Hi to all !
I like to get a few opinions from the experts here.
I mainly focusing on experimental drone/ambient-like/random/generative stuff, sometimes with fieldrecordings and different sample material. I really like what AnnAnnie does and the wierd experimental stuff from Gazonbalon.
My main engine in the rack clearly is Marbles, with multed out triggers to the A-160-2 clock divider which than spread over.
Peaks is mostly in drum mode and the Sample Drum is used for fieldrecording samples and pad/drone/melodic stuff.
I have an SQ-1 and an QuNexus on duty, too. I am surely only at the beginning and need to find my own way and workflow and have a lot to learn. But it is only a hobby for me and i wouldn't call me a musician, just an musically interested nerd ;)
I would really appreciate some suggestions and tips to my rack, especially redundant/overlapping modules, missing things and essential things to change. But please don't tell me to expand my rack ;)
ModularGrid Rack


I'd want more utilities - more mixing - specifically a matrix mixer - I think they're incredibly useful... especially for deriving more complex related modulation from the modulation you have... but you won't fit that in until you realise you need another case... (note I'm not telling you to get a another/bigger case)

it's also a bit cramped for me - too many micro modules...

otherwise reasonably balanced - kinks is excellent!!! as is 3*mia and a good call on a real rings imo...

if you'd gone for a real plaits - you could have taken out the pico dsp & rand, the mult, the headphone amp and put in a alm hpo, a matrix mixer and an fx aid... no loss of functionality, but added versatility - use stackcables or headphone splitters for mults etc

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Some basic remarks although I'm not the most 'expert' here.

For 'experimental drone/ambient-like/random/generative stuff' you will need many modulations. In a small case, DivKid Ochd (8 Lfos in 4HP) is worth considering.

The A-180-2 can easily be replaced by passive multiples like Black Market Monomults or Tiptop Stackables: you will save some space. You can even replace it by a buffered mult which is very recommended for a better distribution of the v/oct signals.

Concerning the empty 4HP, a recommendation often shared: the Disting mk4, the famous Swiss knife of the Eurorack.

To conclude, but you will need a little more place, listen carefully to the NE Demodus Versio. This is a tool that may be suitable for your musical orientation. A flexible and modern module with the possibility to change the firmware.

PS: a larger case... sorry :))

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Thank you very much for the quick response

but you won't fit that in until you realise you need another case... (note I'm not telling you to get a another/bigger case)

This made me smile, but of course you are right.

otherwise reasonably balanced

I am glad to hear that, seems that my long studies on here are showing effect ;)
A matrix mixer seems very interesting, but do you think of mixing cv's or also audio ? Should i toss the Erica Synths Stereo Mixer out, too ? Than i could put in a Doepfer A-138m, or are there better (smaller) matrix mixers out there ?
I think with a matrix mixer i can toss out the A-183-1 Dual Attenuator, 4HP more space available, or keep it ?
The Happy Nerding FX Aid looks great, too. It can do multiple effects simultaneously, or not ? But it's hard to come by used, and new fairly expensive. I'll think it over.

For 'experimental drone/ambient-like/random/generative stuff' you will need many modulations. In a small case, DivKid Ochd (8 Lfos in 4HP) is worth considering.

The Ochd is great and on my wishlist ;) Waiting for some second hand one popping up.

I looked up a few matrix mixers now. From the looks and build quality i would prefer the Doepfer A-138m, but it's quite huge in 20HP. The next ones are the Bear Modules Matrix with 14HP and the AI Synthesis AI008 in 10HP but "only" 4 in 3 mixer with a seperate sum output.
From those three i would say the Bear Matrix is the best option, but than i'd have to swap my Black Stereo Mixer with a A-138s, which i think is too small. The AI008 looks a bit confusing from the layout to me...

So, I created two racks with a matrix mixer inside.
In the first I swapped Brains with an original Plaits to gain 4HP.
Here I use the Bear Modules Matrix Mixer.
ModularGrid Rack
In the second one I keep the Brains (I like the display) and go with an AI Synthesis AI008 Matrix Mixer,
which I think should be ok for my little case. So I would prefer the second option.
I like to keep the Black Stereo Mixer because I love it :)
ModularGrid Rack

If you can get an original plaits, I would as they will not be available for very much longer due to Mutable shutting up shop... It looks like last batches (of beads, plaits, ripples and) are still to go out - they've not officially been discontinued... also Emilie gets paid - unlike the b-company version...

also I'd go with the bear matrix mixer... slightly better ergonomics (important when trying to get to tiny trimmers)... 4 output channels (not 3 and a sum)... & the bi-/uni-polar switches (so you can subtract as well as add)...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities