It can be if you're manually dragging the modules. But the other mode is quick and works like you'd want here. Hover the cursor over a module, then hit either "," or "." to move it left or right respectively. Even if you have a pile of little stuff in a row, this can be dealt with in seconds by using those shortcuts.

-- Lugia

That's awesome. Those shortcuts should be added to the help page with the other keyboard shortcuts:

Hi, just to express a feature request (already mentioned here ): would be VERY helpful to have a global view of his own modules used (and how many) for all the racks. I'm talking about the modules in "My modules" tab.
To illustrate :
Before, I had a 15U monster case, but I was used to split it into several racks in Modulargrid - more manageable. And so it was difficult to know if I had put a module in several cases or conversely if I had forgotten one.
Now I decided to redistribute this big case in several smaller cases, and same issue : easy to lost track of modules.

I can see that this feature is not necessarily obvious to implement, but I'm sure there a way to address this need - even partially.

And of course I'm interested in possible workarounds used

humbly request an option to hide the clean up the mess cat or at least fix the CSS so it doesn't make the rack jump down in the viewport when the cat appears. a lot of us use that space as a staging area.

humbly request an option to hide the clean up the mess cat or at least fix the CSS so it doesn't make the rack jump down in the viewport when the cat appears. a lot of us use that space as a staging area.
-- scragz

True dat...but I find the function that reorders "staged" modules into a single stack to be more annoying. There are reasons why I scatter 'em in various places while working out a build, especially reworking someone else's design.

As for'd just better hope it didn't hear you complaining about it. You might log in one day to find clawmarks all over your module collection!

As for'd just better hope it didn't hear you complaining about it. You might log in one day to find clawmarks all over your module collection!

-- Lugia

you're right I don't know what I was thinking. more cats fewer bugs!

humbly request an option to hide the clean up the mess cat or at least fix the CSS so it doesn't make the rack jump down in the viewport when the cat appears. a lot of us use that space as a staging area.
-- scragz

Maybe they need a "bottom Draw" feature.

Just an area to dump modules without pissing off the cat :P

One feature i'd love to see is the ability to lock a position of a module or group a number of modules.

it would be awesome when you have to move your drum rack over 1hp :P

Maybe they need a "bottom Draw" feature.

Just an area to dump modules without pissing off the cat :P

-- Keean

just add an extra row at the bottom of the rack...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

3) links to deleted racks
its totally fine to get a 404 when trying to view a deleted rack.
but it would be nice to have all users public racks as a fallback
-- modular01

Starting with racks that are deleted today we have that now. You will be redirected to the users profile page.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Starting with racks that are deleted today we have that now. You will be redirected to the users profile page.
-- modulargrid

thank you!

My request is semantic more than a feature. I'm over here in America, and everyday I drool over all the cool modules for sale in Europe and abroad. The vast majority of those modules in the market place state in their ads that they will 'ship to EU only'. I've gotten desperate enough that I sometimes reach out and ask private sellers if they would consider shipping to the US, and they usually are willing, even if the ad says no.

SO, my request is: Would it be possible to change the default 'Description of your Offer' to remove the * I will ship to xxx only. * so that sellers have to explicitly state where they will ship rather than just use the default copy that says they won't ship abroad?

I understand everyone's different, and shipping abroad can be more complicated, but over here in America we are starving for your modules, and gosh darn it, we'll pay the shipping costs!
Note: I have been trying to accrue good module karma by selling my modules to Europeans whenever they request. Is it working?

P.S. BONUS REQUEST: Also, it would be so cool to have a rack of the week 'contest' where users' racks get featured based on type of build/ number of views on a rack (or something). Basically a showcase of users' racks that encourages people to design racks that others can think about/learn from. I know I love wading through people's racks looking for cool build ideas! OK, thanks for your consideration!

SO, my request is: Would it be possible to change the default 'Description of your Offer' to remove the * I will ship to xxx only. * so that sellers have to explicitly state where they will ship rather than just use the default copy that says they won't ship abroad?

I have changed the template text a bit

P.S. BONUS REQUEST: Also, it would be so cool to have a rack of the week 'contest' where users' racks get featured based on type of build/ number of views on a rack (or something)
-- pigrabbit

We have something like this on the homepage: the Hot Racks section is generated by user views.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

hello! There seem to be a few instances of default/template text when sending PMs or emails to other users where it says "herr" as the default honorific in the subject line. This is often incorrect or awkward when users forget to update the text and it should be removed. Thank you!

Small request for a longer period of time before logout. Modular synth builds don't seem mission critical, but I feel like I get logged out faster than my bank. I "sketched a patch" today and lost it because I was auto logged out. I would love it if I was never logged out, ever.

this one is more bug than feature...
if a module does not have an image a MG branded placeholder is shown. it seems that this placeholder does only work for >=18HP.
in case the module is smaller (e.g. 4HP) the image doesn't fit at all and looks like crap:


currently i am building a bunch of DIY modules and i am not able to attach images until those modules are finished. but already planning a new rack with those unfinished modules isn't really an exotic use case, isn't it?

I would love to see a metric for price per hp. Basically $/hp when viewing specific modules or building a rack would be even better.

I wish I could filter/sort by whether a module is in the rack I am currently viewing. This would mostly be useful with the "My Modules" tab while editing a rack. When I am rethinking a rack layout, I'd like to quickly pull up my modules that are currently not in the rack, so I can see what I might want to swap in and out.

Not sure how generally useful this feature would be, but as someone with more modules than HP and a frequent rack rearranger, I would use this feature pretty often.

How about adding a CHEAT SHEETS button to each module, where the latest cheat sheets could be stored ?

My request is semantic more than a feature. I'm over here in America, and everyday I drool over all the cool modules for sale in Europe and abroad. The vast majority of those modules in the market place state in their ads that they will 'ship to EU only'. I've gotten desperate enough that I sometimes reach out and ask private sellers if they would consider shipping to the US, and they usually are willing, even if the ad says no.

SO, my request is: Would it be possible to change the default 'Description of your Offer' to remove the * I will ship to xxx only. * so that sellers have to explicitly state where they will ship rather than just use the default copy that says they won't ship abroad?

I understand everyone's different, and shipping abroad can be more complicated, but over here in America we are starving for your modules, and gosh darn it, we'll pay the shipping costs!
Note: I have been trying to accrue good module karma by selling my modules to Europeans whenever they request. Is it working?

P.S. BONUS REQUEST: Also, it would be so cool to have a rack of the week 'contest' where users' racks get featured based on type of build/ number of views on a rack (or something). Basically a showcase of users' racks that encourages people to design racks that others can think about/learn from. I know I love wading through people's racks looking for cool build ideas! OK, thanks for your consideration!
-- pigrabbit

I had no problem shipping to US if a) german customs would not demand so complicated paperwork (like "Double Export certification" from certain value on ) and b) if german customs would not start to treat you as Pro-Dealer whenever they want, which means then, you have to make official accounting and all that. Even if i trade modules with outside EU i have to pay the same 4%customs plus 19%VAT (of course on shipping too!) if the item is over i think 30€ worth (and i trade a lot, almost more than sell/buy). let alone, that they exactly check your paypal, so any "lower declaration" etc is NOT a good idea.

I would like to see a section for studio rack gear. Ive had to add them to the guitar pedal section hidden but this seems like a logical progression

Hi there!!

I was looking for a new module and unfortunately the manufacturer brand is missing:
OXI from spain
and the new module is CORAL, 14HP polyphonic multi-engine synth voice for Eurorack

Hi there!!

I was looking for a new module and unfortunately the manufacturer brand is missing:
OXI from spain
and the new module is CORAL, 14HP polyphonic multi-engine synth voice for Eurorack

-- Tourette

Feel free to enter it in if the manufacturer has not already.

I would like to see a function category added for modules like the Neuzeit Instruments Quasar and the Joranalogue Audio Design Enhance 2. Perhaps called Stereo Imaging? The closest category right now is Dual/Stereo which brings up dual ADSR's and other unrelated stuff.

Not really a function but i noticed that it is not possible to filter for polyphonic modules...
may be it makes sense to include polyphony in the function list!?

I wish I could filter/sort by whether a module is in the rack I am currently viewing...
...Not sure how generally useful this feature would be...
-- adamj

+1 from me!

Oh hi.

Maybe it's a bit nitpicky but it would be great if you can stack 1u in 3u space. I have the Xodes 1u to 3u format changer so would like to arrange my modules in a way that better reflects my rack.

I would like to easily filter out blank panels.

I would like to be able to search between a minimum and maximum HP width.

I would like to be able to search between a minimum and maximum HP width.
-- hjorten

can't you just search by max width and then order by hp and stop looking when you get to the minimum you want?

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I would like to be able to search between a minimum and maximum HP width.
-- hjorten

can't you just search by max width and then order by hp and stop looking when you get to the minimum you want?
-- JimHowell1970

Hadn't considered that, it works for now ;).

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Would be nice to be able to duplicate a module when planning a rack. Maybe a button or so on the top left like the others.

Would be nice to be able to duplicate a module when planning a rack. Maybe a button or so on the top left like the others.
-- maths


Yiiha! Totally missed that feature.


Reorganizing my modules in racks, and I was wondering if I missed an easy way to switch a module between racks? It's kinda bothersome at the moment, since one has to search for each module after switching to the new rack...


Reorganizing my modules in racks, and I was wondering if I missed an easy way to switch a module between racks? It's kinda bothersome at the moment, since one has to search for each module after switching to the new rack...
-- nodens

i seem to remember you can copy and paste (see keyboard shortcuts above) between racks, but I might be wrong...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities


Reorganizing my modules in racks, and I was wondering if I missed an easy way to switch a module between racks? It's kinda bothersome at the moment, since one has to search for each module after switching to the new rack...
-- nodens

i seem to remember you can copy and paste (see keyboard shortcuts above) between racks, but I might be wrong...
-- JimHowell1970

No, you're right, it does. If one has a keyboard, and several windows open on different rack, one can copy/cut/paste from one rack to another. Thanks!

I'd still appreciate a way to do it without keyboard, though. since I mostly use my tablet.
Alternatively a way to filter modules that are already in one of my rack from the search could help too. Meanwhile I'll do large rack changes with a computer ;)


I would like to easily filter out blank panels.
-- jgb

Second on this

I would like to easily filter out blank panels.
-- jgb

Second on this

-- Dub007

something like this?

or is there another context where excluding blank panels makes sense?

Nice! Yes, something like this would be great.

Is it currently possible to assign a 3U 4hp module to a 26hp 1U space, such as when using a 3U-to-1U adapter? I'd love to see that added if not.

Posted this a year ago with no responses. In the meantime I've added a few devices to the pedal view but I still feel Desktop should be its own category. I use 4ms Pods as placeholders for my modular, but I see they have been recently unlisted?? Still hoping to be able to see my setup, all in one, here one day .

I'd like a desktop layout where you could blend a screenshot of your modular rack, or many, along with any standalone equipment like synths and drum machines or guitar pedals and effect units. The pedals feature kinda does it already but it would need the addition of a lot more desktop devices and of course the screenshot as a device idea. This would make Pod layouts possible where you could arrange several separate small racks in a single space.


-- general_disorder

I would like to easily filter out blank panels.
-- jgb

Second on this

-- Dub007

something like this?

or is there another context where excluding blank panels makes sense?
-- modular01

Another option would be to get rid of the Function / Secondary Function dropdowns and add a list of all functions with a +/- to include or exclude each.

I would like to easily filter out blank panels.
-- jgb

Second on this

-- Dub007

something like this?

or is there another context where excluding blank panels makes sense?
-- modular01

Could be done that way, yes. Or more extensive filtering preferences defined elsewhere. :-) Implementation wise this would be equivalent to trusting the tagging data of modules, not including anything tagged as a blank panel.

Taking myself as an example, I am not interested in 1u modules at all. To filter out those by default I have to save a link with that filtering setting already set (full size only).

Another option would be to get rid of the Function / Secondary Function dropdowns and add a list of all functions with a +/- to include or exclude each.

-- general_disorder

Drop downs like the filtering functions in Excel and similar spreadsheet programs. Could be done.

An option to organize modules in racks by manufacturer.

I have a feature request. I am 100% new to modular and questions arise. Questions I hope the forum could answer. But I cannot open a new thread because I am a new user. But I cannot contribute anything usefull to other threats because I know nothing. Anything I could write would be "on nice" or "I wouldnt do it that way..but I dont know"
So my request is, new users should be able to open new threads, otherwise a new guy like me will never be able to use this forum..

So my request is, new users should be able to open new threads, otherwise a new guy like me will never be able to use this forum..
-- DareDenis

After ca. 24h you are not a new user anymore. The limit is just there to keep the bots out.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

When dealing with huge racks that are very full its often a pain to perform tiny rearrangements
it would be great to workaround this by temporary injecting empty rows and remove them again
something like this

Row functions
├── Swap Rows
│   ├── Row 1
│   │   ├── with Row 2
│   │   └── with Row 3
│   ├── Row 2
│   │   ├── with Row 1
│   │   └── with Row 3
│   └── Row 3
│       ├── with Row 1
│       └── with Row 2
├── Move Row
│   ├── Row 1
│   │   ├── to position 2
│   │   └── to bottom
│   ├── Row 2
│   │   ├── to top
│   │   └── to bottom
│   └── Row 3
│       ├── to top
│       └── to position 2
├── Insert empty row
│   ├── 3U
│   │   ├── top
│   │   ├── between rows 1 & 2
│   │   ├── between rows 2 & 3
│   │   └── bottom
│   └── 1U
│       ├── top
│       ├── between rows 1 & 2
│       ├── between rows 2 & 3
│       └── bottom
└── Remove empty rows
    ├── all
    ├── empty row y
    └── empty row x

It would be nice to set a "maximum depth" for a rack, that disallows adding a module that is deeper.

It would be nice to set a "maximum depth" for a rack, that disallows adding a module that is deeper.
-- nathan_wiggles

I second this. It could be added the same way max/exact width is done when searching for modules though.