I have a request to rename the Serge universe to 4U because there are some other manufacturers that also build modules in that format.
I wonder if that will be more confusing because Buchla is also 4U(?) but with different width/voltages.
What's the best way to deal with that?
I need some opinions here: is the current universe naming o.k. or should it be changed?
And what's with the other formats (Eurorack, Buchla, Frac, Modcan A, MOTM, MU, Serge)?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Over at MW, we've been going through the same discussion. Nobody has been happy with anything (are they ever?) so, good luck with it.

I think that calling it 4U is fine. People WILL adapt and understand but not without complaining first.

Posted it on Muffs too because there is a bit more attention. Well, people find it more important to request other features.
For technical reason it would be hard to merge Buchla to 4U.
You think it would be o.k. to have two universes Buchla AND 4U?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

Whatever your userbase is used to, honestly.

One thing to keep in mind is that Buchla is now 3U and 4U.

Actually, this seems like a potential problem. Even though they're both 4U format, Buchla and Serge are NOT ALIKE. They have different methods of powering, the Serge uses a single "plane" of control and audio signals while the Buchlas have their audio and control paths separated and with rather different levels (save for the Eurorack versions, according to Tiptop), and they don't exactly have the same "space unit" size. The issue is sort of similar to the already-resolved 5U systems, where the MOTM format and the "MU" format have different widths even though they're similar, or how Eurorack and FracRack can talk to each other (as a rule) while they're not the same height and same power requirement, ergo no Frac modules in a Euro cab...although older Paia 2700 and 4700 series modules ALSO use the same split plane as Buchlas.

This is actually a problem that's about as old as modular synthesizers themselves. Over the years, there's been a LOT of different module formats...E-Mu had one, Wavemakers had one, then there's the ARP 2500 which requires the matrix switches along with the modules, and that list goes on and on and ON. Plus, loads of these synths would NOT play nice with each other. For example, you have EML's patchable systems, they take 1/4" patchcords, everything seems right...until you plug in a pitch CV and discover that wonderful EML CV standard of 1.2V/8va. If you don't like microtonality, don't DO THAT.

I don’t see the issue. It’s only about categorizing sub-fora, right? It hardly makes a difference at all.
We’re not discussing changes to MG’s organizational menus, correct? Can someone link me to what is being discussed? I don’t hang here often (I get enough on MW) but use Der Grid a lot. I couldn’t find a Serge-focused sub-forum.

There’s no true Euro voltage standard and all of that stuff is lumped together in one sub-forum.

It's not about the forum, we don't have different forums for different formats. It's about the module catalogue and the planner.

We’re not discussing changes to MG’s organizational menus, correct?

We are. It was requested to rename the Serge modular section (we call universe). If I understand that right the Serge guy is not happy to have other 4U modules listed under Serge format and vice versa 4U manufacturers don't want to be listed under Serge.
E.g. the system selector top left navigation will have removed the entry Serge and exchanged with 4U.
Buchla will still have it's own entry because of the different width and they way the MG planner works.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: [email protected]

I'm not especially familiar or experienced with the "Serge" format, but would some sort of compromise or transition period be useful? Say you change the "Serge" universe to be labelled as "4U (Serge)" or "4U (formerly Serge)" or "4U (FKA Serge)", and then perhaps later on change it to simply "4U" once users have become accustomed to seeing it presented that way? Or name it something new entirely like "FKAS", short for "formerly known as Serge"? Just some ideas.

A better idea for a rename might be "4U-bananas only". Sure, it sounds silly, but if you're going to dive into an expensive format, "bananas" is a spot-on fit! And then, "4U-Buchla format" for the modules in 4U that use the dual-path typical of Buchla systems.