Is there an optimal upload resolution/format for modules?

I uploaded a high-resolution proportionally-cropped png image of a module, but it appears very blurry when placed in a rack.
It appears less blurry when the image is opened on its info page, but is still not ideal.

Some similarly-sized modules appear less blurry in racks.

Actually, when loading images I always use what might seem to be a crappy format: 72 dpi .jpg. However, you have to remember that MG processes the image itself to fit whichever rack format and width it needs, so large files could actually be more problematic for MG itself, resulting in the rescaled image looking off while the module page looks better. Try giving the site something smaller to chew on and see if that works.

Counter-intuitive, yeah...but it seems to do the trick.

Thanks, Lugia.

Your advice has helped me improve the image. In addition to reducing the dpi, I cut the overall dimensions of the image 75%.
It is still blurry, but it is similar to other module images and may be close to the best the site can provide. Ideally, I would like all labels to appear clearly, but the necessary bandwidth might require a lot more unicorns.

Would be nice if there was simple guide about the number of pixels per hp/U for uploading.

Here is the module:

Two templates that use it:
MiniBrute 2 with RackBrute 6U

MiniBrute 2 with RackBrute 3U

ModularGrid serves the images in two resolutions depending if you have a "retina" high DPI screen or not.
All images are converted to png, maybe that is the step where loss in clarity occurs.
You can try to upload the image as png to prevent the conversion. Opacity will be preserved btw.
The module does not look too bad for me on my computer.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Thanks, modulargrid.
Are you using a high DPI screen? I am not, so cannot confirm.

I will try a png later. What are the resolutions being used so I can set my file appropriately.

Looks excellent to me, too...and as someone who's worked with builds incorporating the MB2, damn convenient, too! Kudos!

Looks excellent to me, too...and as someone who's worked with builds incorporating the MB2, damn convenient, too! Kudos!
-- Lugia

Thanks. I am glad it will be useful to you too.

I guess I won't worry about further adjustment to the image for now.

So far, I've have good luck submitting 3U prototype images. All that remains to be improved there is my source image ;-)

However, I just ordered an intellijel 7U, and I mocked up some images for a SynthAccess guitar module that should fit in the 1U space, but my image is getting cropped incorrectly. I designed for 44HP an 1U. If I edit the custom module to say that it's 48HP, the the height grows, so I must have the proportions right. However, I never see the pixels at the edges. It's like there's a huge inset, even though the proportions are correct.

Can anyone suggest a method for creating a proper 1U image?

I'm using from Front Panel Express, exporting in SVF, then using Illustrator to convert to PNG. I just have to edit the Document dimensions in Illustrator to match the exact measurements, and it turns out perfect.

p.s. The preview in my list of custom modules shows the entire image, all the way to the border. It's only when I add the custom module to a rack that the pixels get cropped. So, I'm really at a loss since it starts out looking fine and then has a problem.

Madrona Labs

However, I just ordered an intellijel 7U, and I mocked up some images for a SynthAccess guitar module that should fit in the 1U space, but my image is getting cropped incorrectly. I designed for 44HP an 1U. If I edit the custom module to say that it's 48HP, the the height grows, so I must have the proportions right. However, I never see the pixels at the edges. It's like there's a huge inset, even though the proportions are correct.

There are two "standards" for 1U module dimensions. ModularGrid uses the one from Pulplogic.

Can anyone suggest a method for creating a proper 1U image?

You have to add a small vertical padding for 1U modules that follow Intellijels standard.
Crop the module perfectly, read the height and multiply it with 1.082. That is the new height of the canvas. Center the module vertically in the canvas and save as .png, transparency preserved.

See this rack:
ModularGrid Rack

-- rsdio

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

You have to add a small vertical padding for 1U modules that follow Intellijels standard.
Crop the module perfectly, read the height and multiply it with 1.082. That is the new height of the canvas. Center the module vertically in the canvas and save as .png, transparency preserved.

Thank you! I will try that.

Madrona Labs

You have to add a small vertical padding for 1U modules that follow Intellijels standard.
Crop the module perfectly, read the height and multiply it with 1.082. That is the new height of the canvas. Center the module vertically in the canvas and save as .png, transparency preserved.

Thank you! I will try that.
-- rsdio

FYI: This worked perfectly. I just loaded my PNG (converted from SVG) in Photoshop and edited the height to be 43.18 mm. Photoshop automatically centered the content vertically. The resulting file fit exactly in my ModularGrid rack.

Madrona Labs

I'm really new to this site, but I have a question that might relate to resolution of pics. I added 3 pedals and noticed the scale was off.
To check, I created a board with all the Donner mini pedals, sorted by stated height, and you can see the images are quite different. I know this is picky to the extreme, but wondered if there was a solution....

alt text

In the case of the stompboxes, MG doesn't autosize these the same way as it does with synth modules. Instead, you have to have the exact dimensions as viewed from top-down in mm. When posting stompboxes, it's probably a good idea to check the manufacturer's site for these, as retailers don't always get those right.

That being said, it's always possible to adjust the listing(s) when you find errors, provided the listing(s) in question weren't locked by the manufacturer.

Also, images need to be cleanly cropped...some of these boxes in the build definitely don't have that going on...

I hear what you're saying, but take the two on the left. Both have the exact same dimensions inputed, are cleanly cropped, but very different in height. Here is the link to the actual board.

It seems like the algorithm is not accounting for the actual image size correctly. This is an amazing utility, just was wondering if this is a known problem.