Downsizing and cleaning out. 7u 104hp feels tight but I already bought the case so here we go. Idea here is to use nerdseq to play fixed chord progessions through Odessa expander, while jamming basslines / melodies on Klee, throw in samples and drums. Id like more clock modulation I think.
I haven't found a method of generative chord progressions I like, so I'd like to take fixed structures and break them in real time.
Only non-negotiables here are Klee, Odessa, texmex, o_c, and Kermit. Very curious on any ideas you might have. Thank you.

ModularGrid Rack

That's a lot of sequencer for a 7u 104hp build....

I agree. Idk how else to store chord progressions though. Maybe an Elektrofon Klang if I could find one. I'd like to avoid an ableton dependency. The Klee is huge but the flow is butter and dropping it sounds sad.