The BD-Z seem to like high voltage triggers

Some of them look very ADSR-like, though the module doesn't support sustain with a gate or something like that.
-- Arrandan

The sus/level encoder let you set the point on the shape to be held when a gate signal is send to the input trigger. (page 5 in the manual)

The 7j send a ~8v gate signal. Pamela output is limited to 5v. Try boosting the output of Pamela to see if it fix the problem. (Math channel 2, a vca, frap tool 321 or any other utility that can boost the signal).

Maybe a conflict with an extension

Could you post a video clips of this?

The Expert Firmware include the Verhulst’s logistic chaotic system.
Xaoc Github Link.

Random Waveforms Bank
New Quad Mode
Advanced Zoom Interface

Thread: Cellar Door

You can convert triggers from Euclidean Circle to gates of different length with the disting H-6 algo. Use an LFO to control the length of gates.

The uzeus -12v is limited to 500 ma.

The middle light is the 5v power state. Some distribution board dont includes a 5V supply. Verify the specs of your board.

Thread: Cellar Door

I will be in contradiction with most suggestions on this forum but anyway...

Buy a smaller case

Maybe it's in LFO mode? Verify CV range with Harmonics knob while holding the right button.

My 4ms Ensemble also crash after a few days running. My case is an Erica Synth Skiff Monster Case. Where can I download the new firmware?

speaking of which, have cases become insanely expensive!? i'd be paying almost $900 cdn (~$700 U.S.) for a new doepfer a-100lcb!!! i need a 'base' case for my space restrictions. are there any other alternatives? that $900 is almost 1/4 the price of a buchla easel and doesn't even make a sound. unless i drop it. i think doepfer can drop the 'LC' from that catalogue number.
-- FatBerg

The Tip Top Mantis case (same size) is ~560$ at Nightlife Electronic / Moog Audio.

[Nightlife] (
[Moog] (

Hey Troux, check your private messages! ;-)

Edgecutter looks pretty cool.

Zadar accept gate in the trig input. You must set the point (knob D / sustain mode) on the envelop where the gate will be held.

Basically a quantizer with knobs that lets you set any step values?

Mimetic Digitalis: 16 steps, 4 (0-5v) CV channels.

For morphing cv I use MI Frames: 20 steps (frames), 4 (0-10v) CV channels. Morph using the knob or the cv input.

I forgot this one! Yes it's normal. This button enable the external processing mode. Cv is sample from the spread cv input and Marbles switch to shift register mode.

Should be light up. Maybe it's just the led? Verify the voltage range with an oscillator (or pitch input). You should be able to switch between 0-2v, 0-5v or -5v-5v for the X outputs. Write to [email protected] for repairs.

I use a ravpower to power 2 4MS Pod 64X.


To disable Native Apple UI in Safari you can set the "-webkit-appearance" style to none;

If you have a 4ms pod with the built-in power supply you just need a power brick.

This chrome extension will hide the cat when in rack view.

got the batumi and love it,havent looked into firmware,how do you apply it to the batumi?

Batumi has a USB port. Download the zip file and follow the instructions in the readme file.

also thought about looking into modules for adding "randomness"again preferrable smaller modules,without getting to cluttered,but in this regard im abit in the dark
-- Broken-Form

Batumi has an alternate expert firmware that add a bank of random waveforms.

Thread: Free Jazz!

Very cool!

On the eloquencer, if you activate a tie on a step, gate will remain open until next (non tied) gate. You should test this with chain patterns.

-- defragmenteur

I've got the chain patterns down, are you saying it's possible to have longer gates recorded as ties? That would be very cool, maybe if that's not possible at the moment it could be implemented as a software update? I'll ask Winter Modular about this, they have great support and I'd love to do everything from within the Eloquencer without having to add another module for this purpose!
-- AudioResearch

Just tried it and it work. You can have a gate tie chain on more than one pattern.

  1. If I stayed with a smaller case, could a 4U 104HP Intellijel Palette be a good choice? It seems to have a lot of utility built into it (sums, mults, MIDI, 1/4" outputs), and also has the 1U row for more. This seems like it would leave me enough open space for expansion in the 3U row?

For MIDI and OUTPUT these are expansion jacks, you still need to buy the 1U module.

Very good!

A summer (or precision adder) and an inverter will also do the trick.
A - B = A + (-B)

Thanks for all the responses!

I should mention that I'm specifically looking to be able to record in longer gate lengths via midi-cv conversion (or from within the eurorack sequencer itself like CV Key Rec Mode in the Eloquencer) for the use longer sustained envelopes where I'd like the gate length to be the amount of time that I've held a key or touch interface of some kind.

My problem currently with my Eloquencer, although I will be keeping it as it lends itself to results that I otherwise would not come up with is that I'd still like to be able to express a pattern that is in my head and the limit to gate lengths and number of steps is preventing me from doing so at the moment.

Has anyone encountered a similar situation? What did you end up doing, are there any sequencers in general, eurorack or other that will allow me to interact with my systems gates/envelopes etc in such a way?

-- AudioResearch

On the eloquencer, if you activate a tie on a step, gate will remain open until next (non tied) gate. You should test this with chain patterns.

This version has interresting patch notes. A lot of information in this muff thread.

Nice patch!

The manual says that negative voltage in the "frq/ph/div" CV input will allow an extended frequency range up to 53 minutes, but doesnt specify if all the LFO`s will react to this lowering of frequency, while mantaining the "90 degrees out of phase" relation of the QUAD mode . Maybe only LFO 1´s rate changes.

Phase and frequency in quad mode are preserved for the 4 lfo in slow speed mode.

I'm jealous of this original Maths!

I dont know for Arbhar but Morphagen can handle signals from modular and from your sound card output.

Page 38 : The Auto-level procedure has been replaced with an improved input gain staging, accessed with a 4-step gain selection (blue-green-orange-purple). To use, Hold Record, and Press Shift to step through the gain settings: Blue, low -3db, Green, modular level, Orange medium +6db, Purple high +12db.

Thread: Kallax

And it's a perfect vinyle record storage!

This one?

Thanks Troux!

Send a clock to your vca. Send the vca output to the timbre cv input of Plaits. Now send an envelope from radar to the vca cv input. You should obtain a clock that vary in amplitude according to the envelope shape.

Patch example

Scope view

Whatever CV to VCA Input + Envelop to VCA CV Input = Modulated CV.

If you begin to use VCA to control CV amplitude you will definitely need more VCA's.

Lot of examples in this thread :

You can also use VCA's to control modulation sources (not just audio signal level).

I like this! :-)

Would submit this one :

Some more tinnitus (with a subtil reggae beat)

Thanks Garfield

Most of the percussion sounds were capture with a JRH microphone plug into a Mikrophonie module.

Should work assuming you are using a layout with clock output on Yarn (Gate/trig 3 -> Clock In) and clock PPQN are the same on clock source and pam.

There is 2 expanders for Pamela. Pexp-1 and Pexp-2.

Look like a Doepfer A-180-2