It might sound redundant, but I suggest you play with it for a while without planning or adding anything. Adding a second VCO might be early now IMO.
-- Harko93

Yes absolutely! It's super fun to play already. I just want to fully utilize the power of the Keystep Pro, this is where a second VCO would come in handy. Some drum modules would also be great or rather a drum machine to connect with the Keystep (still not sure what the better choice would be). But GAS is hitting me for sure thats why i plan ahead ^^

Okay i did not expect this thread to go like this....

So i have decided to get rid of the Filtamp aswell as Chips and Cells, attached is a screenshot of what my eurorack looks like now. Any more suggestions on what Modules would be awesome to get (mixers, amplifiers, filters (i will look into ripples and forbidden planet))? I thought about getting MI Beads and the Erica Synths Fusion VCO 2 as a second voice. Sequencing will be done by the Keystep Pro. Maybe you have some more ideas :) my setup for now

Hi, been a while but thanks for all the suggestions, sadly my imaptient ass did already order all the modules, aswell as behringers brains. I really didn´t know Behringer had such a bad reputation in the modular world. And i totally get it cause they do feel really cheap (which they are), but i must say i absolutely love the sound of brains and the zverb. The doepfer modules are fine but i did notice some crosstalk with chips and cells (which is both annoying and kind of intresting), although more expensive maths would have surely been a better option.
Now the one module im actually disappointed in is the Filtamp it was the first module i got after getting the bundle and its just way to limited for its size and as @BerkleeGrad1984 pointed out its really annoying to use since in order to use the filter you have to use the amp and in order to use the amp you have to use the filter. I do like the filter but the module is just way to big and annoying to use so i will probably get a diffrent one in future.

my eurorack

Hi there im really new to Eurorack and so far what you see is what i got. I intend to use my Eurorack with an Arturia Keystep and some Pocket Operators from Teenage Engineering. Is there any Module im absolutely missing out that i need for this to work? I for sure want to get a new Oscillator, since Chips really isn't it even tho i like its quirkiness/brokeness. Which Oscillator should i get, what other modules would be great to get? The goal i have is to make some rather dark reverbed sounds, with some modulation possibilities.