks in Ableton through my rig and spice them up with different sound(s), texture(s), modulation(s) and or effect(s).

Edit: reperforming tracks (midi or audio) -- I am also very curious about bi-directional CV communication between my PC and synths, but haven't gone down that rabbit-hole yet, but an ES-8/9 has my attention.

so, this is a 6U (top) and 3U (bottom) RackBrute setup.

below is a dfam (w/ mafd) and un-pictured is a drumbrute impact, Jomox airbase 99, keystep pro 37, moog grandmother, keylab 88mkii, motu MTP(AV), and a computer with Ableton Live (Studio/Max). i have some other hardware too, but trying to keep the scope of this post on mostly eurorack.

Eurorack is the newest to the party (started last April) and would love any feedback on existing modules (choices/placement) and modules I'm 'missing' or you'd recommend would be a good fit. right now the 6U is my main focus with the 3U being overflow/new module test bed.

edit: a few modules im interested in are disting mk4, cizzle, and the 3-in-1 new noise engineering (mostly want to try out BIA)