The BeatStep Pro is one of the most used solutions :
-- Sweelinck

I am a big fan of the BeatStep Pro. Endorse endorse endorse this.

-- FredFoxtrott

also lovemy beatstep pro,agree 💯 also useful with vst/daw such a workhorse.

but...getting double triggers on clock pulses, what settings you all using on the controller software?

what's it drawing at the -12v rail?
the uzeus states "500ma" at this rail but your post only shows the +12v. My (linited) understanding of electrickery is that both the +&- rails count to your overall power consumption.

personally i would unplug everything and start with yuor elements, then try plugging in each module and powering up one after the other. if it brown outs then it will be power, if the mi elements causes the problem on it's own then it will be a fault with the module perhaps? (or maybe the power supply or ribbon cable).

obligatory safety notice: always disconnect power before swapping modules, check negative orientation of ribbon cables/headers carefully.

do you have a seperate power supply you can test a module on?