
I have the same problem here with a combo of 2 6u rackbrute. Did you solve your problem ?


Perfect for a first diy build. Awesome module !!!

Here is a negative feedback about a seller: alaindusmith
Paypal address: [email protected]

He sold me a strakal brulu distortion, his post indicated that the module was in perfect working condition.
When I received it, I immediately noticed that the distortion and especially the fuzz were almost absent. Another strange thing was that the fuzz CV only reacted to negative voltages.

I contacted the Touellskouan company which produces the module. They confirmed me that the module was defective on the basis of tests made at home with a multimeter. Fortunately they are super cool, I sent them the module for repair. I just received it, it works now.

I wrote to the seller to kindly point out the problem, with proof, in order to start a negotiation for a compensation from him. Of course, he doesn't answer. At best he is a very bad builder who never understood that his module was not working.

Just run away from him!


Here is a small update. I have received some info via modwiggler which seems to confirm that it is possible to generate accents per step using the auxiliary a / b outputs of the metropolix. I will jump on this (in addition, the acid stepper is totally out of stock) ;

https://modwiggler.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=244729&p=3653188#p3653188 :

"I've successfully used A/B outputs for accents.

Note that you set them up independantly of track 1/2 gate settings. If you start changing settings that affect track stage and pulse count or order, it will not sync with the A/B output.

I like this behavior, because i can use a/b outputs as accents on for example steps 1 and 5 and have them together with the kick. Then no matter what i do with track pulse count, i will always have an accent on the kick.

There is a way to get accents that sync with one of the tracks is - use Gx expander and have it go through stages together with one of the tracks. Then take the stage outs that you want to accent and mix them together ".

Those are AUX inputs. A different-colored (black, here) collar around a jack is normally an output; jacks without that are generally inputs. Except here, for some weird reason. Annoying.

Also, it seems to me that this won't exactly "acid" because it's designed to do a lot of things the 303 wasn't. Ratcheting, for example. Instead of that, I would suggest this: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/transistor-sounds-labs-stepper-acid This has the modulation outputs you want, plus it is...for all intents and purposes...an improved TB-303 sequencer with some extras. About the only thing it doesn't seem to have is a "random sequence" function (I might be wrong, though) to emulate the "take the batteries out" results.

The Metropolix is a great sequencer...but it shines best when doing Chris Franke-type sequencer manipulation. The Stepper Acid is a lot closer to what Larry Heard (aka Mr. Fingers) used on that very first ACIEEED track, "Washing Machine".
-- Lugia

Thanks a lot !
Too bad, I like the metro workflow so much ... I will have to make a choice and the answer will surely be: " i need to get them both"


I m thinking of buying a metropolix. I mainly do acid, and I intend to use it mainly to sequence my erica synth bassline (+ another voice).

Is there a way to use one of the auxiliary outputs to generate accents?

Thanks !


Once again I totally agree. Thanks guys for your advices.

About mixing : For the moment I mainly use the 321 as attenuator / offset, and I plan to acquire a 3xmia for the same reasons because the voltage block suffers from a lack of attenuations (why malekko did not include this option ?? Why ??!!!). In addition to that, pamela is not bipolar, it will also be very useful to me to modulate its signals. I use my matrix mixer in combo of marbles (marbles 4 cv out, matrix 4 in, it looks like they were made to meet). Regarding tesseract and audio mixing, I think I overestimated my current needs a bit. On the other hand, I absolutely need to improve my stereo mixing capacity, so I think I will start with a single stereo module and drop the mono. The send / return will bring me a big plus to optimize the use of my effects / sidechains. For the rest, I don't have much left to buy to complete this project and it is indeed always a plus to have a little room to meet my future needs ... the maestro looks amazing !!!! I had heard about it without paying much attention to it. Just watched a video...this module looks totaly insane to perform on the fly! I want this !

Thanks again and sorry for my english wich is not my main language.

Cheers !


Thank you for all your good advices.

I fully agree with you regarding the lack of lfo / envelopes. I haven't caught a quadra yet and I think I'll save some more money for a quadrax or a stages...seems more valuable. I mainly use this rack to jam in my studio and do a few lives. I have an additional yamaha mixer. I rarely record what I do and do not want to integrate the computer into my setup.

Ill take a look at the layout too !

Thanks again !


Here is my set up. it is almost complete, I still have to acquire a few modules and as long as I have some room left, I would like to have some advice to be sure I'm on the right track.

Note that I use a pro beatstep as an external sequencer and a tr8s for drums.

ModularGrid Rack


Thank you

Yes i tried this, same issue without Gate. i also tried with an lfo to v/oct ... It's seems better but I don't know what to think about it (im a noob) : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NdgfzD0TuWfGqAxWikqJnADsC-Wbyt1J/view?usp=drivesdk

Im in contact with the builder of the module. If he cant help me... i will try the tech forum.

Thank you so much for your help.

Thank you for your message. My english is quite limited ... i will do my best. in fact it is not only a question of transposition. Basically, when I connect a controller (bsp or keystep) cv gate to rings (cv to v / oct and gate to strum), I can only play the notes on a very limited part of the keyboard. Afterwards, no matter which note I ask it to play, it remains stuck on the same note (the last lowest note or the last highest note). We can hear it in the video. I can't go down or up in octaves, can't use the transpose function. No problem with my controllers and other VCOs. This is a DIY module that I bought used and I'm starting to think whoever sold it to me wasn't being honest.

Ask me if you need more details.

Thanks !

Hello, I have a problem with my rings. I can't transpose my sequences/notes. The range is very short (+1/-1)... when I exceed the range, it remains stuck on the same note.

Here is a video :

I re-calibrated it and installed the firmware but nothing helped. I also tested with different settings in the midi control center ... it does not change anything. I have the same problem with the keystep. is this normal? otherwise what can I do?

Thank you


I made some changes based on your advices ("never enough vca's", audio processing / effects / modulation sources) and made some changes. Small rack, so I try to privilege polyvanlent modules. I just wonder if the digital mimetic cannot be replaced by an O_c and maybe i need a stéréo mixer ...

What do you think of this set UP ?

Thanks !

ModularGrid Rack



Thank you for your answer. I suspected something was wrong with euclid / trigg.

Speaking of VCAs, I didn't realize how important it was to have a lot of them.
Regarding the envelopes, peaks is ok, but for now I also like to use it for tap lfo thats why ill purchase à Maths soon/

Regarding the effects, I did not know happy nerding ... so much in such a small module :)
Monsoon takes up space, I could switch it with a Uburst to save a little space ... if not, go towards mono effects like 2HP?

Thanks again, I will reconsider my setup with most of your suggestions.


I am new to modular and I am learning every day. I am thinking of moving towards this kind of set-up, but I'm afraid to mess things up. I have been using synths and sequencers for 10 years (for techno acid), but modular is ... so special and exciting.
Now, I have: Mixer, Plaits, Peaks and uVCA (and patching it with a Crave). The next modules will be: Prism (because filter and effects) and Maths (because ... its maths).

ModularGrid Rack

I mostly wonder about the second tier ... I'm not sure I have enough modulation sources for the VCOs (M303/Klavis). Maybe more ADSR and VCA?
I am also not sure that it is relevant to combine Pamela and Mimetic Digitalis.

Thank you already for your wise advices
