i love this module. For me, LFOs were aleays just a way to give auto- variation to an otherwise static patch, just necessary sacrrifices of hp, amps & cables. But Mr Wavey is FUN!!! There are so many ways to get instant unexpected variety. The last time I had this much fun tweaking knobs was when i got to play a VCS3. Mr Wavey gives that energy.

Modular rulz. Death to fixed architecture!!!

So the puroose if this isnt to be thee most rational or even functional system, but mire to just motivate me to create.

The hardest part of art for me is just getting the motivation and emotional energy to "do".

I have ADHD, so what ever tool or instrument i use has to be instantly gratifying to the eyes and it must be tactile and kinetic... ir else I din't get the dopamine hit

Modular rulz. Death to fixed architecture!!!