Sometimes a click on a username to see his/her modules and racks. then i find dozens of racks all set to private.
I am curious - what is YOUR reason to set everything to private?

in my case could be works in progress - or abandoned ones I need to clean up - or chopped up ones to separate power supplies - loads and loads of reasons - often private!! - or maybe just not for public consumption!!!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

It's because their mix depends on that super secret module combination you don't know about yet, and they don't want to share the secret sauce.

I normally have my current rack and some variation of it as public, but I have drafts, lists and power draws as private. I don't see the interest that a consumption calculation of the modules may have for the rest of the users, especially when they are the same modules that I have in the public racks.

...they don't want to share the secret sauce.
-- Sedalus

thank you for that one :D

...I normally have my current rack and some variation of it as public...
-- ferranadsr

that sounds pretty normal to me.
as stated in my initial post - i am curious why people set all of their racks to private. without judging anything...
(i have added ALL to the topic title)

Yes I know. Maybe those people who have all the private racks only use this page as a place to organize their racks and make the shopping list without wasting paper. His intention may not be collaboration and sharing. Perhaps they only use it as an office tool, like Word or Excel.

Exactly, what else ? Do you want to see people your finance plan or shopping list ?
I just discovered that a few of my racks accidently were not on private, i wonder if anything was changed here with that checkbox being off on default if you make a new rack.

Oh thanks a lot for the topic! It reminds me I should set everything to private because I really have to clean up my racks, it's such a mess. But you know how it is, tidying up, we keep putting it off... Yet I can almost feel the dust between the pixels. Fortunately, the cat is there to keep the mice away :)

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

I'm brutal with my tidying, racks never private.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Because it's technically no one else's business regardless of their reasons for wanting to look. I even sometimes get paranoid that MG staff take liberties by being able to look at any old private racks they like "just cuz".

It's not that I'm hiding anything in most cases (no pun intended), though I have uploaded some non-existent, hidden "concept" modules on here which may or may not ever be realized. And I'm also not here to impress people. I use the grid for planning my racks, both real and theoretical, sometimes in multiple, messy iterations. Why does anyone need to see that? More practically, why might I want to tip people off to what unobtanioum modules I'm scoping out at any given moment? >:3

If I want opinions, I'll ask. I'm not spending 6 hours obsessively moving squares around for any of you, though!

Bravo, Champagne! We are free. And 'Private' is a clear enough term. Well, one could also imagine 'Just married, do not disturb', but I'm afraid that would arouse more curiosity :(

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

I’ve given up browsing racks as there are too many useless public random wannabes and duplicates.

Maybe those people who have all the private racks only use this page as a place to organize their racks
-- ferranadsr

That’s exactly why all my racks are private - why would anybody be interested if I swapped two modules, or added something new?

If I thought my rack was good enough to contribute then I’d be happy to share, so lose the private/public terminology and just have an option to share your rack - if it’s worthy ;)

I have no reason to post a public rack.

Perhaps they only use it as an office tool, like Word or Excel.
-- ferranadsr

That's exactly how I use the site. I make everything private by default, no different than my grocery list or my budget plans. But if I want to ask questions or collaborate about a rack? Of course then I'll make it public.

Uhmm, I guess my reason is I'm embarrassed somehow. Or I don't think people will get my idea. And once in a while, when the idea is really good, I don't want anyone to steal it, LOL! Hahaha, my masterpieces.

One fine day, when I actually build one of the 100+ rack ideas IRL. AND actually find the time and motivation to play with it for years and years till I know all the ins and outs, like a trained musician knows their instrument, then I will share it for sure. But, I guess I think about it a bit as a manuscript. I'm not sharing it, till I'm done working with it.

All my love to all the modular nerds! You're awesome!! I love you!!!

I'm a private person and have become more so seeing that generally more and more personal information is being stored for what not.

Having said that, I would suggest a rack should be set to 'private' by default, or that you change that if you prefer it to be public. Good idea?

I value my privacy and believe rack should be private by default