What happened to the DFAM module graphic? It looks like a photograph of someone's desk with a DFAM was substituted for the actual DFAM graphic.

Looks fine to me. Try deleting the desk-like thing from your build and then putting the DFAM back in. If it still shows up wrong, refresh your window.

The entire FORUMS.

When sorting by the latest post, the results aren't so. I'm expecting to see the thread with the newest post at the top, followed by the second newest, third, etc. It seems almost random. Is it being sorted by the latest VIEWED rather than posted? It should be fixed right away as new forum messages and replies are getting buried by older posts.
-- Ronin1973

i hopefully have fixed it and it should work now as expected.
The other sort options where buggy too, so I have removed them for now. In exchange we now have a rudimentary view count.

Sorry it took me so long...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

What happened to the DFAM module graphic? It looks like a photograph of someone's desk with a DFAM was substituted for the actual DFAM graphic.
-- WhateverEd

If you see problems like that try out the Panel Selector feature:

  • Activate the Panel Selector button in the rack view.
  • Small arrow icons will hover over the modules in the rack.
  • Click on the arrows will change through the different panel graphics users have uploaded.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Seems that depth works the wrong way? I'm trying to sort MyModules by depth and even though the arrow points upwards I get the modules with no depth on top. Is that normal? It doesn't make sense. I also get the shallowest modules on top and that is wrong.

By comparison arrow in Popular points to the most popular, in Newest points to the newest. I'd expect it to act the same way for Depth, it should point to the most deep.

Seems that depth works the wrong way? [...]
-- ParanormalPatroler

Good point. The other sort options are discussable, too.
I would like to define all orders at once so what would you and everybody else say is this correct/expected:

Arrow up:
Newest: newest module first
Popular: most popular first
Alphabetic: modules first with letter 012..ABC
Price: most expensive first
Manufacturer: Manufacturers first with letter 012..ABC
HP: widest first
Depth: deepest first
Number of function: modules with MOST assigned functions first

Hmm, the ones with the letters are tricky ones. I'd go with the reverse but others might disagree:

Arrow up > Alphabetic : modules with letter Z first
Arrow up > Manufacturer: manufacturers with letter Z first

Hmm, the ones with the letters are tricky ones.

Thought so :)
I think it's weird to start with Z so I see it that way:
-> it's ASCENDING from A to Z, so the arrow up makes sense.

The other thing is the Number of functions. That is clear from the meaning.
But I don't want to reward the modules with the most tags to appear first on first click. Because that would lead to tag spam.
Maybe this can be renamed to Speciality or something ...
For now I have changed PRICE, HP and DEPTH.

I've been thinking it would be nice to have a checkbox for sort parameters that would "Exclude Modules Missing Parameter" to more quickly find what we are looking for. This would be particularly great when searching for modules with a maximum depth since, as it is now, all of the modules that don't have a depth parameter entered are all at the beginning (when sorting ascending) which of course makes sense BUT since there is no way to tell how deep a module is short of adding it to a rack or going to the info page for the module it is a bit laborious to find a shallow module.

Or maybe it would just be more efficient to just add a little grey box with the depth next to the grey box with the HP size?

I still get all the module shops / offers in the "Buy Online"-bar from Canada, US and Japan despite being in EU.

Tried wiping the browser cookies and cache clean, switching the currency to € and listing the offers only from EU and cross-checking with another browser and in private mode, but this behaviour persists. My https://www.vpnunlimitedapp.com/en/extras/for-teams-and-family is set to EU as well so it shouldn't mess with geolocation if there's such. Also tried completely turning off VPN to see if it affects the functionality.

Is there a setting somewhere or is this a bug am seeing here?

-- pkkkkknn

Have you cleaned your cookies before turning on a VPN? Or maybe you should try incognito mode and VPN?

I still get all the module shops / offers in the "Buy Online"-bar from Canada, US and Japan despite being in EU.

Tried wiping the browser cookies and cache clean, switching the currency to € and listing the offers only from EU and cross-checking with another browser and in private mode, but this behaviour persists. My VPN is set to EU as well so it shouldn't mess with geolocation if there's such. Also tried completely turning off VPN to see if it affects the functionality.

Is there a setting somewhere or is this a bug am seeing here?

-- pkkkkknn

Have you cleaned your cookies before turning on a VPN? Or maybe you should try incognito mode and VPN?
-- DeanLiles

You can just set your country in the user settings to fix this kind of problems:

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Found a bug when searching for 6hp sequencers. Seems that a lot are duplicated for some reason but it's not two modules, it seems to be the search. Screenshot available but can place here.

Hi, same problem here, 4 row limit on any device/computer... :(

Hi, same problem here, 4 row limit on any device/computer... :(
-- Oracio Hi, this is easily solved if you pay to upgrade your account to UNICORN level! ;-) See this link:

There's kind oof a bad bug where if you accidentally enter a very large number in the hp box (9999hp or something) and then try to delete it with backspace, modules will start getting deleted from your grid starting in the upper left corner.

There's kind oof a bad bug where if you accidentally enter a very large number in the hp box (9999hp or something) and then try to delete it with backspace, modules will start getting deleted from your grid starting in the upper left corner.

-- Sedalus

Some kind of focus problem. Hotfix: Disable the keyboard shortcuts.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

After the recent site update, when viewing an individual rack it's stretched too tall or something so that the bottom of the rack covers up the statistic information (like the total power usage and costs, etc) I'm using Windows 10 and Google Chrome browser on a PC laptop.

After the recent site update, when viewing an individual rack it's stretched too tall or something so that the bottom of the rack covers up the statistic information (like the total power usage and costs, etc) I'm using Windows 10 and Google Chrome browser on a PC laptop.
-- JohnLRice

I’m seeing the error on Firefox/ Chrome and whatever the MS browser is called now (on win10)

Same issue on iOS / Safari

I've got it, too...it seems like the display page for the builds is defaulting to the maximum free account size. Doesn't seem like a browser issue, either, but more something to do with the Unicorn build limits not being properly dealt with at the HTML level.

After the recent site update, when viewing an individual rack it's stretched too tall or something so that the bottom of the rack covers up the statistic information
-- JohnLRice

I’m seeing the error on Firefox/ Chrome and whatever the MS browser is called now (on win10)
-- hrterror

I've got it, too..
-- Lugia

I am not 100% sure if I see what you see, but I have reverted a change that might have lead to the behaviour you described.
Does that solve the problem?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

After the recent site update, when viewing an individual rack it's stretched too tall or something so that the bottom of the rack covers up the statistic information
-- JohnLRice

I’m seeing the error on Firefox/ Chrome and whatever the MS browser is called now (on win10)
-- hrterror

I've got it, too..
-- Lugia

I am not 100% sure if I see what you see, but I have reverted a change that might have lead to the behaviour you described.
Does that solve the problem?

-- modulargrid

Looks better on iOS now.

On trying to reply on posts regarding modules, I can preview my reply, but pressing 'submit' does nothing on W10 both Firefox and Edge.

Hmm, moved a module out of one of my racks, and half the modules were deleted from the rack. Using Chrome on Catalina.

After I moved the module out of the rack into the scratch area, I was typing the name of another module into the entry field when I got a generic error message about something going wrong. When I reloaded the page, half the modules were no longer in the rack or in the scratch area - they were deleted. Further refreshes, closing my browser and reloading did not restore the missing modules.

I realize this a free service, but this is frustrating after spending hours tweaking this. I do pay for the additional rack space, but I know I only have so much room to complain. But this is me shaking my tiny fist of righteousness. :D

On trying to reply on posts regarding modules, I can preview my reply, but pressing 'submit' does nothing on W10 both Firefox and Edge.
-- tboy

Thanks for reporting, this should be fixed.

After I moved the module out of the rack into the scratch area, I was typing the name of another module into the entry field when I got a generic error message about something going wrong.
-- jreineke

Sorry for the trouble, there is currently a workaround: just disable the keyboard shortcuts. There is a slider above the rack to do that. One day there will be a real fix ...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

I've just experienced a weird bug: my last post in the forum saw only 2 lines posted despite the fact that what I wrote was 6 or 7 lines. Trying to edit the message to add the lines back seems to get ignored and my message is trimmed at the exact same spot after the edit.

--- Voltage control all the things ---

I've just experienced a weird bug: my last post in the forum saw only 2 lines posted despite the fact that what I wrote was 6 or 7 lines. Trying to edit the message to add the lines back seems to get ignored and my message is trimmed at the exact same spot after the edit.
-- toodee

Any special chars in this text? What was it?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

I've just experienced a weird bug: my last post in the forum saw only 2 lines posted despite the fact that what I wrote was 6 or 7 lines. Trying to edit the message to add the lines back seems to get ignored and my message is trimmed at the exact same spot after the edit.
-- toodee

Any special chars in this text? What was it?
-- modulargrid

I don't think it did, it was just a question on a couple of modules, the only thing that comes to mind was a semi-colon I used for a winking smiley, like this ;-)

Maybe it was just a glitch from my machine, although I have disabled most extensions on my browser for this website including ad blockers.

EDIT: just testing the edit function - and I remember I may have written a heart to troux, so < and 3 stuck together, could that be it ?

--- Voltage control all the things ---

EDIT: just testing the edit function - and I remember I may have written a heart to troux, so < and 3 stuck together, could that be it ?
-- toodee

Yes, that is the problem. MG uses the PHP strip_tag function to filter iframes and the like which sadly is so heartless to also filter the less than expression because it looks suspicious like a broken html tag. Don't stick < together with anything :)

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Ha, too much love Well, thanks for the clarification !

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Command Centre thumbnails (rack images) for the past few weeks/months(?) seem to be regenerating/refreshing erratically, with racks of the same specification rendering at different sizes, then those preview sizes changing when "update screenshot preview" is selected. There are other sizing behaviours I can't figure out, but I'm finding it almost impossible to view all my racks at the same size (when they're the same sized racks). This is a relatively new behaviour/bug but I can't say when it started. I'm using both the latest Chrome and Firefox browsers under Win 7 Pro. It seems dependent on how many "columns" of racks are displayed, and the width of the browser window - I'll get one full column of racks that are much larger previews than others. Anyone else getting this? Cheers!

Command Centre thumbnails (rack images) for the past few weeks/months(?) seem to be regenerating/refreshing erratically, with racks of the same specification rendering at different sizes,
-- AndyQ

I've figured out what triggers this behaviour - when some rack names wrap to two lines and others are on a single line. That starts screwing with what size the previews are generated at, although it affects whole "columns" of rack images. There are also issues where the rack images are not refreshed to the highest resolution - going through each individually and hitting the "update screenshot" button will refresh the image, but then image sizes (can) change again. They also revert to lower resolution versions after browser resizing or other events. Certainly, there some relatively new bugs causing the Command Centre thumbnails to be irregular and unstable - all of this stuff was fine previously (at least until late-ish 2021)

I have a new bug report. I have been trying for over 24 hours to get a refreshed screenshot image of one of my current racks, but the link to the image keeps showing a state of the rack from over a week ago.

I keep on hard refreshing (Ctrl-F5) both the rack page and the screenshot image page, but nothing is resulting in a capture of the current state of the rack.

I keep on hard refreshing (Ctrl-F5) both the rack page and the screenshot image page, but nothing is resulting in a capture of the current state of the rack.
-- sibilant

I think that might be Shift-F5 (perhaps also CTRL-R) in Chrome, which for me does refresh "screenshots" when they're not updating. Perhaps try it in Command Centre view first, also the "refresh" pop-up button that appears when you mouse-over the layouts in Command Centre View.

I keep on hard refreshing (Ctrl-F5) both the rack page and the screenshot image page, but nothing is resulting in a capture of the current state of the rack.
-- sibilant

I think that might be Shift-F5 (perhaps also CTRL-R) in Chrome, which for me does refresh "screenshots" when they're not updating. Perhaps try it in Command Centre view first, also the "refresh" pop-up button that appears when you mouse-over the layouts in Command Centre View.

-- AndyQ

It is Ctrl-F5, but more importantly thank you because going to the Command Centre view helped. Now the view has been updated. Much appreciated!

Having an ongoing issue with racks randomly rearranging modules when I try to modify it. I'll have an existing rack, add a new module, move a module to a different location, or delete a module. The rack will look okay at first, but if I refresh the page, or leave and come back, a random number of modules will randomly change location. I usually notice this first because the rack layout looks wrong when I go back to the Command Center.

Usually this will result in modules stacked on top of each other in the rack, and I'll have to move a whole lot of modules to find the "missing" ones. The more I move the modules (trying to correct this problem and put everything back) the worse it gets. Sometimes this happens when I add a new module, instead of going to the first open space where it will fit, it ends up on top of or underneath an existing module.

I also notice that when I move modules, the "space indicator" will sometimes ignore one or more existing modules. If I move a module 8hp away from the one next to it, it will not always show that 8hp gap, but the indicator will instead show a larger gap pointing to a module farther over.

Using the latest Chrome on Windows 7 and Windows 10; this has recurred through multiple versions of Chrome.

Pretty normal MG behavior, actually. Just keep in mind that, when putting a build together, you need to refresh the page on a semi-routine basis to avoid these "jumpy modules". Also, when you have the "slide-under" problem, just move all of the jinky-acting modules to outside the cab, then put them back in carefully so that you're always getting everything properly side-by-side. Usually that, plus a refresh, fixes much of that nonsense.

The other important thing is that you have to use that refresh on the SCREENSHOT once you've completed things. The screenshot is very important if you're aiming to show your build, as that's what the Forum uses for the builds you see being discussed here. So when you're done, pull down the screenshot (from the 'Views' pulldown) and refresh it. At that point, it should perfectly match the build page. If not, refresh that screenshot again.

Oop...now I've got a tech issue!

Apparently something about the Forum's "reply" function is Firefox-hostile. I'm typing this in (ewwwww) Edge right now, and it's working just fine. But under Firefox, I couldn't even hit the "submit" key, as nothing at all would happen when I did.

Discovering any Bugs? Post here!
-- modulargrid

Yeah Hi,

Just an annoyance really when trying to share a screenshot to Facebook it posts an older version of my rack. Same applies when using the copy link function.

this user has left ModularGrid

I'm still finding the "Command Center" (unicorn account) very frustrating. I have a lot of rack plans, for two different size racks, but the preview sizes of the racks constantly changes, but not uniformly, so the previews of some racks are bigger than others even thought the racks are the same size (same number of rows, same HP). Refreshing the page constantly changes the preview sizes in different ways that I can't understsand. It wasn't like this when I first started using the system - all the previews would appear the same size if the racks were the same size. I thought it was related to the length of the rack names - if they wrapped to two lines - but even if all names fit on a single line I still get this erratic behaviour. It seems very buggy and inconsistent - I'd like to see an overhauled Command Center layout where each rack design fits a designated space, with allowance made for word-wrapping titles that don't affect the placement of the previews and previews that are a consistent size - i.e. all previews in all row fitting the same width, with just the height varying to maintain aspect ratio. This is the sort of thing I do myself when making website layouts with HTML/CSS for image galleries (e.g. real estate listings) [note: this happens in both Chrome and Firefox on my Win 7 Pro machine, latest versions of both browsers]

It seems like you forgot to unescape somewhere ;)

Modular grid — eeeeescaping

It seems like you forgot to unescape somewhere ;)
-- lipoqil

The thin red line between Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability and a sledgehammer.
Thanks, should be fixed!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Something on the pedalboard is out of scale. I created a 820x320 pedalboard using the plywood background and placed two devices with a height of 184 and 140 on top of each other. Visually it looks like there's even space left but in fact it's already exceeding the board dimensions. I almost fell for it and ordered the wrong board!

Hi, somehow the pictures of my racks aren't updating anymore in the the racks overview page. For example after I modified a rack and go back to the Racks main page, the changes are not visible. Refreshing the rack view repairs it temporarily, but if I go out of that page and get back, the rack is still the "old" version. Any clues of what I'm doing wrong?

I'm not sure it's accurate to call this a bug, but it is an error.

The Doepfer A-135-4A mixer requires the A-135-4B control panel. In fact they are sold together as a pair. However, each one shows as full price. So if you put both units in a rack the price ends up being counted twice.

Anyone is noticing strange behavior when accessing his/her racks from Android phone. Lots of times when you try to move a module the whole rack is moved as if you have switched on the Rack Lock switch.

Anyone is noticing strange behavior when accessing his/her racks from Android phone. Lots of times when you try to move a module the whole rack is moved as if you have switched on the Rack Lock switch.
-- norde

Yes, totally unusable for me on Android at the moment. Maybe 80-90% of the time the rack pans instead of the module moving. It seems to have something to do with the zoom level - moving modules is more reliable when you're zoomed in, but you have to be zoomed in so far that it effectively makes the site unusable.

Sometimes when planning a rack and you refresh the browser, some modules drops out. To fix it you add them to their original place again and do another refresh, same happens. It's like the current state of the rack can't be saved. This can go on for weeks on the same rack that those module once again are gone the next time you visit the rack. Could be some cache issue? I'ts the same in inkognito mode so probably an issue with the API response.

It seems like the total price of grids dissapeared. Maybe intentional. Just wanted to mention it.

It seems like the total price of grids dissapeared. Maybe intentional. Just wanted to mention it.
-- ambientvalent

have you checked your user settings? there's a switch in there to turn them on and off!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities