Hi everyone,

I have some substantial bills coming up and need to move some gear, wouldn't normaly ask and I hope this is okay, I don't want to be annoying so I will only ask once.

Please take a look at my items for sale, I am open for sensible offers and yes I guess you could take advantage of my vulnerable position if you are that way inclined.

I also have a Roland R70 for sale - recently replaced the internal battery and gave it a good clean - there are one or two spots where the control labels have worn off but otherwise in excellent full working condition - perfect for those early Autechre drum rolls - you know the ones - very siliar to the R8 they used - £350

And a norns clone - Fates - brand new - lovingly built by my own hands to a very high standard - thoroughly tested. Currently has three knobs but has the capacity for a fourth knob for compatibility with other operating systems. Smokey grey acrylic case. Looks super nice! £400

If you are looking for some new music, I have a tryptych on bandcamp. The 3 LPs kel, mettle and scope are a complete work and stand listening from beginning to end if you like this kind of thing. I have had excellent reviews from the few folk who have taken the time to settle down and give them a good listen. It's kinda 'got to be in the mood' music I guess, but it is all live takes of performances on modular synths so 100% at home here. Please check it out, the whole discography is only £13.65 and if you want a discount on that you can get 20% off with the code 'modulargrid' without the quotes.

There is also a hint at future work in the Frozen Fractures release, separate from the 3 LPs.


Despite everything, I will still honour the charity release cash going to the food hub if you just buy that!

Any support is very much appreciated.

If there's nothing for you here then I sincerely wish you well and hope you have a great day

I really like the Xaoc Devices Sewastopol, envelope follower and trigger/gate generator!

It tale a little bit to dial it in to suit your playing style and I have never tried it with a wind instriment, but I don't see why it wouldn't work.

You can also use more than one input module at the same time for multiple signal processing options.


Other than that, I would want some way to loop audio so I could layer up in a more traditional manner than the Morphagene. This may be better done in a foot pedal?

I like that you have plenty of VCA and Mixer options, but it seems you need more modulation sources perhaps?

I don't ever feel like a modular system is complete without a robust clock source. Pam's New Workout can be had for a song these days or Pro if you have the cash, both are excellent!

It seems like a fun project, I would like to hear how this sounds one day!

Sounds good - I like the sutble noises in the background, looks really nice and fun to play!

When you say you made the synths, what did you make?

As above!

I have the SSM which can also be used as a kind of patch memory too.

Just to say the graphics on this are great

Just checked back in here and I just wanted to say I started my post reply before I saw your reply with the menu dive comment and wasn't being contrary

If you want something based around modal:samples

I would go for a Volca FM rather than the drum - you can make loads of drum sounds with the Volca FM and all the synth sounds too.

Possibly a bit harder to grok, but imho it is always worth learning how to do FM well.

The Mood after the Volca FM will be excellent - while the FM sounds great as it is, the Mood will make it sound like a proper class synth.

Then maybe a end of chain compressor before your recorder. Something like an RNLA will work wonders.

Have fun!

Edit: just realised the modal:samples doesn't have an 'in', so the end of chain compressor doesn't make much sense without a mixer.

Thread: Harvestman


Thanks for asking, initially I would be looking for someone who would buy all of them in one go.

Although, I realise this is asking a lot!

I am not desperate, but if it comes to separating them out, I would do the same with all my listings and set prices at an average based on past selling prices here and elsewhere, fair. I am always open to (sensible) offers too!

p.s. everything is mk II except the polivoks stuff and the mk I Double Andore of course!

This is a collaborative charity EP of remixes of two tracks by kel; keep one ear open and seaKels.

Keep one ear open and seaKels EP

Over £200 raised so far which is amazing, however I am looking for more donations as there are always more hungry people - sadly this is true even in 2024.

All the music is free - please enjoy!! You can even download the high quality wavs - completely free - just enter zero!

However, if you can find your way to spare the price of a coffee, a patch cable, heck, even a small or even big module all proceeds will be donated to a food hub that provides hot meals to anyone no questions asked.

Yes - 100% of proceeds, absolutely no financial gain on this release!!

This is music by the people for the people - no corporations apart from PayPal taking their cut - no profit - nothing - just an hour of honest to goodness musical awesomeness!

but hey, maybe you don't have any money at the moment - it happens!

but it is okay, you can still contribute because this is an open project - forever, anyone can do a remix and it will be added to the EP.

  • there are no rules except you must enjoy yourself, have fun and be willing to donate any and all proceeds to the food hub

  • are you up to the challenge?

Even if you can't donate, or do a remix, maybe you know someone who can?

Thank you very much to everyone who did a remix, Robert Logan, Default Media Transmitter and 10,000 Leagues - you are 100% AWESOME!! Here are their respective bandcamp pages - some amazing stuff here:

Link to Robert Logan

Link to Defauilt Media Transmitter

Link to Reverb 10000

Thread: Harvestman

Um... I can't take it with me!

Thread: Harvestman

Thinking of letting the entire thing go, any thoughts?

Screenshot of a Harvestman modular system, everything is MKII except the Double Andore

Bumping necro thread as this stuff is just wild!

The new releases are superb and address a number of questions I had, really looking forward to trying them out.

Anyone else got into these? Any new videos?

Oops! I forgot to post these here!


All proceeds from the EP, which includes the two singles listed sepreately, go to a local food hub, and together we have raised over £200 so far.

This is an open project, any new remixes welcome - please DM for details, but there are no stems - this is all just live stereo recordings - so this is not an easy mission should you choose to accept it. Only the brave.

All free to listen to, but the WAVS are better, wink wink, and any support would be very much appreciated.

Either way, please enjoy!

How is using a derogatory term, as defined by the link I sent, against a whole group of people not xenophobia?


Why am I explaining this?

Why does degree of offensiveness matter?

Why be offensive like that, even just a little bit?

Thin edge of the wedge? Once one person is accepted as being okay to throw slurs around about groups of people, who's to say it's not okay for the next person? Where to draw the line?

I say just don't do it at all!

As I say, what was being said didn't require the use of xenophobic language and it still doesn't.

Someone has to stand up against this outdated and mind-numbingly pointless behaviour, no matter how small it is...

By all means start throwing around the n-word - there are groups of people here in the UK who seem to think that is acceptable, therefore everyone else should accept it right? Er... no!

This is the nastiest post I have read on here so far... seriously? Please consider removing the xenophobic language!
-- Kel_

??? What xenophobic language?

-- Lugia

It's hard to believe you don't know...


We are in the 21st Century now, we don't use offensive terms like this against whole groups of people in this way, I mean why not use the n-word? It's along those lines. Not cool.

This is the nastiest post I have read on here so far... seriously? Please consider removing the xenophobic language!

Many will miss it, but I think you can say what you need to without the particular phrase you used. No need.

I am a country person, but I am no idiot!

That's a great point!

Of the things I have that have this kind of inflated value, one in particular is absolutely 100% a work of art - I happen to think one of the most stunning eurorack modules ever made, out of print, and totally unobtainium!

For a bit of a giggle I did a quick search for expensive 'rip off' art:


Suddenly, someone charging #5K for a rare module seems like a bargain!

Through the power of dialogue we all got on the same page. It's a Modular Grid miracle.
-- troux

I know I drop in and out here, but I have always found it to be the most level and reasonable group of people, adults who can have different opinions without turning to all out war :)

I would like the market to go back to how it was until recently, it's erm, slow to say the least, but then there are people who clearly still have plenty of disposable income.

This to me marks a subtle but seasonal change in the ever widening gap between the people who have, and the people don't - it's a global phenomena.

Is redistribution of wealth in this context such a terrible thing?!

It's definitely made me think about how I will list these things, if I do, and some words along the lines of 'priced as rare item' would alleviate all slime perhaps? I am open to suggestions for other wordings that would achieve similar or better!

One thing I have never done, and will never do, is act unethically or deliberately try to deceive someone, it's simply not in my nature.

There's another very old saying: A fool and his money are soon parted, I have been that fool on many an occasion, some would argue every time I dropped relatively large amounts of cash on synths heh :))

Maybe these situations are just an inevitable part of life, there will always be the con artist, there will always be the fool and part of growing up is learning to tell the difference.

I know you don't, don't worry about that!

Sorry you got ripped off, that sucks :(

So, I sell something at a high price, but then someone else comes along and sells the same thing for a low price, does that make me slimy?

I don't think it does... it's certainly not my intention to rip anyone off, my intention is to get my ass out of trouble by any legal means necessary. I am not being dishonest. I am not breaking any laws.

This is why we have laws. So we can differentiate between criminal activity and free markets.

Or do you believe that markets should be further regulated and buyers and seller controlled beyond the point they are now?

I am not sure that would be such good idea. How would it be regulated?

I would rather trust that the person doing the buying is in a comfortable position to do so and is doing it of their own free will.

As for the suggestion that I would rip off some excited young kid, well... come on! Are you implying that people doing nothing other than listing their stuff for sale at a high price are ripping people off? I don't think they are.

To 'rip someone off' there has to be some intent to mislead, manipulate, etc. that means you are dishonest and tell lies to con someone out of money. Listing something for a high price does not constitute that.

Listing something and lying about what it actually is, the condition it is in, passing off fakes as the real item etc. that is ripping someone off.

You are entitled to your opinion, but it's a bit sketchy to say the least.

Lets keep it real huh!?

Good response!

I was aware of the Chase Bliss flips, it's one thing to have had something for a while, used it, realised it has acquired value and sold it at what the market will provide, it's another to capitalise like that; it's not exactly in the spirit of the scene is it. Joel is a good person who deserves to be treated better, he has been very kind to me personally for absolutely no reason whatsoever other than he could. I hate to think that his good nature has been taken advantage of in that way.

I probably wrote my words stronger than I really mean, but it is frustrating as hell! I have been self employed for a long time now and I know that the last thing you need to be when looking for work is stressed, so it's this constant effort to remain positive. It's okay for a bit, but with one more rejection or failure and it all gets too much, then I feel silly for being emotional about it all, tell myself it's better to express it then hold it in, shake myself out of it, and then am okay again for a bit, make some progress... but sooner or later it all gets a bit much again... on it goes round and round.

I am obviously being very open here, I know I am absolutely not alone in this. So many people have things much worse than I do. I hope anyone who is struggling, reads this and needs someone to talk to will reach out. My DMs are always open.

Thank you for your kind words. Things will get better :)

While I am here, the old adage that everyone is nice until the chips are down and they are pushed just that bit too far is 100% true... seen it, seen it again, now watching it happen to myself in slow motion like a really bad car crash where people are hurt badly!

This lockdown has taken a massive toll, I have personally lost nearly everything, work contracts, friendships, family... and increasingly my ability to cope with anything!

It's not funny!

Seriously considering my options, selling the musical instruments that have always brought me joy and happiness feels like yet another gut wrenching loss after another, but needs must!

So, seriously, anyone who thinks they are being big and clever by attacking people selling things for as much cash as they can get, needs to have a seriously long hard look at themselves in the mirror - how do YOU sleep at night?

If the answer to that question is 'soundly' then you are really, really lucky!!

Heading this way myself, I have let stuff go for small monies in the past and while there is cursory appreciation at the time, it ultimately feels like at least a small number of folk totally cashed in (no one here).

Going to sell some rare stuff for big monies, for no other reason than I have been out of work for a year and need the cash...

If anyone has a go, they will be violently verbally abused in return! Just no need... mind your own business!

Heh, yep, of course... these things happen anyway, always have, always will!

I am not an expert, but just for interests sake, this is the current situation as I understand it:

The Good Friday Agreement stipulates there will never be a hard border between NI and ROI.

BREXIT requires a hard border between the UK and the EU.

ROI is part of the EU.

NI is part of the UK.

yes really...

yes, really... really...

There is probably a multitude of business opportunities for some enterprising and very brave soul exporting and importing between these countries.

I couldn't deal with the inevitable stress, or the potential jail time, but that's a 20% additional markup on anything you care to take the trouble to drive over the border as far as I can make out...

I would be shocked if there isn't an incredible amount of technically illegal activity going on!

I love PNW for clocked LFOs and Envelopes - especially the skew - magical!

There are wigglers who don't have a Unicorn account?

First thing I advise anyone serious about modular synths to do... so much good value, it terrifies me to think it may not live to see another day because people didn't support it enough! It's only a few bucks, there's no excuse really! I haven't worked since March last year, nearly a whole year (argh... argh... argh!!!) but I still managed to find enough to cover the subs for this year!

Thank you for all your efforts, I don't like ads, but the ones here seem to be fine ;)

There's almost nothing left available anywhere is there... wow!

I sincerely wish you the very best of luck... it took me quite some time to put this together;

kel the harvestman

It sounds like you are doing all the right things to track down the noise.

One thing to be aware of is that if a module is dumping noise into the system that same noise can present at the output of other modules!

This can lead to a cascade of noise build up, the one problem becoming more amplified as more patch points are connected to the outputs.

The first time I encountered this it drove me crazy until I figured out what was going on, it just so happened that I had one module with a screen that was generating noise (as they do) right next to another module that was very prone to picking up noise! Who knew!!??

Also, I am sure you know this anyway, but for those who may not, check your gain staging.

Finally, some proper analysis tools can help enormously when tracking this kind of thing down.

Very cool - thank you for sharing!!

Thread: Audio Out?

Yep, I spent over a year reading before I got my first module...

VCVRack or ay of the other excellent virtual modular synths is a fantastic place to start, wish these had been available when I started!

I also wish someone had told me to have a very specific goal in mind before starting too!

It's all too easy to end up clutching at shiny and ending up with a lot of very expensive things that don't work together well!

Already in the shops... and... sold out at my favourite retailer hehe!

Keeping my Clouds...

Just upgraded my er-301 to an ES-9 and Ableton, so smashing it on the granular synth front

Hehe, I just popped by to see how many Clouds were for sale in the Marketplace!

Thread: Pedal Love?

I have just listed a pedal for sale, the first time I have done this, expecting it to appear in the regular Marketplace...

Turns out there is a whole separate Pedal Marketplace... who knew?

p.s. It's the Empress Zoia for a really good price :)

I love this company, if I had my time over again I would just buy everything they do and make a case comprising entirely Feedback modules and revel in the glory of that sound!

Spotted this in the Marketplace and I can't believe it is going for this price:


Wicked delay! Bags of character!! An absolute bargain for a discerning wiggler!

I would snap that up if I hadn't built my own...

p.s. I have no affiliation with the seller or Feedback!

Thread: Pedal Love?

Haven't checked in for a little while, feeling a bit erm under the weather shall we say, but great to see lots of pedal love here!

I use my mixer auxes a lot, super convenient just to be be able to send anything to each pedal at the turn of a knob.

Other pedal IO modules include

Harvestman - Black Locust and Stilton Adaptor - big and hardcore - never used them though!!

Some of the bigger mixers, like the WMD Performance Mixer have send and return loops - might be worth checking if they are suitable?

ADDAC200PI also never used, looks good though.

United Kingdom is now a new option in the marketplace selector. All existing UK offers are moved to the new option.
I hope it will work with the Reverb offers too, that needs a couple of hours.
-- modulargrid

Thank you very much!

I know it's not a good thing at all really, but it will help until we can sort this mess out - thank you!!

Ah, don't know - I think voter turnout was higher than with any british election before and I would also count not voting as not caring and beeing fine with any outcome, especially in this situation. That's what leaves me confident to say that it's what the majority voted for.

As far as I know it was only possible to state if the United Kingdom should remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union. Either or and pretty straight forward. So what else did they thought they voted for?

And it did not seem to be particulary difficult to acquire information about what this actually means if one wanted to. It's not that it was not obvious that nigel farage is a fascist dickhead. And being lied to is not the whole story as everyone had the choice whom they wanted to listen to.

So yes, the majority voted for following nationalism, throwing the Polish out of the country and making Brittania great again. Of course that is terrible for all other people and making this a referendum is a totally stupid if not ethically immoral idea, especially when one does it out of merely tactical considerations. But I guess this is not the place to discuss these things.

Unfortunately for eyeryone a UK category would make sense now. Of course one could still try to build a network with Irish modular freaks to get around this...
-- Zucker

Definitely not the place for this kind of trolling no!

I still have no actual reference for any of this stuff that makes sense!!

But yes... double down on the UK only please!! It is a stupid ridiculous thing to ask for...

I do disagree with he idea that the majority of people voted for it though

1) they were lied to and they voted for something else entirely (still crap - but the argument holds very strong)

2) By majority, you can only possibly mean the majority of people who voted

3) There are strong indicators that the vote was rigged, but this is highly dubious, sketchy, who knows?

It's awful!!!

once again, I apologise to everyone on behalf of the UK

Oh and I heard that the Post Office is refusing to accept parcels destined for the EU because they don't know what paperwork is required... this is just hearsay! Not had any verifiable confirmation of anything...

I realised that if you just want to search for £ or € you can use the browser search in page facility and then just keep hitting CMD-G (on a mac - not sure what it is for windows or linux) to 'find aGain' and very quickly scroll through the items for sale in the UK - well - the ones listed in GBP anyway!

It's not ideal, tend to loop around and sometimes your eye gets drawn to the right hand side of the screen when the search picks up a £ in the description, but it's better than eyeballing hundreds of irrelevant listings (sorry again to everyone in the EU).

Good trade with @Octafish - a total pleasure :)

I know this part of the forum is about 'You' well, this track from Asian Dub Foundation is as good a representation of 'me', and no doubt many others, as anything right now...

So, I have a favour to ask of all you lovely people and I hope you don't mind me asking it here, it IS for a very good cause...

Can you spare ONE £€$?

Then please buy this awesome ANTI-RACISM track and get it to No.1 for New year 2021



Lyrics here:


Thank you!

I hope you are right!

However, The Clown was heard to be celebrating the fact that UK traders should be 'galvanised' by the thought of all the red tape and be keen to comply - or some such nonsense!

I had a contract recently, well a year or so ago, something smelled off so I started reading it properly, no joke, it was 23 pages long and it took me nearly a month of hard work to unravel it all - cross reverences and insane clauses like 'where the singular is used the plural is also implied and vice versa' - no joke!!! Try re-reading anything and applying that little gem to anything let alone a complex cross-referenced contract!

We're living an a Kafkaesque nightmare!!

Haha, maybe!

Guess we will never know for sure...

Of course and maybe...?

...but these are real world items for sale that come up in search results... I think it is spam! Plain and simple!

I am resisting posting a link to the search engine results because then I would be doing their job for them!! If you really want me to type in the relevant terms and post a link I will do though... but come on?

Um, just realised to me it's plain and simple, but it might not be to others...

Search engines add credibility to websites who's 'terms' get mentioned on other sites... see how this works?

Trust me, it does work, it seems stupid, but investigations have shown as much as a 5% shift in stock prices based on spam emails - to an investor this is HUGE - it's insane - but true!

Now if only someone could point me to a verifiable real wold entity re. the numbers stations?

Yeah, works both ways!!!

Has anyone worked out what the actual implications are from this 'deal' re trade between UK and EU?

My head is spinning, so much noise and bullsh!t!

Hehehe, so funny!!!

Alas, the world of the internet is 99% full of this kind of stuff... it is advertising!!!! Plain and simple...!!

"what are Astroworld hoodies ?"

How would you go about answering this question?

Therein the answer...

If ONLY it was aliens!

Well... it is, but not the kind you are hoping for!