
I have had two private messages, but no corresponding notification in my email inbox!

Is everything working as it should be?

Kind regards :)

Started getting notifications again... thanks whoever fixed this

...or if it was just random - thank you random power in the universe?

sorry there is still an issue with the email server. It seems the hoster kind of throttles MG emails returning SMTP errors.
We cache outgoing emails so important stuff should not be lost but there can be a serious delay (days) in the transport.
I am on trying to improve the situation.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Thank you for your continued efforts :))

I would recommend a transactional email service like Mandrill, but I understand this is additional expense!!

I would recommend a transactional email service like Mandrill, but I understand this is additional expense!!
-- Kel_

Did not know Mandrill, thanks for the hint. Indeed that could become pricey soon.
I am also feeling not comfortable to hand out user email addresses to a third service provider.
Most emails are generated through the "notify me on a new marketplace offer" function. Maybe I limit or just shift this function to Unicorn land, that would cut the email traffic by half.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

No worries, happy to help. I have MSc Computer Science and 25+ years web dev experience, there's not much I can't do (so long as it isn't Microsoft - don't touch that stuff), so if you would like to talk about this then please contact me privately.

For what it is worth, I trust the MailChimp group, have used them over the last, um, maybe two decades? They are consummate professionals and take security very seriously. In fact I would argue that by not using a service like this you are taking greater risks with user data and possibly missing the mark when it comes to complying with GDPR - maybe?!

There may be a problem in that your terms and conditions may not cover using this kind of third party service too - needs to be checked.

All sortable, but requires careful thought and consideration.

Also, never used them but I hear good things about MailJet and their pricing is pretty reasonable.


I would definitely move the marketplace to Unicorn Land - that gets my unreserved approval - if you can afford modules you can afford to support Modular Grid - end of story!

I would however make this so only Magical Unicorns can sell, but anyone can browse and buy, that's fair I think!

It also has the side effect that there is a much higher chance that a seller is a genuine person with a traceable email address, PayPal account and bank account. It helps with accountability, not that it is needed much around here, I have had great experiences with everyone so far.

I wish you all the very best and as I say, if you would like to chat more about this please do get in touch.

Kind regards :)

I have had similar issues plus a lot of vanishing messages from my inbox. Any idea why this is? In the beggining I thought the senders changed their mind and deleted their messages, however It does happen these days often that once I read a message, it disappears.